-- Created by TheApathetic, so you know who to -- blame if something goes wrong (someone else :P) WireToolSetup.setCategory( "Visuals/Indicators" ) WireToolSetup.open( "hudindicator", "Hud Indicator", "gmod_wire_hudindicator", nil, "Hud Indicators" ) if ( CLIENT ) then language.Add( "Tool.wire_hudindicator.name", "Hud Indicator Tool (Wire)" ) language.Add( "Tool.wire_hudindicator.desc", "Spawns a Hud Indicator for use with the wire system." ) -- HUD Indicator stuff language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_showinhud", "Show in my HUD") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudheaderdesc", "HUD Indicator Settings:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_huddesc", "Description:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudaddname", "Add description as Name") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudaddnamedesc", "Also adds description as name of indicator (like Wire Namer)") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudshowvalue", "Show Value as:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudshowvaluedesc", "How to display value in HUD readout along with description") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudx", "HUD X:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudxdesc", "X of the upper-left corner of HUD display") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudy", "HUD Y:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudydesc", "Y of the upper-left corner of HUD display") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hudstyle", "HUD Style:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_allowhook", "Allow others to hook") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_allowhookdesc", "Allows others to hook this indicator with right-click") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hookhidehud", "Allow HideHUD on hooked") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_hookhidehuddesc", "Whether your next hooked indicator will be subject to the HideHUD input of that indicator") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_fullcircleangle", "Start angle for full circle gauge (deg):") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_registeredindicators", "Registered Indicators:") language.Add( "ToolWireHudIndicator_deleteselected", "Unregister Selected Indicator") TOOL.Information = { { name = "left_0", stage = 0, text = "Create/Update " .. TOOL.Name }, { name = "right_0", stage = 0, text = "Hook/Unhook someone else's " .. TOOL.Name }, { name = "reload_0", stage = 0, text = "Link Hud Indicator to vehicle" }, { name = "reload_1", stage = 1, text = "Now use Reload on a vehicle to link this Hud Indicator to it, or on the same Hud Indicator to unlink it" }, } end WireToolSetup.BaseLang() WireToolSetup.SetupMax( 20 ) TOOL.ClientConVar[ "model" ] = "models/jaanus/wiretool/wiretool_siren.mdl" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "a" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ar" ] = "255" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ag" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ab" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "aa" ] = "255" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "b" ] = "1" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "br" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "bg" ] = "255" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "bb" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ba" ] = "255" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "rotate90" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "models/debug/debugwhite" -- HUD Indicator stuff TOOL.ClientConVar[ "showinhud" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "huddesc" ] = "" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hudaddname" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hudshowvalue" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hudx" ] = "22" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hudy" ] = "200" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hudstyle" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "allowhook" ] = "1" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "hookhidehud" ] = "0" -- Couldn't resist this name :P TOOL.ClientConVar[ "fullcircleangle" ] = "0" TOOL.ClientConVar[ "registerdelete" ] = "0" if SERVER then function TOOL:GetConVars() return self:GetClientNumber("a"), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("ar"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("ag"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("ab"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("aa"), 255), self:GetClientNumber("b"), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("br"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("bg"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("bb"), 255), math.min(self:GetClientNumber("ba"), 255), self:GetClientInfo( "material" ), self:GetClientNumber( "showinhud" ) ~= 