if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile 'shared.lua' end SWEP.PrintName = L.zombie_heal SWEP.Author = 'chelog' SWEP.DrawAmmo = true SWEP.Slot = 2 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 SWEP.Contact = '' SWEP.Purpose = '' SWEP.Instructions = L.instruction_zombie_heal SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminOnly = true SWEP.Category = 'DarkRP (Utility)' SWEP.ViewModel = 'models/weapons/c_medkit.mdl' SWEP.WorldModel = 'models/weapons/w_medkit.mdl' SWEP.UseHands = true SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 0 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 200 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 200 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.1 SWEP.Secondary.Recoil = 0 SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize = -1 SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = 1 SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = true SWEP.Secondary.Delay = 0.3 function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() if CLIENT then return end -- yeah yeah fuck off, it's a swep for 1-day event self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + 1) local ent = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace().Entity if IsValid(ent) and ent:GetClass() == 'prop_ragdoll' and ent:GetModel() == 'models/player/zombie_fast.mdl' and ent:GetPos():DistToSqr(self.Owner:GetPos()) < 10000 then local ply = ent:GetNetVar('RagdollOwner') if IsValid(ply) then ply.pendingZombie = nil end ent:Remove() self.Owner:EmitSound('hl1/fvox/boop.wav', 65, 50, 1, CHAN_AUTO) self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + 3) end end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() -- nothing end