module("luadev",package.seeall) local function CMD(who) return CLIENT and "CMD" or who or "CMD" end COMMAND('run_sv',function(ply,_,script,who) RunOnServer(script,CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end,true) COMMAND('run_sh',function(ply,_,script,who) RunOnShared(script,CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end,true) COMMAND('run_clients',function(ply,_,script,who) RunOnClients(script,CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end,true) COMMAND('run_self',function(ply,_,script,who) RunOnSelf(script,CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end,true) COMMAND('run_client',function(ply,tbl,script,who) if !tbl[1] or !tbl[2] then Print("Syntax: lua_run_client (steamid/userid/accountid/part of name) script") return end local cl=FindPlayer(tbl[1]) if !cl then Print("Client not found!\n") return end if CLIENT then Print("Running script on "..tostring(cl:Name())) end local _, e = script:find('^%s*"[^"]+') if e then script = script:sub(e+2) else local _, e = script:find('^%s*[^%s]+%s') if not e then Print("Invalid Command syntax.") return end script = script:sub(e) end script = script:Trim() RunOnClient(script,cl,CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) COMMAND('send_cl',function(ply,tbl,cmd,who) if !tbl[1] or !tbl[2] then Print("Syntax: lua_send_cl (steamid/userid/accountid/part of name) \"path\"") return end local cl=FindPlayer(tbl[1]) if !cl then Print("Client not found!\n") return end Print("Running script on "..tostring(cl:Name())) table.remove(tbl,1) local path=TableToString(tbl) local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(path) if !Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = Path and GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if !content then Print("Could not read the file\n") return end RunOnClient(content,cl,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) COMMAND('send_sv',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1]) if !Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = Path and GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if !content then Print("Could not read the file\n") return end local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) RunOnServer(content,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) COMMAND('send_clients',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1]) if !Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = Path and GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if !content then Print("Could not read the file\n") return end local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) RunOnClients(content,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) COMMAND('send_sh',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1]) if !Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = Path and GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if !content then Print("Could not read the file\n") return end local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) RunOnShared(content,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) local function Guess(name,Path) if name=="init" or name=="shared" or name=="cl_init" then local newname = Path:gsub("\\","/"):match("^.+%/([^%/]-)/.-%.lua$") Print("Guessing identifier: "..tostring(newname or "")) return newname or name end return name end local function SendEFFECT(cl,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) local effectname=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path):gsub("%.lua","") effectname = Guess(effectname,Path) if cl then RunOnClients(cl,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{effect=effectname})) end end COMMAND('send_effect',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local path = c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1] local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(path) if not Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if content then local sh = content SendEFFECT(content,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return end local cl = GiveFileContent(Path..'/init.lua',searchpath) if cl then SendEFFECT(cl,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return else Print("Could not find required files from the folder\n") end end) local function SendSWEP(cl,sh,sv,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) local swepname=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path):gsub("%.lua","") swepname=Guess(swepname,Path) if cl then RunOnClients(cl,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{swep=swepname})) end if sh then RunOnShared(sh,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{swep=swepname})) end if sv then RunOnServer(sv,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{swep=swepname})) end end COMMAND('send_wep',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local path = c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1] local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(path) if not Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if content then local sh = content SendSWEP(nil,sh,nil,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return end local cl = GiveFileContent(Path..'/cl_init.lua',searchpath) local sh = GiveFileContent(Path..'/shared.lua',searchpath) local sv = GiveFileContent(Path..'