--I know the folder "heroine" isn't right but I wanted the files to overwrite instead of having two files, heroine and heroin. So I just kept it as-is. AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") include("shared.lua") ENT.MODEL = "models/katharsmodels/syringe_out/syringe_out.mdl" ENT.LASTINGEFFECT = 20; --how long the high lasts in seconds, short because it's heroine. function ENT:High(activator,caller) --make you invincible if not self:Realistic() then activator:GodEnable() activator:SetHealth(1) end self:Say(activator, "It's my arm man! My fuckin' arm!") end --heroine is bad, so you die when your high is over (you have to take more to NOT die, kind of like an "addiction") -- local function HeroinDeath() -- for id,pl in pairs(player.GetAll())do -- -- if pl:GetNetVar("durgz_heroine_high_end") < CurTime() && pl:GetNetVar("durgz_heroine_high_end") + 0.5 > CurTime() && pl:GetNetVar("durgz_heroine_high_start") != 0 then -- pl.DURGZ_MOD_DEATH = "durgz_heroine" -- pl.DURGZ_MOD_OVERRIDE = pl:Nick().." died because of their Heroin dependence."; -- pl:Kill() -- pl:GodDisable() -- pl:SetNetVar("durgz_heroine_high_start", 0) -- pl:SetNetVar("durgz_heroine_high_end", 0) -- end -- -- end -- end -- hook.Add("Think", "durgz_heroine_die", HeroinDeath)