if SERVER and os.date('%d%m') ~= '0104' then return end -- copied from face poser "smile" preset local flexes = { [20] = 1, [21] = 1, [22] = 1, [23] = 1, [24] = 0, [25] = 0, [26] = 0, [27] = 0.6, [28] = 0.4, [29] = 0, [30] = 0, [31] = 0, [32] = 0, [33] = 1, [34] = 1, [35] = 0, [36] = 0, [37] = 0, [38] = 0, [39] = 0, [40] = 1, [41] = 1, [42] = 0, [43] = 0, [44] = 0, } local function smile(ply, mul) mul = mul or 1 for k,v in pairs(flexes) do ply:SetFlexWeight(k, v * mul) end end if SERVER then hook.Add('dbg-test.complete', 'dbg-event.april1', function(ply) smile(ply) end) end if CLIENT then local enabled = false concommand.Add('dbg_smile', function() enabled = not enabled print(enabled and ':)' or ':|') for _,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do smile(v, enabled and 1 or 0) end end) hook.Add('octolib.newDormantState', 'dbg-event.april1', function(ply, st) if not st then smile(ply, enabled and 1 or 0) end end) end