AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS("base_anim") -- NOTE: Not base_wire_entity! Simpler than that ENT.PrintName = "Wire Hologram" ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE ENT.DisableDuplicator = true function ENT:SetPlayer(ply) self:SetVar("Founder", ply) self:SetVar("FounderIndex", ply:UniqueID()) self:SetNWString("FounderName", ply:Nick()) end function ENT:GetPlayer() return self:GetVar("Founder", NULL) end if CLIENT then local blocked = {} local scale_buffer = {} local bone_scale_buffer = {} local clip_buffer = {} local vis_buffer = {} local player_color_buffer = {} function ENT:Initialize() self.bone_scale = {} self:DoScale() local ownerid = self:GetNWInt("ownerid") self.blocked = blocked[ownerid] or false self.clips = {} self:DoClip() self:DoVisible() self:DoPlayerColor() end hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "wire_hologram_scale_setup", function() -- For initial spawn for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("gmod_wire_hologram")) do if ent:IsValid() and ent.DoScale then ent:DoScale() ent:DoClip() ent:DoVisible() ent:DoPlayerColor() end end hook.Remove("PlayerBindPress", "wire_hologram_scale_setup") end) function ENT:SetupClipping() if next(self.clips) then self.oldClipState = render.EnableClipping(true) for _, clip in pairs(self.clips) do if clip.enabled and clip.normal and clip.origin then local norm = clip.normal local origin = clip.origin if clip.localentid then local localent = Entity(clip.localentid) if localent:IsValid() then norm = localent:LocalToWorld(norm) - localent:GetPos() origin = localent:LocalToWorld(origin) end end render.PushCustomClipPlane(norm, norm:Dot(origin)) end end end end function ENT:FinishClipping() if next(self.clips) then for _, clip in pairs(self.clips) do render.PopCustomClipPlane() end render.EnableClipping(self.oldClipState) end end function ENT:Draw() if self.blocked or self.notvisible then return end if self:GetColor().a ~= 255 then self.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_BOTH else self.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE end self:SetupClipping() if self:GetNWBool("disable_shading") then render.SuppressEngineLighting(true) self:DrawModel() render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) else self:DrawModel() end self:FinishClipping() end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ENT:DoClip() local eidx = self:EntIndex() if clip_buffer[eidx] ~= nil then table.Merge(self.clips, clip_buffer[eidx]) clip_buffer[eidx] = nil end end local function CheckClip(eidx, cidx) clip_buffer[eidx] = clip_buffer[eidx] or {} clip_buffer[eidx][cidx] = clip_buffer[eidx][cidx] or {} return clip_buffer[eidx][cidx] end local function SetClipEnabled(eidx, cidx, enabled) local clip = CheckClip(eidx, cidx) clip.enabled = enabled end local function SetClip(eidx, cidx, origin, norm, localentid) local clip = CheckClip(eidx, cidx) clip.normal = norm clip.origin = origin if localentid ~= 0 then clip.localentid = localentid else clip.localentid = nil end end net.Receive("wire_holograms_clip", function(netlen) local entid = net.ReadUInt(16) while entid ~= 0 do local clipid = net.ReadUInt(4) if net.ReadBit() ~= 0 then SetClipEnabled(entid, clipid, net.ReadBit() ~= 0) else SetClip(entid, clipid, net.ReadVector(), Vector(net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat()), net.ReadUInt(16)) end local ent = Entity(entid) if ent and ent.DoClip then ent:DoClip() end entid = net.ReadUInt(16) end end) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function SetScale(entindex, scale) scale_buffer[entindex] = scale local ent = Entity(entindex) if ent and ent.DoScale then ent:DoScale() end end local function SetBoneScale(entindex, bindex, scale) if bone_scale_buffer[entindex] == nil then bone_scale_buffer[entindex] = {} end if bindex == -1 then bone_scale_buffer[entindex] = nil else bone_scale_buffer[entindex][bindex] = scale end local ent = Entity(entindex) if ent and ent.DoScale then if bindex == -1 then ent.bone_scale = {} end -- reset bone scale ent:DoScale() end end function ENT:DoScale() local eidx = self:EntIndex() if scale_buffer[eidx] ~= nil then self.scale = scale_buffer[eidx] scale_buffer[eidx] = nil end if bone_scale_buffer[eidx] ~= nil then for b, s in pairs(bone_scale_buffer[eidx]) do self.bone_scale[b] = s end bone_scale_buffer[eidx] = {} end local scale = self.scale or Vector(1, 1, 1) if self.EnableMatrix then local mat = Matrix() mat:Scale(Vector(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z)) self:EnableMatrix("RenderMultiply", mat) else -- Some entities, like ragdolls, cannot be resized with EnableMatrix, so lets average the three components to get a float self:SetModelScale((scale.x + scale.y + scale.z) / 3, 0) end if table.Count( self.bone_scale ) > 0 then local count = self:GetBoneCount() or -1 for i = count, 0, -1 do local bone_scale = self.bone_scale[i] or Vector(1,1,1) self:ManipulateBoneScale(i, bone_scale) // Note: Using ManipulateBoneScale currently causes RenderBounds to be reset every frame! end end local propmax = self:OBBMaxs() local propmin = self:OBBMins() self:SetRenderBounds(Vector(scale.x * propmin.x, scale.y * propmin.y, scale.z * propmin.z),Vector(scale.x * propmax.x, scale.y * propmax.y, scale.z * propmax.z)) end net.Receive("wire_holograms_set_scale", function(netlen) local index = net.ReadUInt(16) while index ~= 0 do SetScale(index, Vector(net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat())) index = net.ReadUInt(16) end end) net.Receive("wire_holograms_set_bone_scale", function(netlen) local index = net.ReadUInt(16) local bindex = net.ReadUInt(16) - 1 -- using -1 to get negative -1 for reset while index ~= 0 do SetBoneScale(index, bindex, Vector(net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat())) index = net.ReadUInt(16) bindex = net.ReadUInt(16) - 1 end end) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ENT:DoVisible() local eidx = self:EntIndex() if vis_buffer[eidx] ~= nil then self.notvisible = vis_buffer[eidx] vis_buffer[eidx] = nil end end net.Receive("wire_holograms_set_visible", function(netlen) local index = net.ReadUInt(16) while index ~= 0 do local ent = Entity(index) if ent and ent.DoVisible then ent.notvisible = net.ReadBit() == 0 else vis_buffer[index] = net.ReadBit() == 0 end index = net.ReadUInt(16) end end) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function SetPlayerColor(entindex, color) local ent = Entity(entindex) -- For reference, here's why this works: -- function ent:GetPlayerColor() return color end end function ENT:DoPlayerColor() local eidx = self:EntIndex() if player_color_buffer[eidx] ~= nil then SetPlayerColor(eidx, player_color_buffer[eidx]) player_color_buffer[eidx] = nil end end net.Receive("wire_holograms_set_player_color", function(netlen) local index = net.ReadUInt(16) while index ~= 0 do local ent = Entity(index) if IsValid(ent) and ent.DoPlayerColor then SetPlayerColor(index, net.ReadVector()) else player_color_buffer[index] = net.ReadVector() end index = net.ReadUInt(16) end end) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- concommand.Add("wire_holograms_block_client", function(ply, command, args) local toblock for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply:Name() == args[1] then toblock = ply break end end if not toblock then error("Player not found") end local id = toblock:UserID() blocked[id] = true for _, ent in ipairs(ents.FindByClass("gmod_wire_hologram")) do if ent:GetNWInt("ownerid") == id then ent.blocked = true end end end, function() local names = {} for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do table.insert(names, "wire_holograms_block_client \"" .. ply:Name() .. "\"") end table.sort(names) return names end) concommand.Add("wire_holograms_unblock_client", function(ply, command, args) local toblock for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply:Name() == args[1] then toblock = ply break end end if not toblock then error("Player not found") end local id = toblock:UserID() blocked[id] = nil for _, ent in ipairs(ents.FindByClass("gmod_wire_hologram")) do if ent:GetNWInt("ownerid") == id then ent.blocked = false end end end, function() local names = {} for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if blocked[ply:UserID()] then table.insert(names, "wire_holograms_unblock_client \"" .. ply:Name() .. "\"") end end table.sort(names) return names end) -- Severe lagspikes can detach the source entity from its lua, so we need to reapply things when its reattached hook.Add("NetworkEntityCreated", "wire_hologram_rescale", function(ent) if ent.scale and ent.DoScale then -- ent.scale isn't present on newly created holograms, only old ones that've been hit by a lagspike ent:DoScale() ent:DoClip() ent:DoVisible() ent:DoPlayerColor() end end) return -- No more client end -- Server function ENT:Initialize() self:SetSolid(SOLID_NONE) self:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NONE) self:DrawShadow(false) end