AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") include("shared.lua") ENT.MODEL = "models/cocn.mdl" ENT.MASS = 2; --the model is too heavy so we have to override it with THIS ENT.LASTINGEFFECT = 45; --how long the high lasts in seconds function ENT:High(activator,caller) sound.Play("drugs/insufflation.wav", activator:GetPos(), 75, 100, 1) if !self:Realistic() then activator:SetHealth(activator:Health() / 2 ) end if (activator:Health() > 1) then self:Say(activator, "MYNOSEISDRIBBLINGISANYONEELSESNOSEDRIBBLINGTHATSREALLYWEIRDIHOPEIDONTHAVEACOLD") end self.MakeHigh = false; if !self:Realistic() then if activator:GetNetVar("durgz_cocaine_high_end", 0) < CurTime() then self.MakeHigh = true; end end end function ENT:AfterHigh(activator, caller) --kill them if they're weak if (activator:Health() <=1) then activator.DURGZ_MOD_DEATH = "durgz_cocaine"; activator.DURGZ_MOD_OVERRIDE = activator:Nick().." died of a heart attack (too much cocaine)."; activator:Kill() return end if (self.MakeHigh) then activator.durgz_cocaine_fast = true pl:MoveModifier('drug', { runmul = 6, walkmul = 6, }) end end --set speed back to normal once your high is over hook.Add( "Think", "durgz_cocaine_resetspeed", function() for id,pl in pairs(player.GetAll())do if pl.durgz_cocaine_fast and pl:GetNetVar("durgz_cocaine_high_end", 0) < CurTime() then pl:MoveModifier('drug', nil) pl.durgz_cocaine_fast = false end end end )