AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") include("shared.lua") ENT.MODEL = "models/drug_mod/alcohol_can.mdl" ENT.LASTINGEFFECT = 45; --how long the high lasts in seconds local function shouldnt_do_that_shit(pl) return pl == NULL or not pl or pl == nil or not pl:GetActiveWeapon() or pl:GetNetVar("durgz_alcohol_high_end", 0) < CurTime() end function ENT:High(activator,caller) self:Say(activator,"waitt, wait. guysss. i need to tells u abuot micrsfoft excel!11!") --does random stuff while higH! local commands = {"left", "right", "moveleft", "moveright", "attack"} local thing = math.random(1,3) local TRANSITION_TIME = self.TRANSITION_TIME; for i = 1,thing do timer.Simple(math.Rand(5,10), function() if activator and activator:GetNetVar("durgz_alcohol_high_end", 0) - TRANSITION_TIME > CurTime() then local cmd = commands[math.random(1, #commands)] activator:ConCommand("+"..cmd) timer.Simple(1, function() activator:ConCommand("-"..cmd) end) end end) end --takes out the pistol and then shoots randomly local oldwep = activator:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() if not oldwep then return end for id,wep in pairs(activator:GetWeapons())do if( wep:GetClass() == "weapon_pistol" )then activator:SelectWeapon("weapon_pistol") timer.Simple(0.3, function() if shouldnt_do_that_shit(activator) then return end activator:ConCommand("+attack") timer.Simple(0.1, function() if activator == NULL or not activator or activator == nil then return end activator:ConCommand("-attack") if oldwep and oldwep != nil and oldwep != NULL and activator:Alive() then activator:SelectWeapon(oldwep) end end) end) end end end