0, self:GetClientInfo( "huddesc" ), self:GetClientNumber( "hudaddname" ) ~= 0, self:GetClientNumber( "hudshowvalue" ), self:GetClientNumber( "hudstyle" ), self:GetClientNumber( "allowhook" ) ~= 0, self:GetClientNumber( "fullcircleangle" ) end end function TOOL:RightClick( trace ) -- Can only right-click on HUD Indicators if not IsValid(trace.Entity) or trace.Entity:GetClass() ~= self.WireClass then return false end if (CLIENT) then return true end local ply = self:GetOwner() local hookhidehud = (self:GetClientNumber( "hookhidehud" ) > 0) -- Can't hook your own HUD Indicators if (ply == trace.Entity:GetPlayer()) then WireLib.AddNotify(self:GetOwner(), "You cannot hook your own HUD Indicators!", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7) return false end if not trace.Entity:CheckRegister(ply) then -- Has the creator allowed this HUD Indicator to be hooked? if not trace.Entity.AllowHook then WireLib.AddNotify(self:GetOwner(), "You are not allowed to hook this HUD Indicator.", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7) return false end trace.Entity:RegisterPlayer(ply, hookhidehud) else trace.Entity:UnRegisterPlayer(ply) end return true end -- Hook HUD Indicator to vehicle function TOOL:Reload( trace ) -- Can only use this on HUD Indicators and vehicles -- The class checks are done later on, no need to do it twice if not IsValid(trace.Entity) then return false end if (CLIENT) then return true end local iNum = self:NumObjects() if (iNum == 0) then if trace.Entity:GetClass() ~= self.WireClass then WireLib.AddNotify(self:GetOwner(), "You must select a HUD Indicator to link first.", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7) return false end local Phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum( trace.PhysicsBone ) self:SetObject( 1, trace.Entity, trace.HitPos, Phys, trace.PhysicsBone, trace.HitNormal ) self:SetStage(1) elseif (iNum == 1) then if trace.Entity ~= self:GetEnt(1) then if not string.find(trace.Entity:GetClass(), "prop_vehicle_") then WireLib.AddNotify(self:GetOwner(), "HUD Indicators can only be linked to vehicles.", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7) self:ClearObjects() self:SetStage(0) return false end local ent = self:GetEnt(1) local bool = ent:LinkVehicle(trace.Entity) if not bool then WireLib.AddNotify(self:GetOwner(), "Could not link HUD Indicator!", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7) return false end else -- Unlink HUD Indicator from this vehicle trace.Entity:UnLinkVehicle() end self:ClearObjects() self:SetStage(0) end return true end function TOOL:GetAngle( trace ) local Ang = trace.HitNormal:Angle() local Model = self:GetModel() -- these models get mounted differently if Model == "models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl" or Model == "models/props_junk/PopCan01a.mdl" then return Ang + Angle(270, 0, 0) elseif Model == "models/props_trainstation/trainstation_clock001.mdl" or Model == "models/segment.mdl" or Model == "models/segment2.mdl" then return Ang + Angle(0, 0, (self:GetClientNumber("rotate90") * 90)) else return Ang + Angle(90,0,0) end end function TOOL:GetSelectedMin( min ) local Model = self:GetModel() -- these models are different if Model == "models/props_trainstation/trainstation_clock001.mdl" or Model == "models/segment.mdl" or Model == "models/segment2.mdl" then return min.x else return min.z end end function TOOL:Think() local model = self:GetModel() if not IsValid(self.GhostEntity) or self.GhostEntity:GetModel() ~= model then self:MakeGhostEntity( model, Vector(0,0,0), Angle(0,0,0) ) end self:UpdateGhost( self.GhostEntity ) if (SERVER) then -- Add check to see if player is registered with -- the HUD Indicator at which they are pointing if ((self.NextCheckTime or 0) < CurTime()) then local ply = self:GetOwner() local trace = ply:GetEyeTrace() if IsValid(trace.Entity) and trace.Entity:GetClass() == self.WireClass and trace.Entity:GetPlayer() ~= ply then local currentcheck = trace.Entity:CheckRegister(ply) if currentcheck ~= self.LastRegisterCheck then self.LastRegisterCheck = currentcheck self:GetWeapon():SetNWBool("HUDIndicatorCheckRegister", currentcheck) end else if (self.LastRegisterCheck == true) then -- Don't need to set this every 1/10 of a second self.LastRegisterCheck = false self:GetWeapon():SetNWBool("HUDIndicatorCheckRegister", false) end end self.NextCheckTime = CurTime() + 0.10 end end end if (CLIENT) then function TOOL:DrawHUD() local isregistered = self:GetWeapon():GetNWBool("HUDIndicatorCheckRegister") if (isregistered) then draw.WordBox(8, ScrW() / 2 + 10, ScrH() / 2 + 10, "Registered", "Default", Color(50, 50, 75, 192), Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) end end end function TOOL:Holster() self:ReleaseGhostEntity() self:GetWeapon():SetNWBool("HUDIndicatorCheckRegister", false) end function TOOL.BuildCPanel(panel) WireToolHelpers.MakePresetControl(panel, "wire_hudindicator") panel:AddControl("Slider", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_a_value", Type = "Float", Min = "-10", Max = "10", Command = "wire_hudindicator_a" }) panel:AddControl("Color", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_a_colour", Red = "wire_hudindicator_ar", Green = "wire_hudindicator_ag", Blue = "wire_hudindicator_ab", Alpha = "wire_hudindicator_aa", ShowAlpha = "1", ShowHSV = "1", ShowRGB = "1", Multiplier = "255" }) panel:AddControl("Slider", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_b_value", Type = "Float", Min = "-10", Max = "10", Command = "wire_hudindicator_b" }) panel:AddControl("Color", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_b_colour", Red = "wire_hudindicator_br", Green = "wire_hudindicator_bg", Blue = "wire_hudindicator_bb", Alpha = "wire_hudindicator_ba", ShowAlpha = "1", ShowHSV = "1", ShowRGB = "1", Multiplier = "255" }) ModelPlug_AddToCPanel(panel, "indicator", "wire_hudindicator", true) panel:AddControl("ComboBox", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_Material", MenuButton = "0", Options = { ["Matte"] = { wire_hudindicator_material = "models/debug/debugwhite" }, ["Shiny"] = { wire_hudindicator_material = "models/shiny" }, ["Metal"] = { wire_hudindicator_material = "models/props_c17/metalladder003" } } }) panel:AddControl("CheckBox", { Label = "#ToolWireIndicator_90", Command = "wire_hudindicator_rotate90" }) panel:AddControl("Header", { Text = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudheaderdesc", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudheaderdesc" }) panel:AddControl("CheckBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_showinhud", Command = "wire_hudindicator_showinhud" }) panel:AddControl("TextBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_huddesc", Command = "wire_hudindicator_huddesc", MaxLength = "20" }) panel:AddControl("ComboBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudstyle", MenuButton = "0", Options = { ["Basic"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudstyle = "0" }, ["Gradient"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudstyle = "1" }, ["Percent Bar"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudstyle = "2" }, ["Full Circle"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudstyle = "3" }, ["Semi-circle"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudstyle = "4" } } }) panel:AddControl("CheckBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudaddname", Command = "wire_hudindicator_hudaddname", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudaddnamedesc" }) panel:AddControl("ComboBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudshowvalue", MenuButton = "0", Options = { ["Do Not Show"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudshowvalue = "0" }, ["Percent"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudshowvalue = "1" }, ["Value"] = { wire_hudindicator_hudshowvalue = "2" } }, Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudshowvaluedesc" }) panel:AddControl("CheckBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_allowhook", Command = "wire_hudindicator_allowhook", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_allowhookdesc" }) panel:AddControl("CheckBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hookhidehud", Command = "wire_hudindicator_hookhidehud", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hookhidehuddesc" }) panel:AddControl("Slider", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_fullcircleangle", Type = "Float", Min = "0", Max = "360", Command = "wire_hudindicator_fullcircleangle" }) -- Get the currently registered HUD Indicators for this player that can be unregistered local registered = HUDIndicator_GetCurrentRegistered() if (#registered > 0) then local options = {} for _, indinfo in pairs(registered) do local txt = indinfo.Description or ("Indicator #"..indinfo.EIndex) options[txt] = { wire_hudindicator_registerdelete = tostring(indinfo.EIndex) } end panel:AddControl("ListBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_registeredindicators", MenuButton = 0, Height = 120, Options = options }) panel:AddControl("Button", { Text = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_deleteselected", Command = "wire_hudindicator_delete" }) end panel:AddControl("TextBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudx", Command = "wire_hudindicator_hudx", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudxdesc" }) panel:AddControl("TextBox", { Label = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudy", Command = "wire_hudindicator_hudy", Description = "#ToolWireHudIndicator_hudydesc" }) end -- Concommand to unregister HUD Indicator through control panel local function HUDIndicator_RemoteUnRegister(ply, cmd, arg) local eindex = ply:GetInfoNum("wire_hudindicator_registerdelete", 0) if (eindex == 0) then return end local ent = ents.GetByIndex(eindex) if IsValid(ent) then ent:UnRegisterPlayer(ply) end end concommand.Add("wire_hudindicator_delete", HUDIndicator_RemoteUnRegister)