local commands = {} local function registerCommand(cmd, handler) if not isstring(cmd) or not isfunction(handler) then return end commands[string.lower(cmd)] = handler end --============= UTILITY FUNCTIONS =============-- local function stop(ply) netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-hack.cancel') if ply.hacking and IsValid(ply.hacking.target) then hook.Run('onKeypadHack', ply, false, ply.hacking.target) end if ply.hacking and isfunction(ply.hacking.cancel) then ply.hacking.cancel() end timer.Remove('dbg-hack.load' .. ply:SteamID()) ply.hacking = nil end local function lock(ply, locked) ply.hacking.blocked = (locked == true) netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-hack.updateLockStatus', locked == true) end local function invalidEnt(ply) local tgt = ply.hacking.target return not IsValid(tgt) or ply:GetShootPos():DistToSqr(tgt:GetPos()) > 2500 end local function invalid(ply) if not IsValid(ply) or not ply.hacking then return true end if invalidEnt(ply) then return true, stop(ply) end return false end local function requestInput(ply, cback) if invalid(ply) then return end ply.hacking.pendingInput = cback netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-hack.requestInput') lock(ply) end local function beep(ply) ply:EmitSound('buttons/button15.wav') end local function print(ply, text, append) if not IsValid(ply) or not ply.hacking then return false end beep(ply) netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-hack.print', text, append == true) return true end local function input(ply, data) local cmd = string.lower(data[1]) if isfunction(commands[cmd]) then table.remove(data, 1) commands[cmd](ply, data) else print(ply, cmd .. ': command not found') lock(ply) end end -- Player types something in terminal and presses the Enter key netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.input', function(ply, data) if not isstring(data) or invalid(ply) then return end if ply.hacking.blocked then return lock(ply, true) end lock(ply, true) local h = ply.hacking if h.pendingInput then h.pendingInput(data) h.pendingInput = nil return end input(ply, string.Split(data, ' ')) end) -- Player closes the terminal window (need to stop hacking process) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.cancel', function(ply) if not ply.hacking then return end if isfunction(ply.hacking.cancel) then ply.hacking.cancel() end timer.Remove('dbg-hack.load' .. ply:SteamID()) ply.hacking = nil end) hook.Add('PlayerDisconnected', 'dbg-hack.cancel', function(ply) if ply.hacking and isfunction(ply.hacking.cancel) then ply.hacking.cancel() end timer.Remove('dbg-hack.load' .. ply:SteamID()) end) --================= COMMANDS =================-- registerCommand('pwdserver', function(ply) hook.Run('dbg-hack.1stCommand', ply, ply.hacking.target) print(ply, ply.hacking.target.pwdserver) lock(ply) end) registerCommand('traceroute', function(ply, data) if not data[1] then print(ply, 'Usage: traceroute target_ip') return lock(ply) end if data[1] ~= ply.hacking.target.pwdserver then print(ply, 'Could not connect to ' .. data[1] .. ': connection was closed unexpectedly.') return lock(ply) end print(ply, 'traceroute to ' .. data[1] .. ', 30 hops max, 38 byte packets') local tm, i = 0, 0 local function printNext() if invalid(ply) then return end i = i + 1 if not ply.hacking.target.traceroute[i] then return lock(ply) end print(ply, string.format('%2d', i)) local time = math.Rand(0.1, 0.4) local ip = ply.hacking.target.traceroute[i] timer.Simple(time, function() if not invalid(ply) then print(ply, ' ' .. ip, true) end end) time = time + math.Rand(0.5, 0.7) timer.Simple(time, function() if invalid(ply) then return end print(ply, string.rep(' ', 15 - #ip + 1), true) local timeStr = '' for j = 1, 3 do tm = tm + math.Rand(0.001, 0.5) timeStr = timeStr .. string.format('%.3f ms ', tm) end print(ply, timeStr, true) printNext() end) end printNext() end) registerCommand('./inject.sh', function(ply, data) local ip = data[1] if not isstring(ip) then print(ply, 'Usage: ./inject.sh target_ip') return lock(ply) end local attNum = 0 for i,v in ipairs(ply.hacking.target.traceroute) do if v == ip then attNum = i break end end if attNum == 0 then print(ply, 'Could not inject interceptor into ' .. ip .. ': connection was closed unexpectedly.') return lock(ply) end ply.hacking.interceptor = attNum print(ply, 'successfully injected interceptor on ' .. ip) lock(ply) end) local alphabet = '123456789' local function randomPass() local str = '' for i = 1, 4 do str = str .. alphabet[math.random(#alphabet)] end return str end registerCommand('./unhash.sh', function(ply, data) if not isstring(data[1]) then print(ply, 'Usage: ./unhash.sh target_hash') return lock(ply) end local ans = {} if data[1] ~= ply.hacking.target.problem then local seed = tonumber(tostring(data[1]), 16) if not seed then print(ply, 'Incorrect hash') return lock(ply) end math.randomseed(tonumber(tostring(data[1]), 16)) for i = 1, 5 do ans[#ans + 1] = randomPass() end math.randomseed(CurTime()) else ans = ply.hacking.target.passs end local i = 0 local function printNext() if invalid(ply) then return end i = i + 1 if not ans[i] then return lock(ply) end print(ply, string.format('%2d. %s', i, ans[i])) timer.Simple(math.Rand(0.1, 3), printNext) end print(ply, 'Possible combinations:') timer.Simple(math.Rand(0.1, 3), printNext) end) registerCommand('sudo', function(ply, data) if not isstring(data[1]) then print(ply, 'Usage: sudo command command_args') return lock(ply) end local cmd = string.lower(data[1]) if cmd ~= 'unlock' then return input(ply, data) end local hashPart if ply.hacking.interceptor then local h, ind = ply.hacking.target.problem, ply.hacking.target.hashpts[ply.hacking.interceptor] hashPart = '' for i = 1, ind-1 do hashPart = hashPart .. '**' end hashPart = hashPart .. h[ind * 2 - 1] .. h[ind * 2] for i = ind + 1, 4 do hashPart = hashPart .. '**' end hashPart = hashPart end print(ply, '[sudo] password for kpad: ') requestInput(ply, function(pwd) if hashPart then print(ply, 'Received pwd hash part: ' .. hashPart) end if pwd == ply.hacking.target:GetPassword() then print(ply, 'Unlocked.') ply.hacking.target:Process(true) hook.Run('onKeypadHack', ply, true, ply.hacking.target) if isfunction(ply.hacking.succeed) then ply.hacking.succeed() end else print(ply, 'Sorry, try again.') ply.hacking.target:Process(false) if isfunction(ply.hacking.fail) then ply.hacking.fail() end end lock(ply) end) end) --================ EASTER EGGS ================-- local files = { {'-rwxrwx--x', '1176', 'Feb', '16', '00:19', 'inject.sh'}, {'-rwxrwxr--', '484', 'Mar', '29', '22:18', 'README.TXT'}, {'-rwxrwx--x', '9008', 'May', '10', '22:54', 'unhash.sh'}, } registerCommand('ls', function(ply) print(ply, 'total ' .. #files) for _,v in ipairs(files) do print(ply, string.format('%10s 1 crackr crackr %4s %3s %2s %5s %s', unpack(v))) end lock(ply) end) registerCommand('cat', function(ply, args) if not isstring(args[1]) then print(ply, 'Usage: cat file_name') return lock(ply) end if string.lower(args[1]) ~= 'readme.txt' then print(ply, '[cat] file ' .. args[1] .. ' not found or permission denied for user kpad') return lock(ply) end print(ply, [[ HOW TO USE THIS PIECE OF SHIT: 1. Detect keypad's current upsource IP using "pwdserver" command: > pwdserver 2. Check it's packet path using "traceroute" command: > traceroute traceroute to, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets ... 3. Set interceptors on one of IPs from traceroute: > ./inject.sh Successfully injected interceptor on 4. Try to unlock keypad: > sudo unlock [sudo] password for kpad: 1111 Received pwd hash part: ******2f** Sorry, try again. 5. Collect all hash parts and run unhash.sh: > ./unhash.sh 16bd7c2fd0 Possible combinations: 1. 1234 2. 8888 3. 1984 6. Try to unlock keypad with all passwords prompted: > sudo unlock [sudo] password for kpad: 1234 Sorry, try again. > sudo unlock [sudo] password for kpad: 8888 Unlocked. Feel free contact me if you have any questions: giwamam817@jmail7.com ]]) lock(ply) end) local pmeta = FindMetaTable('Player') function pmeta:Hack(ent, succ, fail, cancel) if self:GetShootPos():DistToSqr(ent:GetPos()) > 2500 then return self:addExploitAttempt() end ent:GenerateProblem() self.hacking = { target = ent, succeed = succ, fail = fail, cancel = cancel, blocked = true, } netstream.Start(self, 'dbg-hack.start') timer.Create('dbg-hack.load' .. self:SteamID(), 6, 1, function() netstream.Start(self, 'dbg-hack.loaded') lock(self) end) end