--[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- DarkRP config settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the settings file of DarkRP. Every DarkRP setting is listed here. Warning: If this file is missing settings (because of e.g. an update), DarkRP will assume default values for these settings. You need not worry about updating this file. If a new setting is added you can manually add them to this file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] --[[ Toggle settings. Set to true or false. ]] -- voice3D - Enable/disable 3DVoice is enabled. GM.Config.voice3D = true -- AdminsCopWeapons - Enable/disable admins spawning with cop weapons. GM.Config.AdminsCopWeapons = false -- adminBypassJobCustomCheck - Enable/disable whether an admin can force set a job with whenever customCheck returns false. GM.Config.adminBypassJobRestrictions = true -- allowrpnames - Allow Players to Set their RP names using the /rpname command. GM.Config.allowrpnames = true -- allowsprays - Enable/disable the use of sprays on the server. GM.Config.allowsprays = false -- allowvnocollide - Enable/disable the ability to no-collide a vehicle (for security). GM.Config.allowvnocollide = false -- canforcedooropen - whether players can force an unownable door open with lockpick or battering ram or w/e. GM.Config.canforcedooropen = true -- copscanunfreeze - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unfreeze other people's props. GM.Config.copscanunfreeze = false -- copscanunweld - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unweld other people's props. GM.Config.copscanunweld = false -- currencyLeft - The position of the currency symbol. true for left, false for right. GM.Config.currencyLeft = false -- deathblack - Whether or not a player sees black on death. GM.Config.deathblack = false -- showdeaths - Display kill information in the upper right corner of everyone's screen. GM.Config.showdeaths = false -- deadvoice - Enable/disable whether people talk through the microphone while dead. GM.Config.deadvoice = false -- deathpov - Enable/disable whether people see their death in first person view. GM.Config.deathpov = true -- disallowClientsideScripts - Clientside scripts can be very useful for customizing the HUD or to aid in building. This option bans those scripts. GM.Config.disallowClientsideScripts = true -- doorwarrants - Enable/disable Warrant requirement to enter property. GM.Config.doorwarrants = false -- Whether players can drop the weapons they spawn with. GM.Config.dropspawnedweapons = false -- dynamicvoice - Enable/disable whether only people in the same room as you can hear your mic. GM.Config.dynamicvoice = true -- enforceplayermodel - Whether or not to force players to use their role-defined character models. GM.Config.enforceplayermodel = true -- ironshoot - Enable/disable whether people need iron sights to shoot. GM.Config.ironshoot = true -- license - Enable/disable People need a license to be able to pick up guns. GM.Config.license = false -- lockdown - Enable/Disable initiating lockdowns for mayors. GM.Config.lockdown = true -- norespawn - Enable/Disable that people don't have to respawn when they change job. GM.Config.norespawn = true -- proppaying - Whether or not players should pay for spawning props. GM.Config.proppaying = false -- propspawning - Enable/disable props spawning. Applies to admins too. GM.Config.propspawning = true -- respawninjail - Enable/disable whether people can respawn in jail when they die. GM.Config.respawninjail = true -- restrictdrop - Enable/disable restricting the weapons players can drop. Setting this to true disallows weapons from shipments from being dropped. GM.Config.restrictdrop = false -- revokeLicenseOnJobChange - Whether licenses are revoked when a player changes jobs. GM.Config.revokeLicenseOnJobChange = true -- shouldResetLaws - Enable/Disable resetting the laws back to the default law set when the mayor changes. GM.Config.shouldResetLaws = true -- strictsuicide - Whether or not players should spawn where they suicided. GM.Config.strictsuicide = false -- telefromjail - Enable/disable teleporting from jail. GM.Config.telefromjail = true -- unlockdoorsonstart - Enable/Disable unlocking all doors on map start. GM.Config.unlockdoorsonstart = false -- voiceradius - Enable/disable local voice chat. GM.Config.voiceradius = true --[[ Value settings ]] -- adminnpcs - Whether or not NPCs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only GM.Config.adminnpcs = 0 -- adminsents - Whether or not SENTs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only GM.Config.adminsents = 0 -- adminvehicles - Whether or not