module("luadev",package.seeall) Tag=_NAME..'1' --net_retdata = Tag..'_retdata' if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString(Tag) --util.AddNetworkString(net_retdata) end -- Enums local enums={ TO_CLIENTS=1, TO_CLIENT=2, TO_SERVER=3, TO_SHARED=4, } local revenums={} -- lookup _M.revenums=revenums for k,v in pairs(enums) do _M[k]=v revenums[v]=k end STAGE_PREPROCESS=1 STAGE_COMPILED=2 STAGE_POST=3 STAGE_PREPROCESSING=4 -- Figure out what to put to extra table function MakeExtras(pl,extrat) if pl and isentity(pl) and pl:IsPlayer() then extrat = extrat or {} extrat.ply = pl end return extrat end -- Helpers function TransmitHook(stage,...) return hook.Run("LuaDevTransmit",stage,...) end function IsOneLiner(script) return script and not script:find("\n",1,true) end function GiveFileContent(fullpath,searchpath) --Print("Reading: "..tostring(fullpath)) if fullpath==nil or fullpath=="" then return false end local content=file.Read(fullpath,searchpath or "MOD") if content==0 then return false end return content end function TableToString(tbl) return string.Implode(" ",tbl) end function Print(...) Msg("[Luadev"..(SERVER and ' Server' or '').."] ") print(...) end if CLIENT then luadev_store = CreateClientConVar( "luadev_store", "1",true) function ShouldStore() return luadev_store:GetBool() end end if CLIENT then luadev_verbose = CreateClientConVar( "luadev_verbose", "1",true) else luadev_verbose = CreateConVar( "luadev_verbose", "1", { FCVAR_NOTIFY ,FCVAR_ARCHIVE} ) end function Verbose(lev) return (luadev_verbose:GetInt() or 99)>=(lev or 1) end function PrintX(script,...) local oneline = IsOneLiner(script) and 2 local verb = Verbose(oneline) local Msg=not verb and _Msg or Msg local print=not verb and _print or print Msg("[Luadev"..(SERVER and ' Server' or '').."] ") print(...) end specials = { swep = { function(val,extra,script,info) local SWEP=weapons.GetStored(val) if not SWEP then SWEP = {Primary={}, Secondary={},Base = "weapon_base",ClassName = val, Folder = 'weapons/'..val } end _G.SWEP = SWEP end, function(val,extra,script,info) local tbl = _G.SWEP _G.SWEP = nil if istable(tbl) then --local table_ForEach=table.ForEach table.ForEach=function()end timer.Simple(0,function() table.ForEach=table_ForEach end) if Verbose() then Print("Registering weapon "..tostring(val)) end weapons.Register(tbl, val, true) --table.ForEach=table_ForEach end end, }, sent = { function(val,extra,script,info) local ENT=scripted_ents.GetStored(val) if ENT and ENT.t then ENT=ENT.t else ENT = {ClassName=val , Folder = 'entities/'..val} end _G.ENT = ENT end, function(val,extra,script,info) local tbl = _G.ENT _G.ENT = nil if istable(tbl) then tbl.Model = tbl.Model or Model("models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl") if not tbl.Base then tbl.Base = "base_anim" tbl.Type = tbl.Type or "anim" end if Verbose() then Print("Registering entity "..tostring(val)) end scripted_ents.Register(tbl, val) end end, }, stool = { function(val,extra,script,info) local gmod_tool=weapons.GetStored("gmod_tool") if gmod_tool and gmod_tool.Tool and gmod_tool.Tool[val] then TOOL=gmod_tool.Tool[val] assert(TOOL and TOOL.Mode == val) else assert(ToolObj,"Need ToolObj from gamemode to create new tools") TOOL = ToolObj:Create(toolmode) TOOL.Mode = toolmode end _G.TOOL = TOOL end, function(val,extra,script,info) local tbl = _G.TOOL _G.TOOL = nil if not istable(tbl) then return end Print("Registering tool "..tostring(val)) if tbl.CreateConVars then tbl:CreateConVars() end local gmod_tool=weapons.GetStored("gmod_tool") if TOOL and gmod_tool and gmod_tool.Tool then gmod_tool.Tool[val] = TOOL end end, }, -- TODO -- effect = { function(val,extra,script,info) if SERVER then return end _G.EFFECT = {ClassName=val,Folder = 'effects/'..val } end, function(val,extra,script,info) if Verbose() then Print("Registering effect "..tostring(val)) end if CLIENT then local tbl = _G.EFFECT _G.EFFECT = nil if tbl then effects.Register(_G.EFFECT,val) end