function req(title, desc, func) return function() Derma_StringRequest(title, desc, '', func, nil, L.ok, L.cancel) end end local function sms() local text, tgtName, check = '', '' local f = vgui.Create 'DFrame' f:SetSize(400, 135) f:SetTitle(L.send_sms) f:Center() f:MakePopup() f:SetBackgroundBlur(true) local b = f:Add 'DButton' b:Dock(BOTTOM) b:SetTall(30) b:SetText(L.send) b:SetEnabled(false) function b:DoClick() netstream.Start('chat', ('/sms "%s" %s'):format(tgtName, text)) f:Remove() end local function check() b:SetEnabled(tgtName ~= '' and string.Trim(text) ~= '') end local c = f:Add 'DComboBox' c:Dock(TOP) c:SetTall(30) c:DockMargin(0, 0, 0, 5) c:SetValue(L.recipient) for i, v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if v ~= LocalPlayer() then c:AddChoice(v:Name(), v:Name()) end end function c:OnSelect(i, val, data) tgtName = data check() end local e = f:Add 'DTextEntry' e:Dock(TOP) e:SetTall(20) e:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 10) e:SetUpdateOnType(true) e:SetPlaceholderText(L.text_msg) e.PaintOffset = 5 function e:OnValueChange(val) text = val check() end end local function anyOfTeam(func) for _, v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if func(v) then return true end end return false end local function doCommand(start) return function(s) octochat.say(start .. (s and (' ' .. s) or '')) end end netstream.Hook('', function(center, ent) gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) local menu = DermaMenu() local pm, smo = menu:AddSubMenu(L.call_hint) pm:AddOption(L.ems_hint, req(L.call_ems, 'На вызов могут отреагировать полицейские, медики и спасатели.\n' .. L.desc_sit_and_place, function(s) netstream.Start('', ent, s) end)):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('asterisk_yellow')) if anyOfTeam(DarkRP.isMedic) then pm:AddOption(L.medic, req(L.call_medic, 'На вызов могут отреагировать медики и фармацевты.\n' .. L.desc_sit_and_place, doCommand('/callmed'))):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('user_medical')) end if anyOfTeam(DarkRP.isFirefighter) then pm:AddOption('Спасателей', req('Вызов спасателей', L.desc_sit_and_place, doCommand('/callfire'))):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('user_firefighter')) end if anyOfTeam(DarkRP.isMech) then pm:AddOption(L.mechanic2, req(L.call_mech, L.desc_sit_and_place, doCommand('/callmech'))):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('car')) end if anyOfTeam(DarkRP.isWorker) then pm:AddOption('Городского рабочего', req('Вызов городского рабочего', L.desc_sit_and_place, doCommand('/callworker'))):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('wrench')) end if anyOfTeam(DarkRP.isTaxist) then pm:AddOption('Такси', req('Вызов такси', 'Опиши местоположение и место назначения', doCommand('/calltaxi'))):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('car_taxi')) end smo:SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('phone_handset')) menu:AddOption('Проверить баланс', function() netstream.Start('chat', '/getbank') end):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('money')) menu:AddOption(L.send_sms, sms):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('oms_new_text_message')) menu:AddOption(L.make_advert, req(L.make_advert, L.text_advert, function(s) netstream.Start('chat', '/ad ' .. s) end)):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('advertising')) menu:AddOption(L.make_order, function() F4:OpenWindow('shop') end):SetIcon(octolib.icons.silk16('cart_add')) menu:Open() if center then menu:Center() end gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) end) local phone = phone or {} local phoneAnim = { default = { Bip01_L_Hand = { ang = Angle(15, 10, -35) }, Bip01_L_Forearm = { ang = Angle(0, -100, -40) }, Bip01_L_Clavicle = { ang = Angle(0, 0, 0) }, Bip01_L_UpperArm = { ang = Angle(-20, -30, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger0 = { ang = Angle(-5, -28, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger02 = { ang = Angle(0, -20, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger1 = { ang = Angle(5, -18, -30) }, Bip01_L_Finger12 = { ang = Angle(0, -10, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger2 = { ang = Angle(10, -18, -30) }, Bip01_L_Finger22 = { ang = Angle(0, -10, 0) }, Bip01_Head1 = { ang = Angle(0,-10,0) }, fov = 0.55, }, sitting = { Bip01_L_Hand = { ang = Angle(-10, -45, -105) }, Bip01_L_Forearm = { ang = Angle(0, -22, -60) }, Bip01_L_Clavicle = { ang = Angle(0, 0, 0) }, Bip01_L_UpperArm = { ang = Angle(-10, -30, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger0 = { ang = Angle(-15, -10, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger02 = { ang = Angle(0, -20, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger1 = { ang = Angle(20, -18, -30) }, Bip01_L_Finger12 = { ang = Angle(0, -10, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger2 = { ang = Angle(15, -12, -10) }, Bip01_L_Finger22 = { ang = Angle(0, -10, 0) }, Bip01_Head1 = { ang = Angle(0,-10,0) }, fov = 0.3, }, crouching = { Bip01_L_Hand = { ang = Angle(6, -30, -20) }, Bip01_L_Forearm = { ang = Angle(0, 0, -40) }, Bip01_L_Clavicle = { ang = Angle(5, 20, 0) }, Bip01_L_UpperArm = { ang = Angle(30, -65, -5) }, Bip01_L_Finger0 = { ang = Angle(-30, 0, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger02 = { ang = Angle(0, -15, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger1 = { ang = Angle(17, 23, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger12 = { ang = Angle(-10, 25, 0) }, Bip01_L_Finger2 = { ang = Angle(15, 20, -10) }, Bip01_L_Finger22 = { ang = Angle(0, 80, 30) }, Bip01_Head1 = { ang = Angle(0,-10,0) }, fov = 0.2, }, } local phonePos = { pos = Vector(1.4, 0, 1), ang = Angle(-240, -10, 80) } hook.Add('UpdateAnimation', 'dbg-phone.UpdateAnimation', function(ply, vel) if not IsValid(ply) then return end if ply:InVehicle() then return end if ply:GetModel() == 'models/error.mdl' then return end ply.PhoneAnimWeight = math.Approach( ply.PhoneAnimWeight or 0, (ply:IsUsingPhone() and ply:OnGround()) and (1 - vel:LengthSqr() / 50000) or 0, FrameTime() * 5 ) local weight = ply.PhoneAnimWeight or 0 if weight > 0 then local anim = phone.getProperAnim(ply) for bone, data in pairs(anim) do if bone ~= 'fov' then local weapon = ply:GetActiveWeapon() if IsValid(weapon) and weapon:GetClass():find('octo', 1, false) and (bone == 'Bip01_R_Forearm' or bone == 'Bip01_R_Hand') then continue end local id = ply:LookupBone('ValveBiped.' .. bone) if not id then continue end if data.pos then ply:ManipulateBonePosition(id, data.pos * weight) end if data.ang then ply:ManipulateBoneAngles(id, data.ang * weight) end end end local state = (IsValid(ply:GetVehicle()) and 'sitting') or 'normal' if not IsValid(ply.Phone) then phone.createDummy(ply) elseif ply.lastState ~= state then phone.removeDummy(ply) ply.lastState = state return end else if IsValid(ply.Phone) then phone.removeDummy(ply) end end end) function phone.getProperAnim(ply) local veh = ply:GetVehicle() local weapon = ply:GetActiveWeapon() if IsValid(veh) then return phoneAnim.sitting elseif ply:Crouching() then return phoneAnim.crouching else return phoneAnim.default end end function phone.createDummy(ply) if IsValid(ply) and not IsValid(ply.Phone) then local attID = ply:LookupAttachment('anim_attachment_LH') local phone_m = octolib.createDummy('models/lt_c/tech/cellphone.mdl') phone_m:SetParent(ply, attID) phone_m:SetLocalPos(phonePos.pos) phone_m:SetLocalAngles(phonePos.ang) phone_m:SetModelScale(ply:GetModelScale()) phone_m:SetSkin(5) ply.Phone = phone_m end end function phone.removeDummy(ply) if IsValid(ply) and IsValid(ply.Phone) then ply.Phone:Remove() ply.Phone = nil for bone,data in pairs(phone.getProperAnim(ply)) do if bone ~= 'fov' then local id = ply:LookupBone('ValveBiped.' .. bone) if not id then continue end if data.pos then ply:ManipulateBonePosition(id, Vector()) end if data.ang then ply:ManipulateBoneAngles(id, Angle()) end end end end end octolib.func.loop(function(done) octolib.func.throttle(player.GetAll(), 10, 0.1, function(ply) if IsValid(ply) and IsValid(ply.Phone) and (not ply:Alive() or ply:GetNoDraw() or not ply:IsUsingPhone()) then phone.removeDummy(ply) end end):Then(done) end) local usingPhone = false local function stopTyping(ply) if usingPhone then usingPhone = false end end hook.Add('KeyDown', 'dbg-phone.noJump', function(ply, key) if (key == IN_WALK) and IsFirstTimePredicted() and usingPhone then stopTyping(ply) phone.removeDummy(ply) end end) local cmds = {'/sms '} hook.Add('ChatTextChanged', 'dbg-phone', function(txt) local ply = LocalPlayer() if not IsValid(ply) then return end if ply:GetVelocity():LengthSqr() > 0 then return end local showPhone for _, cmd in ipairs(cmds) do if txt:StartWith(cmd) then showPhone = true break else showPhone = false end end if showPhone then if txt:sub(6) then netstream.Start('dbg-phone.typingSMS') end if not usingPhone then netstream.Start('dbg-phone.updateTypeStatus', true) usingPhone = true end elseif usingPhone then netstream.Start('dbg-phone.updateTypeStatus', false) stopTyping(ply) end end) netstream.Hook('dbg-phone.remove', function(data) if data and data:IsPlayer() and IsValid(data.Phone) then phone.removeDummy(data) if data == LocalPlayer() then stopTyping(data) end end end)