local stopSpectating, startFreeRoam local isSpectating = false local specEnt local thirdperson = true local isRoaming = false local roamPos -- the position when roaming free local roamVelocity = Vector(0) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- startHooks FAdmin tab buttons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ hook.Add("Initialize", "FSpectate", function() if not FAdmin then return end FAdmin.StartHooks["zzSpectate"] = function() FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("Spectate", nil, "") -- Right click option FAdmin.ScoreBoard.Main.AddPlayerRightClick("Spectate", function(ply) if not IsValid(ply) then return end RunConsoleCommand("FSpectate", ply:UserID()) end) local canSpectate = false CAMI.PlayerHasAccess(LocalPlayer(), "FSpectate", function(b, _) canSpectate = true end) -- Spectate option in player menu FAdmin.ScoreBoard.Player:AddActionButton("Spectate", "fadmin/icons/spectate", Color(0, 200, 0, 255), function(ply) return canSpectate and ply ~= LocalPlayer() end, function(ply) if not IsValid(ply) then return end RunConsoleCommand("FSpectate", ply:UserID()) end) end end) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the thirdperson position ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function getThirdPersonPos(ply) local aimvector = LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() local startPos = ply:GetShootPos() local endpos = startPos - aimvector * 100 local tracer = { start = startPos, endpos = endpos, filter = specEnt } local trace = util.TraceLine(tracer) return trace.HitPos + trace.HitNormal * 10 end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the CalcView table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local view = {} local function getCalcView() if not isRoaming then if thirdperson then view.origin = getThirdPersonPos(specEnt) view.angles = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() else view.origin = specEnt:GetShootPos() view.angles = specEnt:EyeAngles() end roamPos = view.origin view.drawviewer = false return view end view.origin = roamPos view.angles = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() view.drawviewer = true return view end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- specCalcView Override the view for the player to look through the spectated player's eyes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function specCalcView(ply, origin, angles, fov) if not IsValid(specEnt) and not isRoaming then startFreeRoam() return end view = getCalcView() if IsValid(specEnt) then specEnt:SetNoDraw(not thirdperson) end return view end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the right player to spectate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function findNearestPlayer() local aimvec = LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() local foundPly, foundDot = nil, 0 for _, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply == LocalPlayer() then continue end local pos = ply:GetShootPos() local dot = (pos - roamPos):GetNormalized():Dot(aimvec) -- Discard players you're not looking at if dot < 0.97 then continue end -- not a better alternative if dot < foundDot then continue end local trace = util.QuickTrace(roamPos, pos - roamPos, ply) if trace.Hit then continue end foundPly, foundDot = ply, dot end return foundPly end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectate the person you're looking at while you're roaming ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function spectateLookingAt() local foundPly = findNearestPlayer() if not IsValid(foundPly) then return end RunConsoleCommand("FSpectate", foundPly:SteamID()) end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- specBinds Change binds to perform spectate specific tasks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -- Manual keysDown table, so I can return true in plyBindPress and still detect key presses local keysDown = {} local function specBinds(ply, bind, pressed) if bind == "+jump" then stopSpectating() return true elseif bind == "+reload" and pressed then local pos = getCalcView().origin - Vector(0, 0, 64) RunConsoleCommand("FTPToPos", string.format("%d, %d, %d", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), string.format("%d, %d, %d", roamVelocity.x, roamVelocity.y, roamVelocity.z)) stopSpectating() elseif bind == "+attack" and pressed then if not isRoaming then startFreeRoam() else spectateLookingAt() end return true elseif bind == "+attack2" and pressed then if isRoaming then roamPos = roamPos + LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() * 500 return true end thirdperson = not thirdperson return true elseif isRoaming and not LocalPlayer():KeyDown(IN_USE) then local key = string.lower(string.match(bind, "+([a-z A-Z 0-9]+)") or "") if not key or key == "use" or key == "showscores" or string.find(bind, "messagemode") then return end keysDown[key:upper()] = pressed return true end -- Do not return otherwise, spectating admins should be able to move to avoid getting detected end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scoreboardshow Set to main view when roaming, open on a player when spectating ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function fadminmenushow() if isRoaming then FAdmin.ScoreBoard.ChangeView("Main") elseif IsValid(specEnt) and specEnt:IsPlayer() then FAdmin.ScoreBoard.ChangeView("Main") FAdmin.ScoreBoard.ChangeView("Player", specEnt) end end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderScreenspaceEffects Draws the lines from players' eyes to where they are looking ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local LineMat = Material("cable/new_cable_lit") local linesToDraw = {} local function lookingLines() if not linesToDraw[0] then return end render.SetMaterial(LineMat) cam.Start3D(view.origin, view.angles) for i = 0, #linesToDraw, 3 do render.DrawBeam(linesToDraw[i], linesToDraw[i + 1], 4, 0.01, 10, linesToDraw[i + 2]) end cam.End3D() end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- gunpos Gets the position of a player's gun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function