end end, }, } local specials = specials function ProcessSpecial(mode,script,info,extra) if not extra then return end for special_type,funcs in next,specials do local val = extra[special_type] if val then if Verbose(10) then Print("ProcessSpecial",mode,special_type," -> ",val) end local func = funcs[mode] if func then return func(val,extra,script,info) end return end end end function FindPlayer(plyid) if not plyid or not isstring(plyid) then return end local cl for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:SteamID()==plyid or tostring(v:AccountID())==plyid or tostring(v:UserID())==plyid then cl=v break end end if !cl then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:Name():lower():find(plyid:lower(),1,true)==1 then cl=v break end end end if !cl then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if string.find(v:Name(),plyid) then cl=v break end end end if !cl then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:Name():lower():find(plyid:lower(),1,true) then cl=v break end end end if !cl and easylua and easylua.FindEntity then cl = easylua.FindEntity(plyid) end return IsValid(cl) and cl and cl:IsPlayer() or nil end -- Watch system function FileTime(fullpath,searchpath) --Print("Reading: "..tostring(fullpath)) if fullpath==nil or fullpath=="" then return false end local t=file.Time(fullpath,searchpath or "MOD") if not t or t==0 then return false end return t end local watchlist = rawget(_M,"GetWatchList") and GetWatchList() or {} function GetWatchList() return watchlist end local i=0 hook.Add("Think",Tag.."_watchlist",function() if not watchlist[1] then return end i=i+1 local entry = watchlist[i] if not entry then i=0 entry = watchlist[1] if not entry then return end end local newtime = FileTime(entry.path,entry.searchpath) local oldtime = entry.time if newtime and newtime~=oldtime then entry.time = newtime Msg"[LuaDev] Refresh " print(unpack(entry.cmd)) RunConsoleCommand(unpack(entry.cmd)) end end) -- compression function Compress( data ) return util.Compress( data ) end function Decompress(data) return util.Decompress( data ) end function WriteCompressed(data) if #data==0 then net.WriteUInt( 0, 24 ) return false end local compressed = Compress( data ) local len = compressed:len() net.WriteUInt( len, 24 ) net.WriteData( compressed, len ) return compressed end function ReadCompressed() local len = net.ReadUInt( 24 ) if len==0 then return "" end return Decompress( net.ReadData( len ) ) end -- Compiler / runner local function ValidCode(src,who) local ret = CompileString(src,who or "",false) if type(ret)=='string' then return nil,ret end return ret or true end _M.ValidScript=ValidCode _M.ValidCode=ValidCode function ProcessHook(stage,...) return hook.Run("LuaDevProcess",stage,...) end local LuaDevProcess=ProcessHook local LUADEV_EXECUTE_STRING=RunStringEx local LUADEV_EXECUTE_FUNCTION=xpcall local LUADEV_COMPILE_STRING=CompileString local mt= { __tostring=function(self) return self[1] end, __index={ set=function(self,what) self[1]=what end, get=function(self,what) return self[1] end, }, --__newindex=function(self,what) rawset(self,1,what) end, } local strobj=setmetatable({""},mt) function Run(script,info,extra) --compat if CLIENT and not extra and info and istable(info) then return luadev.RunOnSelf(script,"COMPAT",{ply=info.ply}) end info = info or "??ANONYMOUS??" if not isstring(info) then debug.Trace() ErrorNoHalt("LuaDev Warning: info type mismatch: "..type(info)..': '..tostring(info)) end -- STAGE_PREPROCESS local ret,newinfo = LuaDevProcess(STAGE_PREPROCESS,script,info,extra,nil) if ret == false then return end if ret ~=nil and ret~=true then script = ret end if newinfo then info = newinfo end -- STAGE_PREPROCESSING rawset(strobj,1,script) local ret = LuaDevProcess(STAGE_PREPROCESSING,strobj,info,extra,nil) script = rawget(strobj,1) if not script then return false,"no script" end -- Compiling local func = LUADEV_COMPILE_STRING(script,tostring(info),false) if