do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { Expired = function(self, stamp) if stamp == nil then stamp = os.time() end if self.m_Session then return false end return self.m_Expires < stamp end, Is = function(self, path) if self.Secure and not path:startsWith('https://') then return false end local protocol, domain = path:match('(https?)://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)') if not protocol or not domain then return false end if self.explicitDomain and self.m_Domain ~= domain then return false end if not self.explicitDomain and not domain:endsWith(self.m_Domain) then return false end local uripath = path:sub(#protocol + 4 + #domain):trim() if uripath == '' then uripath = '/' end return uripath:startsWith(self.m_Path) end, Hash = function(self) return tostring( .. "_" .. tostring(self.m_Domain) .. "[" .. tostring(self.explicitDomain) .. "]_" .. tostring(util.CRC(self.m_Path)) .. "_" .. tostring(self.m_Secure) end, Value = function(self) return tostring( .. "=" .. tostring(self.value) end, Serialize = function(self) local build = { .. '=' .. self.value, 'Created=' ..'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', self.m_CreationTime), 'Domain=' .. self.m_Domain, 'Path=' .. self.m_Path } if self.m_HttpOnly then table.insert(build, 'HttpOnly') end if not self.m_Session then table.insert(build, 'Expires=' ..'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', self.m_Expires)) end if self.explicitDomain then table.insert(build, 'UnsafeDomain') end return table.concat(build, '; ') end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, name, value, domain, path, explicitDomain) if path == nil then path = '/' end if explicitDomain == nil then explicitDomain = true end assert(isstring(name), 'Name must be a string') assert(isstring(value), 'Value must be a string') assert(not name:find(' ', 1, true) and not name:find('=', 1, true) and not name:find(';', 1, true) and not name:find('\n', 1, true), 'Cookie name can not contain special symbols') assert(not value:find(' ', 1, true) and not value:find('=', 1, true) and not value:find(';', 1, true) and not value:find('\n', 1, true), 'Cookie value can not contain special symbols') assert(isstring(domain), 'Domain must be a string') assert(isstring(path), 'Path must be a string') assert(isstring(domain), 'Domain must be a string') = name self.value = value self.m_HttpOnly = false self.m_Domain = domain self.m_Path = path self.m_Secure = false self.m_CreationTime = os.time() self.m_Expires = math.huge self.m_Session = true self.explicitDomain = explicitDomain end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Cookie" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.Parse = function(self, strInput, domain, unsafe) if unsafe == nil then unsafe = false end assert(isstring(strInput), 'Input must be a string') local split = strInput:split(';') local _name = table.remove(split, 1) local startPos, endPos = _name:find('=', 1, true) if not startPos then error('Malformed input. First key=value pair in cookie must always be cookie\'s name and value!') end local cname = _name:sub(1, startPos - 1) local cvalue = _name:sub(startPos + 1) local data = { unsafedomain = true } for _index_0 = 1, #split do local param = split[_index_0] local trim = param:trim() local _exp_0 = trim:lower() if 'secure' == _exp_0 then = true elseif 'httponly' == _exp_0 then data.httponly = true elseif 'unsafedomain' == _exp_0 then if unsafe then data.unsafedomain = true end else startPos, endPos = trim:find('=', 1, true) if startPos then local name = trim:sub(1, startPos - 1) local value = trim:sub(startPos + 1) if name:lower() == 'max-age' then do local num = tonumber(value) if num then data.override_expires = true if num == 0 then data.expires = nil data.session = true else data.expires = os.time() + num data.session = false end end end elseif name:lower() == 'expires' and not data.override_expires then data.expires = http.ParseDate(value) data.session = false if data.expires < 10 then data.expires = nil data.session = true end elseif unsafe and name:lower() == 'created' then data.created = http.ParseDate(value) elseif name:lower() == 'domain' then data.domain = value data.unsafedomain = false elseif name:lower() == 'path' then data.path = value end end end end local cookie = self(cname, cvalue, data.domain or domain, data.path) if then cookie:SetIsSecure(true) end if data.httponly then cookie:SetHttpOnly(true) end if data.created then cookie:SetCreationStamp(data.created) end if data.domain then cookie:SetDomain(data.domain) end cookie:SetExplicitDomain(data.unsafedomain) if data.expires then cookie:SetExpiresStamp(data.expires) cookie:SetIsSession(data.session) end return cookie end AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_HttpOnly', 'HttpOnly', FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'explicitDomain', 'ExplicitDomain', FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_Session', 'IsSession', FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_CreationTime', 'CreationStamp', FORCE_NUMBER) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_Expires', 'ExpiresStamp', FORCE_NUMBER) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_Secure', 'IsSecure', FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_Path', 'Path', FORCE_STRING) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'm_Domain', 'Domain', FORCE_STRING) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'value', 'Value', FORCE_STRING) http.Cookie = _class_0 end