gunpos(ply) local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon() if not IsValid(wep) then return ply:EyePos() end local att = wep:GetAttachment(1) if not att then return ply:EyePos() end return att.Pos end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectate think Free roaming position updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function specThink() local ply = LocalPlayer() -- Update linesToDraw local pls = player.GetAll() local lastPly = 0 local skip = 0 for i = 0, #pls - 1 do local p = pls[i + 1] if not isRoaming and p == specEnt and not thirdperson then skip = skip + 3 continue end local tr = p:GetEyeTrace() local sp = gunpos(p) local pos = i * 3 - skip linesToDraw[pos] = tr.HitPos linesToDraw[pos + 1] = sp linesToDraw[pos + 2] = team.GetColor(p:Team()) lastPly = i end -- Remove entries from linesToDraw that don't match with a player anymore for i = #linesToDraw, lastPly * 3 + 3, -1 do linesToDraw[i] = nil end if not isRoaming or keysDown["USE"] then return end local roamSpeed = 1000 local aimVec = ply:GetAimVector() local direction local frametime = RealFrameTime() if keysDown["FORWARD"] then direction = aimVec elseif keysDown["BACK"] then direction = -aimVec end if keysDown["MOVELEFT"] then local right = aimVec:Angle():Right() direction = direction and (direction - right):GetNormalized() or -right elseif keysDown["MOVERIGHT"] then local right = aimVec:Angle():Right() direction = direction and (direction + right):GetNormalized() or right end if keysDown["SPEED"] then roamSpeed = 2500 elseif keysDown["WALK"] or keysDown["DUCK"] then roamSpeed = 300 end roamVelocity = (direction or Vector(0, 0, 0)) * roamSpeed roamPos = roamPos + roamVelocity * frametime end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw help on the screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local uiForeground, uiBackground = Color(240, 240, 255, 255), Color(20, 20, 20, 120) local red = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) local function drawHelp() local scrHalfH = math.floor(ScrH() / 2) draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH, "Left click: (Un)select player to spectate", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH + 20, isRoaming and "Right click: quickly move forwards" or "Right click: toggle thirdperson", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH + 40, "Jump: Stop spectating", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH + 60, "Reload: Stop spectating and teleport", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) if FAdmin then draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH + 80, "Opening FAdmin's menu while spectating a player", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, 10, scrHalfH + 100, "\twill open their page!", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) end local target = findNearestPlayer() local pls = player.GetAll() for i = 1, #pls do local ply = pls[i] if not isRoaming and ply == specEnt then continue end local pos = ply:GetShootPos():ToScreen() if not pos.visible then continue end local x, y = pos.x, pos.y draw.RoundedBox(2, x, y - 6, 12, 12, team.GetColor(ply:Team())) draw.WordBox(2, x, y - 66, ply:Nick(), "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, x, y - 46, "Health: " .. ply:Health(), "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) draw.WordBox(2, x, y - 26, ply:GetUserGroup(), "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) if ply == target then draw.WordBox(2, x, y - 86, "Left click to spectate!", "UiBold", uiBackground, uiForeground) end end if not isRoaming then return end if not IsValid(target) then return end local mins, maxs = target:LocalToWorld(target:OBBMins()):ToScreen(), target:LocalToWorld(target:OBBMaxs()):ToScreen() draw.RoundedBox(12, mins.x, mins.y, maxs.x - mins.x, maxs.y - mins.y, red) end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start roaming free, rather than spectating a given player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ startFreeRoam = function() if IsValid(specEnt) then roamPos = thirdperson and getThirdPersonPos(specEnt) or specEnt:GetShootPos() specEnt:SetNoDraw(false) else roamPos = isSpectating and roamPos or LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() end specEnt = nil isRoaming = true keysDown = {} end /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- specEnt Spectate a player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ local function startSpectate(um) isRoaming = net.ReadBool() specEnt = net.ReadEntity() specEnt = IsValid(specEnt) and specEnt:IsPlayer() and specEnt or nil if isRoaming then startFreeRoam() end isSpectating = true keysDown = {} hook.Add("CalcView", "FSpectate", specCalcView) hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "FSpectate", specBinds) hook.Add("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "FSpectate", function() return isRoaming or thirdperson end) hook.Add("Think", "FSpectate", specThink) hook.Add("HUDPaint", "FSpectate", drawHelp) hook.Add("FAdmin_ShowFAdminMenu", "FSpectate", fadminmenushow) hook.Add("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "FSpectate", lookingLines) timer.Create("FSpectatePosUpdate", 0.5, 0, function() if not isRoaming then return end RunConsoleCommand("_FSpectatePosUpdate", roamPos.x, roamPos.y, roamPos.z) end) end net.Receive("FSpectate", startSpectate) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- stopSpectating Stop spectating a player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ stopSpectating = function() hook.Remove("CalcView", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("PlayerBindPress", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("Think", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("FAdmin_ShowFAdminMenu", "FSpectate") hook.Remove("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "FSpectate") timer.Remove("FSpectatePosUpdate") if IsValid(specEnt) then specEnt:SetNoDraw(false) end RunConsoleCommand("FSpectate_StopSpectating") isSpectating = false end hook.Add('dbg-view.override', 'FSpectate', function() if isSpectating then return false end end)