not func or isstring( func ) then compileerr = func or true func = false end local ret = LuaDevProcess(STAGE_COMPILED,script,info,extra,func) -- replace function if ret == false then return end if ret ~=nil and isfunction(ret) then func = ret compileerr = false end if not func then if compileerr then return false,"Syntax error: "..tostring(compileerr) end end lastextra = extra lastinfo = info lastscript = script lastfunc = func ProcessSpecial(1,script,info,extra) local args = extra and extra.args and (istable(extra.args) and extra.args or {extra.args}) if not args then args=nil end -- Run the stuff -- because garry's runstring has social engineer sexploits and such local errormessage local function LUADEV_TRACEBACK(errmsg) errormessage = errmsg local tracestr = debug.traceback(errmsg,2) -- Tidy up the damn long trace local p1=tracestr:find("LUADEV_EXECUTE_FUNCTION",1,true) if p1 then local p2=0 while p2 and p2p1 then tracestr=tracestr:sub(1,new) break end p2=new end end ErrorNoHalt('[ERROR] '..tracestr )-- ..'\n') end local LUADEV_EXECUTE_FUNCTION=xpcall local returnvals = {LUADEV_EXECUTE_FUNCTION(func,LUADEV_TRACEBACK,args and unpack(args) or nil)} local ok = returnvals[1] table.remove(returnvals,1) -- STAGE_POST local ret = LuaDevProcess(STAGE_POST,script,info,extra,func,args,ok,returnvals) ProcessSpecial(2,script,info,extra) if not ok then return false,errormessage end return ok,returnvals end function RealFilePath(name) local searchpath = "MOD" local RelativePath='lua/' if name:find("^lua/") then -- search cache name=name:gsub("^lua/","") RelativePath=name searchpath = "LUA" elseif name:find("^%.%./") then -- whole shit name=name:gsub("^%.%./","") RelativePath=name elseif name:find("^data/") then -- whatever name=name:gsub("^data/","") RelativePath='data/' end if !file.Exists(RelativePath,searchpath) then return nil end return RelativePath,searchpath end function AutoComplete(cmd,commandName,args) local name = string.Explode(' ',args) name=name[#name] or "" local path = string.GetPathFromFilename(name) local searchpath = "MOD" local RelativePath='lua/'..(name or "") if name:find("^lua/") then -- search cache name=name:gsub("^lua/","") RelativePath=name searchpath = "LUA" elseif name:find("^%.%./") then -- whole shit name=name:gsub("^%.%./","") RelativePath=name elseif name:find("^data/") then -- whatever name=name:gsub("^data/","") RelativePath='data/' end local searchstr = RelativePath.."*" local files,folders=file.Find(searchstr,searchpath or "MOD") files=files or {} folders=folders or {} for k,v in pairs(folders) do table.insert(files,v) end local candidates=files candidates=candidates or {} for i,_ in pairs(candidates) do candidates[i]=commandName.." "..path..candidates[i] end return candidates end local sv_allowcslua = GetConVar 'sv_allowcslua' function CanLuaDev(ply,script,command,target,target_ply,extra) local ret,x = hook.Run("CanLuaDev",ply,script,command,target,target_ply,extra) if ret~=nil then return ret,x end local ret,x = hook.Run("LuaDevIsPlayerAllowed", ply, script or "") if ret~=nil then return ret,x end if ply:query("LuaDev") then return true end if target == TO_CLIENT and (target_ply == ply or (target_ply and istable(target_ply) and target_ply[1]==ply and table.Count(target_ply)==1)) then if sv_allowcslua:GetBool() then return true end end end function RejectCommand(pl,x) S2C(pl,"No Access"..(x and (": "..tostring(x)) or "")) end function COMMAND(str,func,complete) if SERVER then concommand.Add('lua_'..str,function(pl,command,cmds,strcmd) local id=pl if IsValid(pl) then local ok,err = CanLuaDev(pl,strcmd,command,nil,nil,nil) if not ok then return RejectCommand (pl,err or command) end id = GetPlayerIdentifier(pl,str) or pl else pl = "Console" id = pl end func(pl,cmds,strcmd,id) end) else concommand.Add('lua_'..str,function(_,_,cmds,strcmd) func(pl,cmds,strcmd,str) end,(!complete and function(...) return AutoComplete(str,...) end) or nil) end end