/init.lua',searchpath) if sv or sh or cl then SendSWEP(cl,sh,sv,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return else Print("Could not find required files from the folder\n") end end) local function SendENT(cl,sh,sv,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) local entname=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path):gsub("%.lua","") entname = Guess(entname,Path) if cl then RunOnClients(cl,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{sent=entname})) end if sh then RunOnShared(sh,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{sent=entname})) end if sv then RunOnServer(sv,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply,{sent=entname})) end end COMMAND('send_ent',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local path = c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1] local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(path) if not Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if content then local sh = content SendENT(nil,sh,nil,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return end local cl = GiveFileContent(Path..'/cl_init.lua',searchpath) local sh = GiveFileContent(Path..'/shared.lua',searchpath) local sv = GiveFileContent(Path..'/init.lua',searchpath) if sv or sh or cl then SendENT(cl,sh,sv,Path,ply,c,cmd,who) return else Print("Could not find required files from the folder\n") end end) COMMAND('watch_kill',function(ply,c,cmd,wholeline) local watchlist = GetWatchList() if c[1]=="" or not c[1] then Print"Killing all" table.Empty(watchlist) return end local t= table.remove(watchlist,tonumber(c[1])) Print("killing",t and tostring(t.path) or "(not found)") end,true) COMMAND('watch',function(ply,c,cmd,wholeline) local path_orig = c[1] table.remove(c,1) local fpath,searchpath=RealFilePath(path_orig,findpath) if not fpath then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = fpath and GiveFileContent(fpath,searchpath) local time = content and fpath and FileTime(fpath,searchpath) if not content or not time then Print("File not readable\n") return end local found for k,v in next,c do if v=="PATH" then c[k] = path_orig found = true end if v=="FILE" then c[k] = path_orig found = true end if v=="RPATH" then c[k] = fpath found = true end if v=="NOPATH" then c[k] = false found=true end end for i=#c,1,-1 do if c[i]==false then table.remove(c,i) end end if not c[1] then Print"Missing command, assuming lua_send_self" c[1] = 'lua_send_self' end if not found then table.insert(c,path_orig) end local cmdd = {} for k,v in next,c do cmdd[k]=('%q'):format(tostring(v)) end Print("Watching '"..tostring(fpath).."': ",table.concat(cmdd," ")) local entry = { path = fpath, searchpath = searchpath, time = time, cmd = c, } local watchlist = GetWatchList() watchlist[#watchlist+1] = entry end) COMMAND('send_self',function(ply,c,cmd,who) local Path,searchpath=RealFilePath(c[2] and TableToString(c) or c[1]) if !Path then Print("Could not find the file\n") return end local content = GiveFileContent(Path,searchpath) if !content then Print("Could not read the file\n") return end local who=string.GetFileFromFilename(Path) RunOnSelf(content,who or CMD(who),MakeExtras(ply)) end) if SERVER then return end net.Receive(Tag,function(...) _ReceivedData(...) end) function _ReceivedData(len) local script = ReadCompressed() local decoded=net.ReadTable() local local extra=decoded.extra local ok,ret = Run(script,tostring(info),extra) if not ok then ErrorNoHalt(tostring(ret)..'\n') end --[[ -- Not done if extra.retid then net.Start(net_retdata) net.WriteUInt(extra.retid,32) net.WriteBool(ok) net.WriteTable(ret) net.SendToServer() end --]] end function CheckStore(src) if not ShouldStore() then return end local crc = util.CRC(src) local path = "luadev_hist/".. crc ..'.txt' if file.Exists(path,'DATA') then return end if not file.IsDir("luadev_hist",'DATA') then file.CreateDir("luadev_hist",'DATA') end file.Write(path,tostring(src),'DATA') end function ToServer(data) if TransmitHook(data)~=nil then return end CheckStore(data.src) net.Start(Tag) WriteCompressed(data.src or "") -- clear extra data data.src = nil if data.extra then data.extra.ply = nil if table.Count(data.extra)==0 then data.extra=nil end end net.WriteTable(data) if net.BytesWritten()==65536 then Print("Unable to send lua code (too big)\n") return nil,"Unable to send lua code (too big)" end net.SendToServer() return true end function RunOnClients(script,who,extra) if not who and extra and isentity(extra) then extra = {ply=extra} end local data={ src=script, dst=TO_CLIENTS, info=who, extra=extra, } return ToServer(data) end function RunOnSelf(script,who,extra) if not isstring(who) then who = nil end if not who and extra and isentity(extra) then extra = {ply=extra} end --if luadev_selftoself:GetBool() then -- Run --end return RunOnClient(script,LocalPlayer(),who,extra) end function RunOnClient(script,targets,who,extra) -- compat if not targets and isentity(who) then targets=who who = nil end if extra and isentity(extra) and who==nil then extra={ply=extra} end if (not istable(targets) and !IsValid(targets)) or (istable(targets) and table.Count(targets)==0) then error"Invalid player(s)" end local data={ src=script, dst=TO_CLIENT, dst_ply=targets, info=who, extra=extra, } return ToServer(data) end function RunOnServer(script,who,extra) if not who and extra and isentity(extra) then extra = {ply=extra} end local data={ src=script, dst=TO_SERVER, --dst_ply=pl info=who, extra=extra, } return ToServer(data) end function RunOnShared(script,who,extra) if not who and extra and isentity(extra) then extra = {ply=extra} end local data={ src=script, dst=TO_SHARED, --dst_ply=pl info=who, extra=extra, } return ToServer(data) end