carDealer.enabled = true carDealer.cache = carDealer.cache or { owned = {}, categories = {}, } local function attachWheel(ent, mdlOrig, mdl, pos, ang, radius) local w = octolib.createDummy(mdlOrig) w:SetParent(ent) w:SetLocalPos(pos) w:SetLocalAngles(ang) w:SetNoDraw(true) ent.wheels[#ent.wheels + 1] = w if mdl ~= mdlOrig then local mins, maxs = w:GetRenderBounds() local origwheelsize = maxs - mins if not radius then radius = math.max(origwheelsize.x, origwheelsize.y, origwheelsize.z) * 0.5 end w:SetModel(mdl) local mins, maxs = w:GetRenderBounds() local wheelsize = maxs - mins local size = (radius * 2) / math.max(wheelsize.x, wheelsize.y, wheelsize.z) w:SetModelScale(size) end end local function wheelAngle(members, data, model, right) local Forward = Vector(0, 1, 0) local Right = Vector(right and 1 or -1, 0, 0) local Up = Vector(0, 0, 1) if members.SpawnAngleOffset then local ang = Angle(0, members.SpawnAngleOffset, 0) Forward:Rotate(ang) Right:Rotate(ang) Up:Rotate(ang) end local angleoffset = members.CustomWheelAngleOffset local mirAng = right and 1 or -1 local ang = Right:Angle() ang:RotateAroundAxis(Forward, angleoffset.p * mirAng) ang:RotateAroundAxis(Right, angleoffset.r * mirAng) ang:RotateAroundAxis(Up, 90) ang:RotateAroundAxis(Forward, (data.camber or 0) * mirAng) local add = simfphys.GetWheelAngle(model) if add then ang:RotateAroundAxis(Forward, add.p * mirAng) ang:RotateAroundAxis(Right, add.r * mirAng) ang:RotateAroundAxis(Up, -add.y) end return ang end function carDealer.attachWheels(ent, vehID, data) data = data or {} local cdData = carDealer.vehicles[vehID] if not cdData then return end local spData = list.Get('simfphys_vehicles')[cdData.simfphysID] assert(spData ~= nil, 'Wrong simfphysID for ' .. vehID) ent.wheels = {} local m = spData.Members local mdlOrigF, mdlOrigR = m.CustomWheelModel, m.CustomWheelModel_R or m.CustomWheelModel local mdlF, mdlR = data.rims and data.rims[1] or m.CustomWheelModel, data.rims and data.rims[2] or m.CustomWheelModel_R or m.CustomWheelModel if m.CustomWheelPosFL then attachWheel(ent, mdlOrigF, mdlF, m.CustomWheelPosFL - Vector(0, 0, m.FrontHeight / 4), wheelAngle(m, data, mdlF, false), m.FrontWheelRadius) end if m.CustomWheelPosFR then attachWheel(ent, mdlOrigF, mdlF, m.CustomWheelPosFR - Vector(0, 0, m.FrontHeight / 4), wheelAngle(m, data, mdlF, true), m.FrontWheelRadius) end if m.CustomWheelPosRL then attachWheel(ent, mdlOrigR, mdlR, m.CustomWheelPosRL - Vector(0, 0, m.RearHeight / 4), wheelAngle(m, data, mdlR, false), m.RearWheelRadius) end if m.CustomWheelPosRR then attachWheel(ent, mdlOrigR, mdlR, m.CustomWheelPosRR - Vector(0, 0, m.RearHeight / 4), wheelAngle(m, data, mdlR, true), m.RearWheelRadius) end ent:CallOnRemove('DeleteWheels', function(ent) if not ent.wheels then return end for _, w in ipairs(ent.wheels) do if IsValid(w) and w ~= NULL then w:Remove() end end end) end function carDealer.attachAccessories(ent, atts) ent.atts = {} for _, data in pairs(atts) do local attEnt = octolib.createDummy(data.model, data.rg) data.parent = ent octolib.applyEntData(attEnt, data) attEnt.col = data.col attEnt:SetNoDraw(true) ent.atts[#ent.atts + 1] = attEnt end ent:CallOnRemove('DeleteAttachments', function(ent) if not ent.atts then return end for _, a in ipairs(ent.atts) do if IsValid(a) and a ~= NULL then a:Remove() end end end) end netstream.Hook('car-dealer.sync', function(owned, categories) for id, veh in pairs(owned) do = id end carDealer.cache = { owned = owned, categories = categories, } hook.Run('car-dealer.sync', carDealer.cache) end) hook.Add('InitPostEntity', 'car-dealer', function() local atts = simfphys.attachments carDealer.canAttach = function(ent, att) if not att then return false end if not IsValid(ent) then return false end if not ent.vehicleName or not atts[att].cars[ent.vehicleName] then return false end local t = atts[att].type if not force and ent.atts and IsValid(ent.atts[t]) and ent.atts[t]:GetModel() == atts[att].mdl then return false end return true end carDealer.removeAttachment = function(ent, type) if ent.atts and IsValid(ent.atts[type]) and