do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { Add = function(self, input, domain) local cookie = isstring(input) and http.Cookie:Parse(input, domain) or input local hash = cookie:Hash() if self.jar[hash] then cookie:SetCreationStamp(self.jar[hash]:GetCreationStamp()) end self.jar[hash] = cookie return self end, Remove = function(self, input, domain) local cookie = isstring(input) and http.Cookie:Parse(input, domain) or input local hash = cookie:Hash() if self.jar[hash] then self.jar[hash] = nil return true end return false end, GetFor = function(self, url) for hash, cookie in pairs(self.jar) do if cookie:Expired() then self.jar[hash] = nil end end local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for hash, cookie in pairs(self.jar) do if cookie:Is(url) then _accum_0[_len_0] = cookie _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.jar = { } end, __base = _base_0, __name = "CookieJar" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 http.CookieJar = _class_0 end local Promise Promise = DLib.Promise do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { CookieList = function(self, url) local cookies = self.cookiejar:GetFor(url) if not cookies or #cookies == 0 then return false end return table.concat((function() local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _index_0 = 1, #cookies do local cookie = cookies[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = cookie:Value() _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end)(), '; ') end, Patch = function(self, url, headers) local cookieList = self:CookieList(url) local hit = not cookieList local hit2 = not self.last_referer if hit and hit2 then return headers end for headerName in pairs(headers) do if not hit and headerName:lower() == 'cookie' then hit = true end if not hit2 and headerName:lower() == 'referer' then hit2 = true end end if not hit then headers.Cookie = cookieList end if not hit2 then headers.Referer = self.last_referer end return headers end, _Domain = function(self, url) return url:match('https?://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)'):lower() end, _Receive = function(self, domain, headers) for key, value in pairs(headers) do if key:lower() == 'set-cookie' then self.cookiejar:Add(value, domain) end end end, Get = function(self, url, headers) if headers == nil then headers = { } end return Promise(function(resolve, reject) return http.PromiseGet(url, self:Patch(url, headers)):Catch(reject):Then(function(body, size, headers, code, ...) if body == nil then body = '' end if size == nil then size = 0 end if headers == nil then headers = { } end if code == nil then code = 500 end self:_Receive(self:_Domain(url), headers) if code >= 200 and code < 300 then self.last_referer = url end return resolve(body, size, headers, code, ...) end) end) end, Post = function(self, url, params, headers) if headers == nil then headers = { } end return Promise(function(resolve, reject) return http.PromisePost(url, params, self:Patch(url, headers)):Catch(reject):Then(function(body, size, headers, code, ...) if body == nil then body = '' end if size == nil then size = 0 end if headers == nil then headers = { } end if code == nil then code = 500 end self:_Receive(self:_Domain(url), headers) if code >= 200 and code < 300 then self.last_referer = url end return resolve(body, size, headers, code, ...) end) end) end, PostBody = function(self, url, body, headers) if headers == nil then headers = { } end return Promise(function(resolve, reject) return http.PromisePostBody(url, body, self:Patch(url, headers)):Catch(reject):Then(function(body, size, headers, code, ...) if body == nil then body = '' end if size == nil then size = 0 end if headers == nil then headers = { } end if code == nil then code = 500 end self:_Receive(self:_Domain(url), headers) if code >= 200 and code < 300 then self.last_referer = url end return resolve(body, size, headers, code, ...) end) end) end, Put = function(self, url, body, headers) if headers == nil then headers = { } end return Promise(function(resolve, reject) return http.PromisePut(url, body, self:Patch(url, headers)):Catch(reject):Then(function(body, size, headers, code, ...) if body == nil then body = '' end if size == nil then size = 0 end if headers == nil then headers = { } end if code == nil then code = 500 end self:_Receive(self:_Domain(url), headers) if code >= 200 and code < 300 then self.last_referer = url end return resolve(body, size, headers, code, ...) end) end) end, Head = function(self, url, headers) if headers == nil then headers = { } end return Promise(function(resolve, reject) return http.PromiseHead(url, self:Patch(url, headers)):Catch(reject):Then(function(headers, code, ...) if headers == nil then headers = { } end if code == nil then code = 500 end self:_Receive(self:_Domain(url), headers) if code >= 200 and code < 300 then self.last_referer = url end return resolve(headers, code, ...) end) end) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, cookiejar) if isstring(cookiejar) then error('serializing of cookiejar is not supported yet') elseif type(cookiejar) == 'table' then self.cookiejar = cookiejar else self.cookiejar = http.CookieJar() end self.set_referer = true self.last_referer = false end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Client" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'set_referer', 'SetReferer', FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(self.__base, 'last_referer', 'LastReferer') http.Client = _class_0 return _class_0 end