AddCSLuaFile("includes/extensions/client/render.lua") local _BroadcastLua = BroadcastLua local _hook_Add = hook.Add local _player_GetHumans = player.GetHumans local _util_Compress = util.Compress local _R = debug.getregistry () local Entity_IsValid = _R.Entity.IsValid local Player_SendLua = _R.Player.SendLua local SendLuas = {} _G.BroadcastLua = function (code) code = _util_Compress(code) local _IPAIRS_ = _player_GetHumans() for k=1, #_IPAIRS_ do local v =_IPAIRS_[k] if not v.gAC_ClientLoaded then if not SendLuas[v] then SendLuas[v] = {} end local tbl = SendLuas[v] tbl[#tbl + 1] = code else gAC.Network:Send ("LoadString", code, v, true) end end end _R.Player.SendLua = function (ply, code) if ply and Entity_IsValid (ply) then code = _util_Compress(code) if not ply.gAC_ClientLoaded then if not SendLuas[ply] then SendLuas[ply] = {} end local tbl = SendLuas[ply] tbl[#tbl + 1] = code else gAC.Network:Send ("LoadString", code, ply, true) end end end _hook_Add('gAC.ClientLoaded', 'gAC.SendLua', function(pl) local tbl = SendLuas[pl] if tbl then for i=1, #tbl do gAC.Network:Send ("LoadString", tbl[i], pl, true) end SendLuas[pl] = nil end end) _hook_Add('PlayerDisconnected', 'gAC.SendLua', function(pl) SendLuas[pl] = nil end) local _concommand_GetTable = concommand.GetTable gAC_ConCmdTable = _concommand_GetTable() local _concommand_Add = concommand.Add concommand.Add = function(name, cb, ...) if cb and name then gAC_ConCmdTable[name] = cb end return _concommand_Add(name, cb, ...) end local _concommand_Remove = concommand.Remove concommand.Remove = function(name) if name then gAC_ConCmdTable[name] = nil end return _concommand_Remove(name, cb) end