ent.atts[type] ~= NULL then ent.atts[type]:Remove() ent.atts[type] = nil end end carDealer.addAttachment = function(ent, att) if not carDealer.canAttach(ent, att) then return end local t = atts[att].type carDealer.removeAttachment(ent, t) local attData = atts[att].cars[ent.vehicleName] local attEnt = octolib.createDummy(atts[att].mdl) attEnt:SetParent(ent) attEnt:SetLocalPos(attData[1] or Vector()) attEnt:SetLocalAngles(attData[2] or Angle()) attEnt:SetModelScale(attData[3] or 1) attEnt:SetSkin(atts[att].skin or 0) attEnt.attClass = att attEnt.noPaint = atts[att].noPaint if not attEnt.noPaint then attEnt:SetColor(ent:GetColor()) end attEnt:SetNoDraw(true) ent.atts = ent.atts or {} ent.atts[t] = attEnt end end) hook.Add('octogui.f4-tabs', 'car-dealer', function() octogui.addToF4({ order = 11.6, id = 'dealer', name = 'Гараж', icon = Material('octoteam/icons/car2.png'), build = function(f) f:SetSize(800, 600) f:DockPadding(0, 24, 0, 0) f:Center() local br = f:Add 'DButton' br:SetPos(700, 2) br:SetSize(60, 20) br:SetText('Обновить') function br:DoClick() netstream.Start('car-dealer.sync') end f:Add 'cd_menu' netstream.Start('car-dealer.sync') end, show = function(f, st) st) end }) end) surface.CreateFont('car-dealer.plate', { font = 'License Plate', size = 64, weight = 500, antialias = true, extended = true, }) local function roundVector(pos, decimals) local float = '%.' .. decimals .. 'f' return table.concat({'(',float,', ',float,', ',float,')'}, ''):format(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) end local function roundAngle(ang, decimals) local float = '%.' .. decimals .. 'f' return table.concat({'[',float,', ',float,', ',float,']'}, ''):format(ang.p, ang.y, ang.r) end hook.Add('octolib.configLoaded', 'car-dealer', function() if not then return end concommand.Add('car_setup', function() local seat = LocalPlayer():GetVehicle() local car = IsValid(seat) and seat:GetParent() if not IsValid(car) then return'warning', 'Нужно находиться в автомобиле') end local radius = car:GetModelRadius() octolib.flyEditor.start({ parent = car, props = { { name = 'Передний номер', model = 'models/octoteam/vehicles/attachments/licenceplate_01.mdl', pos = Vector(radius, 0, 0), ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), }, { name = 'Задний номер', model = 'models/octoteam/vehicles/attachments/licenceplate_01.mdl', pos = Vector(-radius, 0, 0), ang = Angle(0, 180, 0), }, { name = 'Приборная панель', model = 'models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece001a.mdl', pos = Vector(0, radius / 8, radius / 8), ang = Angle(0, -90, 90), size = Vector(0.096, 0.07, 0.0015), }, { name = 'Зеркало в салоне', model = 'models/props/cs_italy/orange.mdl', pos = Vector(radius / 2, 0, radius / 4), ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), }, { name = 'Левое зеркало', model = 'models/props/cs_italy/orange.mdl', pos = Vector(0, radius / 2, 0), ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), }, { name = 'Правое зеркало', model = 'models/props/cs_italy/orange.mdl', pos = Vector(0, -radius / 2, 0), ang = Angle(0, 0, 0), }, { name = 'Радио', model = 'models/props_lab/reciever01d.mdl', pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), ang = Angle(0, 180, 0), }, }, space = octolib.flyEditor.SPACE_PARENT, vPos = vPos, vAng = vAng, maxDist = 500, anchorEnt = car, noCopy = true, noRemove = true, }, function(data) local fPlate, rPlate, dash, mMirror, lMirror, rMirror, radio = unpack(data) chat.AddText('---') chat.AddText('Автомобиль: ' .. car:GetSpawn_List()) chat.AddText('Передний номер: ' .. roundVector(fPlate.pos, 3) .. roundAngle(fPlate.ang, 1)) chat.AddText('Задний номер: ' .. roundVector(rPlate.pos, 3) .. roundAngle(rPlate.ang, 1)) chat.AddText('Приборная панель: ' .. roundVector(dash.pos, 3) .. roundAngle(dash.ang, 1)) chat.AddText('Зеркало в салоне: ' .. roundVector(mMirror.pos, 3)) chat.AddText('Левое зеркало: ' .. roundVector(lMirror.pos, 3)) chat.AddText('Правое зеркало: ' .. roundVector(rMirror.pos, 3)) chat.AddText('Радио: ' .. roundVector(radio.pos, 3) .. roundAngle(radio.ang, 1)) end) end) end)