vehicles should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only GM.Config.adminvehicles = 0 -- adminweapons - Who can spawn weapons: 0: admins only, 1: supadmins only, 2: no one GM.Config.adminweapons = 1 -- arrestspeed - Sets the max arrest speed. GM.Config.arrestspeed = 240 -- demotetime - Number of seconds before a player can rejoin a team after demotion from that team. GM.Config.demotetime = 120 -- doorcost - Sets the cost of a door. GM.Config.doorcost = 50 -- jailtimer - Sets the jailtimer (in seconds). GM.Config.jailtimer = 1800 -- lockdowndelay - The amount of time a mayor must wait before starting the next lockdown. GM.Config.lockdowndelay = 120 -- maxlawboards - The maximum number of law boards the mayor can place. GM.Config.maxlawboards = 2 -- maxlotterycost - Maximum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery. GM.Config.maxlotterycost = 7500 -- minlotterycost - Minimum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery. GM.Config.minlotterycost = 1500 -- normalsalary - Sets the starting salary for newly joined players. GM.Config.normalsalary = 500 -- npckillpay - Sets the money given for each NPC kill. GM.Config.npckillpay = 0 -- paydelay - Sets how long it takes before people get salary. GM.Config.paydelay = 600 -- propcost - How much prop spawning should cost (prop paying must be enabled for this to have an effect). GM.Config.propcost = 10 -- respawntime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before respawning. GM.Config.respawntime = 1 -- changejobtime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before changing job. GM.Config.changejobtime = 390 -- runspeed - Sets the max running speed. GM.Config.runspeed = 185 -- runspeed - Sets the max running speed for CP teams. GM.Config.runspeedcp = 195 -- searchtime - Number of seconds for which a search warrant is valid. GM.Config.searchtime = 30 -- startinghealth - the health when you spawn. GM.Config.startinghealth = 100 -- startingmoney - your wallet when you join for the first time. GM.Config.startingmoney = 0 -- wantedtime - Number of seconds for which a player is wanted for. GM.Config.wantedtime = 7200 -- walkspeed - Sets the max walking speed. GM.Config.walkspeed = 80 -- propertytaxcoeff - The multiplier of property tax (formula: propertytaxcoeff * (sum of all prices) GM.Config.propertytaxcoeff = 0.1 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] -- You can set your own, custom sound to be played for all players whenever a lockdown is initiated. -- Note: Remember to include the folder where the sound file is located. GM.Config.lockdownsound = "dbg/lockdown.ogg" -- The skin DarkRP uses. Set to "default" to use the GMod default derma theme. GM.Config.currency = "P" -- The list of weapons that players are not allowed to drop. Items set to true are not allowed to be dropped. GM.Config.DisallowDrop = { ["arrest_stick"] = true, ["door_ram"] = true, -- ["gmod_camera"] = true, ["gmod_tool"] = true, ["keys"] = true, ["dbg_hands"] = true, ["dbg_admingun"] = true, ["lockpick"] = false, ["med_kit"] = true, ["pocket"] = true, ["stunstick"] = true, ["unarrest_stick"] = true, ["weapon_keypadchecker"] = true, ['dbg_punisher'] = true, ["weapon_physcannon"] = true, ["weapon_physgun"] = true, ["weaponchecker"] = true, ["weapon_fists"] = true, ["weapon_cuffed"] = true, ["realsnow"] = true, ["weapon_zombie"] = true, ["dbg_cigarette"] = true, ["weapon_simfillerpistol"] = true, ["weapon_flashlight_uv"] = true, } -- The list of weapons people spawn with. GM.Config.DefaultWeapons = { -- "keys", "dbg_hands", -- "weapon_physcannon", "gmod_tool", "weapon_physgun", -- "weapon_fists", -- "realsnow", } -- The list of weapons admins spawn with, in addition to the default weapons, a job's weapons and GM.Config.AdminsCopWeapons. GM.Config.AdminWeapons = { "weapon_keypadchecker", 'dbg_punisher', -- "dbg_admingun", } -- These are the default laws, they're unchangeable in-game. GM.Config.DefaultLaws = { -- L.defaultlaw } -- Properties set to true are allowed to be used. Values set to false or are missing from this list are blocked. GM.Config.allowedProperties = { remover = true, ignite = false, extinguish = true, keepupright = false, gravity = false, collision = true, skin = true, bodygroups = true, rb655_make_animatable = true, } --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hungermod module ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] -- hungerspeed - Set the rate at which players will become hungry (2 is the default). GM.Config.hungerspeed = 0.30 -- starverate - How much health that is taken away every second the player is starving (3 is the default). GM.Config.starverate = 1