--[[ © 2017 Thriving Ventures Limited do not share, re-distribute or modify without permission of its author (gustaf@thrivingventures.com). ]] local plugin = plugin; plugin:IncludeFile("shared.lua", SERVERGUARD.STATE.SHARED); plugin:IncludeFile("imports/ulx.lua", SERVERGUARD.STATE.SERVER); function plugin:Load(addon, import) addon, import = string.lower(addon), string.lower(import); local addonTable = self[addon]; if (addonTable) then if (addonTable[import]) then local bSuccess, message = addonTable[import](); if (bSuccess) then serverguard.PrintConsole(string.format("%s %s imported successfully.\n", addon, import)); elseif (message) then serverguard.PrintConsole(string.format("%s %s failed to import (%s).\n", addon, import, message)); else serverguard.PrintConsole(string.format("%s %s failed to import.\n", addon, import)); end; else serverguard.PrintConsole(string.format("%s has no import for %q.\n", addon, import)); end; else serverguard.PrintConsole(string.format("No imports found for %s.\n", addon)); end; end; concommand.Add("serverguard_import", function(player, command, arguments) if (util.IsConsole(player)) then local addon = arguments[1]; local import = arguments[2]; if (!addon or !import) then serverguard.PrintConsole("You must specify an addon and what to import from it.\n"); return; end; plugin:Load(addon, import); end; end);