AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_wire_entity" ) ENT.PrintName = "Wire Gate" ENT.WireDebugName = "Gate" if CLIENT then return end -- No more client local Wire_EnableGateInputValues = CreateConVar("Wire_EnableGateInputValues", 1, FCVAR_ARCHIVE) function ENT:Initialize() self:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self.Inputs = {} self.Outputs = {} end function ENT:Setup( action, noclip ) local gate = GateActions[action] if not gate then return end if GateActions[action].is_banned then return end self.Updating = true self.action = action self.WireDebugName = WireLib.AdjustSpecialInputs(self, gate.inputs, gate.inputtypes ) if (gate.outputs) then WireLib.AdjustSpecialOutputs(self, gate.outputs, gate.outputtypes) else --Wire_AdjustOutputs(self, { "Out" }) WireLib.AdjustSpecialOutputs(self, { "Out" }, gate.outputtypes) end if (gate.reset) then gate.reset(self) end local ReadCell = gate.ReadCell if ReadCell then function self:ReadCell(Address) return ReadCell(gate,self,Address) end else self.ReadCell = nil end local WriteCell = gate.WriteCell if WriteCell then function self:WriteCell(Address,value) return WriteCell(gate,self,Address,value) end else self.WriteCell = nil end if (noclip) then self:SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD ) end self.noclip = noclip self.Action = gate self.PrevValue = nil --self.Action.inputtypes = self.Action.inputtypes or {} self.Updating = nil self:CalcOutput() self:ShowOutput() end function ENT:OnInputWireLink(iname, itype, src, oname, otype) if (self.Action) and (self.Action.OnInputWireLink) then self.Action.OnInputWireLink(self, iname, itype, src, oname, otype) end end function ENT:OnOutputWireLink(oname, otype, dst, iname, itype) if (self.Action) and (self.Action.OnOutputWireLink) then self.Action.OnOutputWireLink(self, oname, otype, dst, iname, itype) end end function ENT:TriggerInput(iname, value, iter) if self.Updating then return end if (self.Action) and (not self.Action.timed) then self:CalcOutput(iter) self:ShowOutput() end end function ENT:Think() BaseClass.Think(self) if (self.Action) and (self.Action.timed) then self:CalcOutput() self:ShowOutput() self:NextThink(CurTime()+0.02) return true end end function ENT:CalcOutput(iter) if (self.Action) and (self.Action.output) then if (self.Action.outputs) then local result = { self.Action.output(self, unpack(self:GetActionInputs(), 1, #self.Action.inputs)) } for k,v in ipairs(self.Action.outputs) do Wire_TriggerOutput(self, v, result[k] or WireLib.DT[ self.Outputs[v].Type ].Zero, iter) end else local value = self.Action.output(self, unpack(self:GetActionInputs(), 1, #self.Action.inputs)) or WireLib.DT[ self.Outputs.Out.Type ].Zero Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "Out", value, iter) end end end function ENT:ShowOutput() local txt if (self.Action) then txt = ( or "No Name") if (self.Action.label) then txt = txt.."\n"..self.Action.label(self:GetActionOutputs(), unpack(self:GetActionInputs(Wire_EnableGateInputValues:GetBool()), 1, #self.Action.inputs)) end else txt = "Invalid gate!" end self:SetOverlayText(txt) end function ENT:OnRestore() self.Action = GateActions[self.action] BaseClass.OnRestore(self) end function ENT:GetActionInputs(as_names) local Args = {} if (self.Action.compact_inputs) then -- If a gate has compact inputs (like Arithmetic - Add), nil inputs are truncated so {0, nil, nil, 5, nil, 1} becomes {0, 5, 1} for k,v in ipairs(self.Action.inputs) do local input = self.Inputs[v] if (not input) then ErrorNoHalt("Wire Gate ("..self.action..") error: Missing input! ("..k..","..v..")\n") return {} end if IsValid(input.Src) then if (as_names) then table.insert(Args, input.Src.WireName or input.Src.WireDebugName or v) else table.insert(Args, input.Value) end end end while (#Args < self.Action.compact_inputs) do if (as_names) then table.insert(Args, self.Action.inputs[#Args+1] or "*Not enough inputs*") else --table.insert( Args, WireLib.DT[ (self.Action.inputtypes[#Args+1] or "NORMAL") ].Zero ) table.insert( Args, WireLib.DT[ self.Inputs[ self.Action.inputs[#Args+1] ].Type ].Zero ) end end else for k,v in ipairs(self.Action.inputs) do local input = self.Inputs[v] if (not input) then ErrorNoHalt("Wire Gate ("..self.action..") error: Missing input! ("..k..","..v..")\n") return {} end if (as_names) then Args[k] = IsValid(input.Src) and (input.Src.WireName or input.Src.WireDebugName) or v else Args[k] = IsValid(input.Src) and input.Value or WireLib.DT[ self.Inputs[v].Type ].Zero end end end return Args end function ENT:GetActionOutputs() if (self.Action.outputs) then local result = {} for _,v in ipairs(self.Action.outputs) do result[v] = self.Outputs[v].Value or WireLib.DT[ self.Outputs[v].Type ].Zero end return result end return self.Outputs.Out.Value or WireLib.DT[ self.Outputs.Out.Type ].Zero end function WireLib.MakeWireGate(pl, Pos, Ang, model, action, noclip, frozen, nocollide) if not GateActions[action] then return end if GateActions[action].is_banned then return end return WireLib.MakeWireEnt(pl, { Class = "gmod_wire_gate", Pos=Pos, Angle=Ang, Model=model }, action, noclip) end duplicator.RegisterEntityClass("gmod_wire_gate", WireLib.MakeWireGate, "Pos", "Ang", "Model", "action", "noclip")