WireToolSetup.setCategory( "Physics" ) WireToolSetup.open( "simple_explosive", "Explosives (Simple)", "gmod_wire_simple_explosive", nil, "Simple Explosives" ) if CLIENT then language.Add( "tool.wire_simple_explosive.name", "Simple Wired Explosives Tool" ) language.Add( "tool.wire_simple_explosive.desc", "Creates a simple explosives for wire system." ) language.Add( "Tool.simple_explosive.model", "Model:" ) language.Add( "Tool.simple_explosive.trigger", "Trigger value:" ) language.Add( "Tool.simple_explosive.damage", "Damage:" ) language.Add( "Tool.simple_explosive.removeafter", "Remove on explosion" ) language.Add( "Tool.simple_explosive.radius", "Blast radius:" ) TOOL.Information = { { name = "left", text = "Create/Update " .. TOOL.Name }, { name = "reload", text = "Copy model" }, } end WireToolSetup.BaseLang() WireToolSetup.SetupMax( 20 ) if SERVER then function TOOL:GetConVars() return self:GetClientNumber( "trigger" ), self:GetClientNumber( "damage" ), self:GetClientNumber( "removeafter" )==1, self:GetClientNumber( "radius" ) end end TOOL.ClientConVar = { model = "models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl", modelman = "", trigger = 1, -- Wire input value to cause the explosion damage = 200, -- Damage to inflict radius = 300, removeafter = 0, } TOOL.ReloadSetsModel = true function TOOL.BuildCPanel(panel) ModelPlug_AddToCPanel(panel, "Explosive", "wire_simple_explosive") panel:Help("This tool is deprecated as its functionality is contained within Wire Explosive, and will be removed soon.") panel:NumSlider("#Tool.simple_explosive.trigger", "wire_simple_explosive_trigger", -10, 10, 0 ) panel:NumSlider("#Tool.simple_explosive.damage", "wire_simple_explosive_damage", 0, 500, 0 ) panel:NumSlider("#Tool.simple_explosive.radius", "wire_simple_explosive_radius", 1, 1500, 0 ) panel:CheckBox("#Tool.simple_explosive.removeafter","wire_simple_explosive_removeafter") end