--[[ MySQLite - Abstraction mechanism for SQLite and MySQL Why use this? - Easy to use interface for MySQL - No need to modify code when switching between SQLite and MySQL - Queued queries: execute a bunch of queries in order an run the callback when all queries are done License: LGPL V2.1 (read here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html) Supported MySQL modules: - MySQLOO - tmysql4 Note: When both MySQLOO and tmysql4 modules are installed, MySQLOO is used by default. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MySQLite.initialize([config :: table]) :: No value Initialize MySQLite. Loads the config from either the config parameter OR the MySQLite_config global. This loads the module (if necessary) and connects to the MySQL database (if set up). The config must have this layout: { EnableMySQL :: Bool - set to true to use MySQL, false for SQLite Host :: String - database hostname Username :: String - database username Password :: String - database password (keep away from clients!) Database_name :: String - name of the database Database_port :: Number - connection port (3306 by default) Preferred_module :: String - Preferred module, case sensitive, must be either "mysqloo" or "tmysql4" } ----------------------------- Utility functions ----------------------------- MySQLite.isMySQL() :: Bool Returns whether MySQLite is set up to use MySQL. True for MySQL, false for SQLite. Use this when the query syntax between SQLite and MySQL differs (example: AUTOINCREMENT vs AUTO_INCREMENT) MySQLite.SQLStr(str :: String) :: String Escapes the string and puts it in quotes. It uses the escaping method of the module that is currently being used. MySQLite.tableExists(tbl :: String, callback :: function, errorCallback :: function) Checks whether table tbl exists. callback format: function(res :: Bool) res is a boolean indicating whether the table exists. The errorCallback format is the same as in MySQLite.query. ----------------------------- Running queries ----------------------------- MySQLite.query(sqlText :: String, callback :: function, errorCallback :: function) :: No value Runs a query. Calls the callback parameter when finished, calls errorCallback when an error occurs. callback format: function(result :: table, lastInsert :: number) Result is the table with results (nil when there are no results or when the result list is empty) lastInsert is the row number of the last inserted value (use with AUTOINCREMENT) Note: lastInsert is NOT supported when using SQLite. errorCallback format: function(error :: String, query :: String) :: Bool error is the error given by the database module. query is the query that triggered the error. Return true to suppress the error! MySQLite.queryValue(sqlText :: String, callback :: function, errorCallback :: function) :: No value Runs a query and returns the first value it comes across. callback format: function(result :: any) where the result is either a string or a number, depending on the requested database field. The errorCallback format is the same as in MySQLite.query. ----------------------------- Transactions ----------------------------- MySQLite.begin() :: No value Starts a transaction. Use in combination with MySQLite.queueQuery and MySQLite.commit. MySQLite.queueQuery(sqlText :: String, callback :: function, errorCallback :: function) :: No value Queues a query in the transaction. Note: a transaction must be started with MySQLite.begin() for this to work. The callback will be called when this specific query has been executed successfully. The errorCallback function will be called when an error occurs in this specific query. See MySQLite.query for the callback and errorCallback format. MySQLite.commit(onFinished) Commits a transaction and calls onFinished when EVERY queued query has finished. onFinished is NOT called when an error occurs in one of the queued queries. onFinished is called without arguments. ----------------------------- Hooks ----------------------------- DatabaseInitialized Called when a successful connection to the database has been made. ]] local bit = bit local debug = debug local error = error local ErrorNoHalt = ErrorNoHalt local hook = hook local include = include local pairs = pairs local require = require local sql = sql local string = string local table = table local timer = timer local tostring = tostring local GAMEMODE = GM or GAMEMODE local mysqlOO local TMySQL local _G = _G local MySQLite_config = MySQLite_config or RP_MySQLConfig or FPP_MySQLConfig local moduleLoaded local function loadMySQLModule() if moduleLoaded or not MySQLite_config or not MySQLite_config.EnableMySQL then return end moo, tmsql = file.Exists("bin/gmsv_mysqloo_*.dll", "LUA"), file.Exists("bin/gmsv_tmysql4_*.dll", "LUA") if not moo and not tmsql then error("Could not find a suitable MySQL module. Supported modules are MySQLOO and tmysql4.") end moduleLoaded = true require(moo and tmsql and MySQLite_config.Preferred_module or moo and "mysqloo" or "tmysql4") mysqlOO = mysqloo TMySQL = tmysql end loadMySQLModule() module("MySQLite") function initialize(config) MySQLite_config = config or MySQLite_config if not MySQLite_config then ErrorNoHalt("Warning: No MySQL config!") end loadMySQLModule() if MySQLite_config.EnableMySQL then timer.Simple(1, function() connectToMySQL(MySQLite_config.Host, MySQLite_config.Username, MySQLite_config.Password, MySQLite_config.Database_name, MySQLite_config.Database_port, MySQLite_config.Database_socket) end) else timer.Simple(0, function() GAMEMODE.DatabaseInitialized = GAMEMODE.DatabaseInitialized or function() end hook.Call("DatabaseInitialized", GAMEMODE) end) end end local CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL = false local msOOConnect databaseObject = nil local queuedQueries local cachedQueries function isMySQL() return CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL end function begin() if not CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL then sql.Begin() else if queuedQueries then debug.Trace() error("Transaction