if not luadev then print"You fool" return end local ok, why if #file.Find("lua/bin/gmcl_luasocket*.dll", "GAME") > 0 or file.Exists("includes/modules/luasocket.lua", "LCL") then ok, why = pcall(require, "luasocket") else why = "File not found" end if not ok then if GetConVarNumber'developer'>0 then Msg"[LuaDev] " print(("Unable to load luasocket module (%s), LuaDev socket API will be unavailable."):format(tostring(why))) end return end hook.Add("Think", "LuaDev-Socket",function() end) hook.Remove("Think", "LuaDev-Socket") -- upvalues will be lost if IsValid(SOCKETDEV) then SOCKETDEV:Remove() SOCKETDEV = nil end -- this is probably not needed. You could just close the socket. collectgarbage() collectgarbage() -- finalizers will be scheduled for execution in the first pass, but will only execute in the second pass local sock = socket.tcp() assert(sock:bind("", 27099)) sock:settimeout(0) sock:setoption("reuseaddr", true) assert(sock:listen(0)) local methods = { self = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) luadev.RunOnSelf( sock:receive( "*a" ), who ) system.FlashWindow() end, sv = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) luadev.RunOnServer( sock:receive( "*a" ), who ) system.FlashWindow() end, sh = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) luadev.RunOnShared( sock:receive( "*a" ), who ) system.FlashWindow() end, cl = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) luadev.RunOnClients( sock:receive( "*a" ), who ) system.FlashWindow() end, ent = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) local contents = "ENT = {}; local ENT=ENT; " .. sock:receive( "*a" ) .. "; scripted_ents.Register(ENT, '" .. who:sub( 0, -5 ) .. "')" luadev.RunOnShared( contents, who ) system.FlashWindow() end, wep = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) local contents = "SWEP = {}; local SWEP=SWEP; " .. sock:receive( "*a" ) .. "; weapons.Register(SWEP, '" .. who:sub( 0, -5 ) .. "')" luadev.RunOnShared( contents, who ) system.FlashWindow() end, client = function( sock ) local who = sock:receive( "*l" ) local to = sock:receive( "*l" ) to = easylua and easylua.FindEntity( to ) or player.GetByID( tonumber( to ) ) to = { to } luadev.RunOnClient( sock:receive( "*a" ), to, who ) system.FlashWindow() end, requestPlayers = function( sock ) local plys = {} for _, ply in next, player.GetAll() do table.insert( plys, ply:Nick() ) end sock:send( table.concat( plys, "\n" ) ) end } local function isLocalIP(parts) if parts[1] == 127 then return true end if parts[1] == 192 and parts[2] == 168 then return true end if parts[1] == 172 and parts[2] >= 16 and parts[2] <= 31 then return true end return false end SOCKETDEV = vgui.Create("Panel") SOCKETDEV:SetMouseInputEnabled(false) SOCKETDEV:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(false) SOCKETDEV:SetSize(0, 0) SOCKETDEV.Think = function() local cl, a, b, c = sock:accept() if cl then local peername = cl:getpeername() local ipParts = peername:Split('.') for i = 1, #ipParts do ipParts[i] = tonumber(ipParts[i]) end if not isLocalIP(ipParts) then print("Refused ", peername) cl:shutdown() return end cl:settimeout(0) local protocol = cl:receive("*l") local method if protocol == "extension" then method = cl:receive("*l") else method = protocol end if method and methods[method] then methods[ method ]( cl ) end cl:shutdown() end end