AddCSLuaFile("shared.lua") include("shared.lua") ENT.MODEL = "models/ipha/mushroom_small.mdl" ENT.MASS = 55; ENT.LASTINGEFFECT = 60; --how long the high lasts in seconds --called when you use it (after it sets the high visual values and removes itself already) function ENT:High(activator,caller) if (math.random(0, 22) == 0) then activator:Ignite(5, 0) self:Say(activator, "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU") else local health = activator:Health() if (health * 3 / 2 < 500) then activator:SetHealth (math.floor(health - 5)) else activator:SetHealth(health - 5) end -- activator:SetGravity(0.135); self:Say(activator, "what") end end function ENT:AfterHigh(activator, caller) end -- local function ResetGrav() -- for id, pl in pairs(player.GetAll()) do -- if (pl:GetNetVar("durgz_mushroom_high_end") - 0.5 < CurTime() && pl:GetNetVar("durgz_mushroom_high_end") > CurTime() )then -- pl:SetGravity(1) -- end -- end -- end -- hook.Add("Think", "durgz_mushroom_resetgrav", ResetGrav)