AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_wire_entity" ) ENT.PrintName = "Wire Light" ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_BOTH ENT.WireDebugName = "Light" function ENT:SetupDataTables() self:NetworkVar( "Bool", 0, "Glow" ) self:NetworkVar( "Float", 0, "Brightness" ) self:NetworkVar( "Float", 1, "LightSize" ) self:NetworkVar( "Int", 0, "R" ) self:NetworkVar( "Int", 1, "G" ) self:NetworkVar( "Int", 2, "B" ) end if CLIENT then local matLight = Material( "sprites/light_ignorez" ) local matBeam = Material( "effects/lamp_beam" ) function ENT:Initialize() self.PixVis = util.GetPixelVisibleHandle() --[[ This is some unused value which is used to activate the wire overlay. We're not using it because we are using NetworkVars instead, since wire overlays only update when you look at them, and we want to update the sprite colors whenever the wire input changes. ]] self:SetOverlayData({}) end function ENT:GetMyColor() return Color( self:GetR(), self:GetG(), self:GetB(), 255 ) end function ENT:DrawTranslucent() local up = self:GetAngles():Up() local LightPos = self:GetPos() render.SetMaterial( matLight ) local ViewNormal = self:GetPos() - EyePos() local Distance = ViewNormal:Length() ViewNormal:Normalize() local Visible = util.PixelVisible( LightPos, 4, self.PixVis ) if not Visible or Visible < 0.1 then return end local c = self:GetMyColor() if self:GetModel() == "models/maxofs2d/light_tubular.mdl" then render.DrawSprite( LightPos - up * 2, 8, 8, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Visible ) render.DrawSprite( LightPos - up * 4, 8, 8, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Visible ) render.DrawSprite( LightPos - up * 6, 8, 8, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Visible ) render.DrawSprite( LightPos - up * 5, 128, 128, c, Visible ) else render.DrawSprite( self:LocalToWorld( self:OBBCenter() ), 128, 128, c, Visible ) end end local wire_light_block = CreateClientConVar("wire_light_block", 0, false, false) function ENT:Think() if self:GetGlow() and not wire_light_block:GetBool() then local dlight = DynamicLight(self:EntIndex()) if dlight then dlight.Pos = self:GetPos() local c = self:GetMyColor() dlight.r = c.r dlight.g = c.g dlight.b = c.b dlight.Brightness = self:GetBrightness() dlight.Decay = self:GetLightSize() * 5 dlight.Size = self:GetLightSize() dlight.DieTime = CurTime() + 1 end end end local color_box_size = 64 function ENT:GetWorldTipBodySize() -- text local w_total,h_total = surface.GetTextSize( "Color:\n255,255,255,255" ) -- Color box width w_total = math.max(w_total,color_box_size) -- Color box height h_total = h_total + 18 + color_box_size + 18/2 return w_total, h_total end local white = Color(255,255,255,255) local black = Color(0,0,0,255) local function drawColorBox( color, x, y ) surface.SetDrawColor( color ) surface.DrawRect( x, y, color_box_size, color_box_size ) local size = color_box_size surface.SetDrawColor( black ) surface.DrawLine( x, y, x + size, y ) surface.DrawLine( x + size, y, x + size, y + size ) surface.DrawLine( x + size, y + size, x, y + size ) surface.DrawLine( x, y + size, x, y ) end function ENT:DrawWorldTipBody( pos ) -- get color local color = self:GetMyColor() -- text local color_text = string.format("Color:\n%d,%d,%d",color.r,color.g,color.b) local w,h = surface.GetTextSize( color_text ) draw.DrawText( color_text, "GModWorldtip",, pos.min.y + pos.edgesize, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) -- color box drawColorBox( color, - color_box_size / 2, pos.min.y + pos.edgesize * 1.5 + h ) end return -- No more client end -- Server function ENT:Initialize() self:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self.Inputs = WireLib.CreateInputs(self, {"Red", "Green", "Blue", "RGB [VECTOR]"}) end function ENT:Directional( On ) if On then if IsValid( self.DirectionalComponent ) then return end local flashlight = ents.Create( "env_projectedtexture" ) flashlight:SetParent( self ) -- The local positions are the offsets from parent.. flashlight:SetLocalPos( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) flashlight:SetLocalAngles( Angle( -90, 0, 0 ) ) if self:GetModel() == "models/maxofs2d/light_tubular.mdl" then flashlight:SetLocalAngles( Angle( 90, 0, 0 ) ) end -- Looks like only one flashlight can have shadows enabled! flashlight:SetKeyValue( "enableshadows", 1 ) flashlight:SetKeyValue( "farz", 1024 ) flashlight:SetKeyValue( "nearz", 12 ) flashlight:SetKeyValue( "lightfov", 90 ) local c = self:GetColor() local b = self.brightness flashlight:SetKeyValue( "lightcolor", Format( "%i %i %i 255", c.r * b, c.g * b, c.b * b ) ) flashlight:Spawn() flashlight:Input( "SpotlightTexture", NULL, NULL, "effects/flashlight001" ) self.DirectionalComponent = flashlight elseif IsValid( self.DirectionalComponent ) then self.DirectionalComponent:Remove() self.DirectionalComponent = nil end end function ENT:Radiant( On ) if On then if IsValid( self.RadiantComponent ) then self.RadiantComponent:Fire( "TurnOn", "", "0" ) else local dynlight = ents.Create( "light_dynamic" ) dynlight:SetPos( self:GetPos() ) local dynlightpos = dynlight:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 10 ) dynlight:SetPos( dynlightpos ) dynlight:SetKeyValue( "_light", Format( "%i %i %i 255", self.R, self.G, self.B ) ) dynlight:SetKeyValue( "style", 0 ) dynlight:SetKeyValue( "distance", 255 ) dynlight:SetKeyValue( "brightness", 5 ) dynlight:SetParent( self ) dynlight:Spawn() self.RadiantComponent = dynlight end elseif IsValid( self.RadiantComponent ) then self.RadiantComponent:Fire( "TurnOff", "", "0" ) end end function ENT:UpdateLight() self:SetR( self.R ) self:SetG( self.G ) self:SetB( self.B ) if IsValid( self.DirectionalComponent ) then self.DirectionalComponent:SetKeyValue( "lightcolor", Format( "%i %i %i 255", self.R * self.brightness, self.G * self.brightness, self.B * self.brightness ) ) end if IsValid( self.RadiantComponent ) then self.RadiantComponent:SetKeyValue( "_light", Format( "%i %i %i 255", self.R, self.G, self.B ) ) end end function ENT:TriggerInput(iname, value) if (iname == "Red") then self.R = math.Clamp(value,0,255) elseif (iname == "Green") then self.G = math.Clamp(value,0,255) elseif (iname == "Blue") then self.B = math.Clamp(value,0,255) elseif (iname == "RGB") then self.R, self.G, self.B = math.Clamp(value[1],0,255), math.Clamp(value[2],0,255), math.Clamp(value[3],0,255) elseif (iname == "GlowBrightness") then if not game.SinglePlayer() then value = math.Clamp( value, 0, 10 ) end self.brightness = value self:SetBrightness( value ) elseif (iname == "GlowSize") then if not game.SinglePlayer() then value = math.Clamp( value, 0, 1024 ) end self.size = value self:SetLightSize( value ) end self:UpdateLight() end function ENT:Setup(directional, radiant, glow, brightness, size, r, g, b) self.directional = directional or false self.radiant = radiant or false self.glow = glow or false self.brightness = brightness or 2 self.size = size or 256 self.R = r or 255 self.G = g or 255 self.B = b or 255 if not game.SinglePlayer() then self.brightness = math.Clamp( self.brightness, 0, 10 ) self.size = math.Clamp( self.size, 0, 1024 ) end self:Directional( self.directional ) self:Radiant( self.radiant ) self:SetGlow( self.glow ) self:SetBrightness( self.brightness ) self:SetLightSize( self.size ) if self.glow then WireLib.AdjustInputs(self, {"Red", "Green", "Blue", "RGB [VECTOR]", "GlowBrightness", "GlowSize"}) else WireLib.AdjustInputs(self, {"Red", "Green", "Blue", "RGB [VECTOR]"}) end self:UpdateLight() end duplicator.RegisterEntityClass("gmod_wire_light", WireLib.MakeWireEnt, "Data", "directional", "radiant", "glow", "brightness", "size", "R", "G", "B")