properties.Add('wanted', { MenuLabel = L.c_language_wanted, Order = 4, MenuIcon = 'icon16/flag_red.png', Filter = function(self, ent, ply) return IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:isWanted() and GAMEMODE.CivilProtection[ply:Team()] end, Action = function(self, ent) Derma_StringRequest(L.c_language_wanted, L.c_language_wanted_description, nil, function(a) octochat.say('/wanted', ent:UserID(), a) end) end }) properties.Add('unwanted', { MenuLabel = L.c_language_unwanted, Order = 5, MenuIcon = 'icon16/flag_green.png', Filter = function(self, ent, ply) return IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:isWanted() and ply:isCP() end, Action = function(self, ent) Derma_StringRequest(L.c_language_unwanted, L.c_language_unwanted_description, nil, function(a) octochat.say('unwanted', ent:UserID(), a) end) end }) -- properties.Add('warrant', { -- MenuLabel = L.c_language_warrant, -- Order = 6, -- MenuIcon = 'icon16/door_in.png', -- Filter = function(self, ent, ply) -- return IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and ply:isCP() -- end, -- Action = function(self, ent) -- Derma_StringRequest(L.c_language_warrant, L.c_language_warrant_description, nil, function(a) -- octochat.say('/warrant', ent:UserID(), a) -- end) -- end -- }) local function isInCharge(ply) local mayor, chief, serg, cop for _,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isMayor() or v:GetActiveRank('gov') == 'worker' then mayor = true break elseif v:isChief() then chief = true elseif v:getJobTable().command == 'cop2' then serg = true elseif v:isCP() then cop = true end end if mayor then if not (ply:isMayor() or ply:GetActiveRank('gov') == 'worker') then return false end elseif chief then if not ply:isChief() then return false end elseif serg then if ply:getJobTable().command ~= 'cop2' then return false end elseif cop then if not ply:isCP() then return false end elseif not ply:IsAdmin() then return false end return true end properties.Add('givelicense', { MenuLabel = L.c_language_give_license, Order = 7, MenuIcon = 'icon16/page_add.png', Filter = function(self, ent, ply) return IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:GetNetVar('HasGunlicense') and isInCharge(ply) end, Action = function(self, ent) Derma_StringRequest(L.license_give, L.license_hint, L.gun, function(s) if string.Trim(s) == '' then return'warning', L.need_hint_license) end octochat.say('/givelicense', s) end, nil, L.issue, L.cancel) end, }) properties.Add('takelicense', { MenuLabel = L.license_withdraw, Order = 7, MenuIcon = 'icon16/page_delete.png', Filter = function(self, ent, ply) return IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:GetNetVar('HasGunlicense') and isInCharge(ply) end, Action = function(self, ent) octochat.say('/takelicense') end, }) properties.Add('warrantbyprop', { MenuLabel = L.c_language_warrant_prop, Order = 8, MenuIcon = 'icon16/door_in.png', Filter = function(self, ent, ply) return IsValid(ent) and IsValid(ent:CPPIGetOwner()) and ent:CPPIGetOwner():IsPlayer() and ply:isCP() end, Action = function(self, ent) Derma_StringRequest(L.c_language_warrant, L.c_language_warrant_description, nil, function(a) octochat.say('/warrant', ent:CPPIGetOwner():UserID(), a) end) end })