surface.CreateFont('hacker', { font = 'Consolas', size = 16, weight = 700, antialias = true, extended = true, }) local color_hacker = Color(32, 194, 14) local introText = 'Keypad Cracker v1.0.1\n(c) ' ..'%Y', os.time()) .. ' Octothorp Team. All rights reserved.\n\nConnecting to keypad' local terminal, log local function print(txt, append) if not IsValid(log) then return netstream.Start('dbg-hack.cancel') end if not append then log:AppendText('\n') end log:AppendText(txt or '') end local function lock(locked) if not IsValid(log) then return netstream.Start('dbg-hack.cancel') end log:LockInput(locked) end local function reqInput() if not IsValid(log) then return netstream.Start('dbg-hack.cancel') end log.req = true end local function createTerminal() terminal = vgui.Create('DFrame') terminal:SetSize(700, 585) terminal:SetTitle('Terminal') terminal:Center() terminal:MakePopup() terminal:SetSizable(true) terminal:SetMinWidth(400) terminal:SetMinHeight(300) function terminal:Paint(w, h) draw.RoundedBox(4, 0, 0, w, h, color_black) end function terminal:OnClose() netstream.Start('dbg-hack.cancel') end log = terminal:Add('RichText') log:Dock(FILL) log:InsertColorChange(32, 194, 14, 255) function log:PerformLayout() self:SetFontInternal('hacker') end print(introText) local cmd = terminal:Add('DPanel') cmd:SetPaintBackground(false) cmd:Dock(BOTTOM) cmd:SetTall(20) cmd:DockMargin(5, 0, 5, 0) local dlr = cmd:Add('DLabel') dlr:Dock(LEFT) dlr:SetFont('hacker') dlr:SetTextColor(color_hacker) dlr:SetText('>') dlr:SetWide(15) local entry = cmd:Add('DTextEntry') entry:Dock(FILL) entry:SetTextColor(color_hacker) entry:SetFont('hacker') entry:SetPaintBackground(false) local history, point = {}, 1 function entry:OnKeyCodeTyped(key) if not self:IsEnabled() then return end if key == KEY_ENTER then if not log.req then print('> ' .. self:GetValue()) history[#history + 1] = self:GetValue() point = #history + 1 else print(self:GetValue(), true) log.req = nil end netstream.Start('dbg-hack.input', self:GetValue()) self:SetText('') return true elseif key == KEY_UP then if point == 1 then return end point = point - 1 self:SetText(history[point]) self:SetCaretPos(#self:GetText()) return true elseif key == KEY_DOWN then if point > #history then return end point = point + 1 self:SetText(history[point] or '') self:SetCaretPos(#self:GetText()) return true end end function log:LockInput(locked) entry:SetEnabled(locked ~= true) if locked ~= true then entry:RequestFocus() end dlr:SetVisible(locked ~= true) end log:LockInput(true) timer.Create('kpad.load', 0.5, 0, function() print('.', true) end) end netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.cancel', function() if IsValid(terminal) then terminal:Close() end end) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.loaded', function() timer.Remove('kpad.load') print('Welcome to OctoOS 20.04.03 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-29-generic x86_64)\n') print('* Documentation:') print('* Management:') print('* Support:\n') print('97 packages can be updated.\n12 updates are security updates.') end) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.print', print) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.start', createTerminal) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.requestInput', reqInput) netstream.Hook('dbg-hack.updateLockStatus', lock)