ongoing!") end queuedQueries = {} end end function commit(onFinished) if not CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL then sql.Commit() if onFinished then onFinished() end return end if not queuedQueries then error("No queued queries! Call begin() first!") end if #queuedQueries == 0 then queuedQueries = nil return end -- Copy the table so other scripts can create their own queue local queue = table.Copy(queuedQueries) queuedQueries = nil -- Handle queued queries in order local queuePos = 0 local call -- Recursion invariant: queuePos > 0 and queue[queuePos] <= #queue call = function(...) queuePos = queuePos + 1 if queue[queuePos].callback then queue[queuePos].callback(...) end -- Base case, end of the queue if queuePos + 1 > #queue then if onFinished then onFinished() end -- All queries have finished return end -- Recursion local nextQuery = queue[queuePos + 1] query(nextQuery.query, call, nextQuery.onError) end query(queue[1].query, call, queue[1].onError) end function queueQuery(sqlText, callback, errorCallback) if CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL then table.insert(queuedQueries, {query = sqlText, callback = callback, onError = errorCallback}) return end -- SQLite is instantaneous, simply running the query is equal to queueing it query(sqlText, callback, errorCallback) end local function msOOQuery(sqlText, callback, errorCallback, queryValue) local query = databaseObject:query(sqlText) local data query.onData = function(Q, D) data = data or {} data[#data + 1] = D end query.onError = function(Q, E) if databaseObject:status() == mysqlOO.DATABASE_NOT_CONNECTED then table.insert(cachedQueries, {sqlText, callback, queryValue}) -- Immediately try reconnecting msOOConnect(MySQLite_config.Host, MySQLite_config.Username, MySQLite_config.Password, MySQLite_config.Database_name, MySQLite_config.Database_port) return end local supp = errorCallback and errorCallback(E, sqlText) if not supp then error(E .. " (" .. sqlText .. ")") end end query.onSuccess = function() local res = queryValue and data and data[1] and table.GetFirstValue(data[1]) or not queryValue and data or nil if callback then callback(res, query:lastInsert()) end end query:start() end local function tmsqlQuery(sqlText, callback, errorCallback, queryValue) local call = function(res) res = res[1] -- For now only support one result set if not res.status then local supp = errorCallback and errorCallback(res.error, sqlText) if not supp then error(res.error .. " (" .. sqlText .. ")") end return end if not res.data or #res.data == 0 then res.data = nil end -- compatibility with other backends if queryValue and callback then return callback(res.data and res.data[1] and table.GetFirstValue(res.data[1]) or nil) end if callback then callback(res.data, res.lastid) end end databaseObject:Query(sqlText, call) end local function SQLiteQuery(sqlText, callback, errorCallback, queryValue) local lastError = sql.LastError() local Result = queryValue and sql.QueryValue(sqlText) or sql.Query(sqlText) if sql.LastError() and sql.LastError() ~= lastError then local err = sql.LastError() local supp = errorCallback and errorCallback(err, sqlText) if not supp then error(err .. " (" .. sqlText .. ")") end return end if callback then callback(Result) end return Result end function query(sqlText, callback, errorCallback) local qFunc = (CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL and mysqlOO and msOOQuery or TMySQL and tmsqlQuery) or SQLiteQuery return qFunc(sqlText, callback, errorCallback, false) end function queryValue(sqlText, callback, errorCallback) local qFunc = (CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL and mysqlOO and msOOQuery or TMySQL and tmsqlQuery) or SQLiteQuery return qFunc(sqlText, callback, errorCallback, true) end local function onConnected() CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL = true -- Run the queries that were called before the connection was made for k, v in pairs(cachedQueries or {}) do cachedQueries[k] = nil if v[3] then queryValue(v[1], v[2]) else query(v[1], v[2]) end end cachedQueries = {} hook.Call("DatabaseInitialized", GAMEMODE.DatabaseInitialized and GAMEMODE or nil) end msOOConnect = function(host, username, password, database_name, database_port, database_socket) databaseObject = mysqlOO.connect(host, username, password, database_name, database_port, database_socket) if timer.Exists("darkrp_check_mysql_status") then timer.Destroy("darkrp_check_mysql_status") end databaseObject.onConnectionFailed = function(_, msg) timer.Simple(5, function() msOOConnect(MySQLite_config.Host, MySQLite_config.Username, MySQLite_config.Password, MySQLite_config.Database_name, MySQLite_config.Database_port, MySQLite_config.Database_socket) end) error("Connection failed! " .. tostring(msg) .. "\nTrying again in 5 seconds.") end databaseObject.onConnected = onConnected databaseObject:connect() end local function tmsqlConnect(host, username, password, database_name, database_port) local db, err = TMySQL.initialize(host, username, password, database_name, database_port) if err then error("Connection failed! " .. err .. "\n") end databaseObject = db onConnected() end function connectToMySQL(host, username, password, database_name, database_port, database_socket) database_port = database_port or 3306 local func = mysqlOO and msOOConnect or TMySQL and tmsqlConnect or function() end func(host, username, password, database_name, database_port, database_socket) end function SQLStr(str) local escape = not CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL and sql.SQLStr or mysqlOO and function(str) return "\"" .. databaseObject:escape(tostring(str)) .. "\"" end or TMySQL and function(str) return "\"" .. databaseObject:Escape(tostring(str)) .. "\"" end return escape(str) end function tableExists(tbl, callback, errorCallback) if not CONNECTED_TO_MYSQL then local exists = sql.TableExists(tbl) callback(exists) return exists end queryValue(string.format("SHOW TABLES LIKE %s", SQLStr(tbl)), function(v) callback(v ~= nil) end, errorCallback) end