ENT.Type = "anim" ENT.Base = "durgz_base" ENT.PrintName = "Marijuana" ENT.Nicknames = { "pot", "weed", "grass", "marijuana", "reefer", "ganj", "kush", "ganja", "sour deisel", "pineapple express", "OG kush", "True OG from Elemental Wellness in San Jose, California", "the brickiest shit i have ever seen how can you even OD on this shit you pussy", "cannabis indica", "cannabis sativa", "cannabis", "sativa", "indica", "a drug that is technically impossible to overdose on", "that sticky icky", "sum of dat stikky ikky", "Tin's dick", "the peace pipe", "the most overrated drug ever" } ENT.OverdosePhrase = {"smoked too much", "breathed in a lot of", "pulled a Reed off of"} ENT.Author = "Tin Huynh" ENT.Spawnable = true ENT.AdminSpawnable = true ENT.Information = "~ 420 ~" ENT.Category = "Drugs" ENT.TRANSITION_TIME = 6 --function for high visuals if(CLIENT)then killicon.Add("durgz_weed","killicons/durgz_weed_killicon",Color( 255, 80, 0, 255 )) local TRANSITION_TIME = ENT.TRANSITION_TIME; --transition effect from sober to high, high to sober, in seconds how long it will take etc. local HIGH_INTENSITY = 0.77; --1 is max, 0 is nothing at all local function DoWeed() if(!DURGZ_LOST_VIRGINITY)then return; end --self:SetNetVar( "SprintSpeed" local pl = LocalPlayer(); local tab = {} tab[ "$pp_colour_addr" ] = 0 tab[ "$pp_colour_addg" ] = 0 tab[ "$pp_colour_addb" ] = 0 //tab[ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0 //tab[ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1 tab[ "$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 0 tab[ "$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0 tab[ "$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 0 if( pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_start", 0) && pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_end", 0) > CurTime() )then if( pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_start", 0) + TRANSITION_TIME > CurTime() )then local s = pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_start", 0); local e = s + TRANSITION_TIME; local c = CurTime(); local pf = (c-s) / (e-s); pl:SetDSP(6); tab[ "$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1 - pf*0.3 //pf*4*HIGH_INTENSITY + 1 tab[ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = -pf*0.11 tab[ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1 + pf*1.62 DrawMotionBlur( 0.03, pf*HIGH_INTENSITY, 0); DrawColorModify( tab ) elseif( pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_end", 0) - TRANSITION_TIME < CurTime() )then local e = pl:GetNetVar("durgz_weed_high_end", 0); local s = e - TRANSITION_TIME; local c = CurTime(); local pf = 1 - (c-s) / (e-s); pl:SetDSP(1) tab[ "$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1 - pf*0.3 tab[ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = -pf*0.11 tab[ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1 + pf*1.62 DrawMotionBlur( 0.03, pf*HIGH_INTENSITY, 0); DrawColorModify( tab ) else tab[ "$pp_colour_colour" ] = 0.77//5*HIGH_INTENSITY tab[ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = -0.11 tab[ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 2.62 DrawMotionBlur( 0.03, HIGH_INTENSITY, 0); DrawColorModify( tab ) pl:SetDSP(6); end end end hook.Add("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "durgz_weed_high", DoWeed) end