local test = dbgTest or {} dbgTest = test test.config = { id = 'dbg3', attempts = 2, } local dbvar = 'quiz_' .. test.config.id local storageApi = octolib.api({ url = 'https://dbgtest.octo.gg/api', headers = { ['Authorization'] = CFG.keys.test }, }) local function tomorrow() local dateTime = os.date('*t', os.time()) dateTime.hour = 0 dateTime.min = 0 dateTime.sec = 0 return os.time(dateTime) + 60 * 60 * 24 end function test.getAttempts(ply) local data = ply:GetDBVar(dbvar) or {} return data[1] or test.config.attempts end function test.takeAttempt(ply) local data = ply:GetDBVar(dbvar) or {} ply:SetDBVar(dbvar, { (data[1] or test.config.attempts) - 1, tomorrow(), }) end local function playTime(time) local h, m, s = math.floor(time / 60 / 60), math.floor(time / 60) % 60, math.floor(time) % 60 return string.format('%02i:%02i:%02i', h, m, s) end function test.saveAttempt(ply, questions, answers, total) local length = CurTime() - ply.dbg_playertest.start local ptime = playTime(ply:GetTimeTotal()) local quiz = {} for qID, q in ipairs(ply.dbg_playertest.quiz) do local ans = {q.question} for i = 1, #q.data do ans[#ans + 1] = { q.data[i][1], answers[qID][i] and 1 or 0, q.data[i][2] and 1 or 0 } end quiz[#quiz + 1] = ans end local sid, playerinfo = ply:SteamID() local req = octolib.vars.get('dbgTest.required') octolib.func.chain({ function(nxt) octolib.getSteamData({ util.SteamIDTo64(ply:SteamID()) }, nxt) end, function(nxt, result) playerinfo = result[1] storageApi:post('/post', { user = { name = playerinfo.name, sid64 = playerinfo.steamid64, }, total = total, req = req, quiz = quiz, }):Then(nxt):Catch(ErrorNoHalt) end, function(nxt, response) local embed = { title = playerinfo.name, url = 'https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/' .. playerinfo.steamid64, description = 'Игрок ' .. (total >= req and 'прошел' or 'провалил') .. ' тест\nhttps://dbgtest.octo.gg/' .. response.data.key, color = total >= req and 0x00ff00 or 0xff0000, thumbnail = { url = playerinfo.avatar }, fields = { { name = 'SteamID', value = sid, }, { name = 'Набрано баллов', value = total..' / '..#questions..' ('..total..' / '..req..')', }, { name = 'Наигранное время', value = ptime, }, { name = 'Время прохождения', value = octolib.time.formatDuration(length), }, }, footer = { text = 'Ссылка с результатами действительна в течение 10 дней', } } if CFG.webhooks.unban then octoservices:post('/discord/webhook/' .. CFG.webhooks.unban, { embeds = { embed }, }) end end, }) end function test.reset(steamID) octolib.setDBVar(steamID, dbvar, nil) end function test.generate(questions, maxInBatch) questions = questions or test.questions maxInBatch = maxInBatch or octolib.vars.get('dbgTest.maxInBatch') local quiz = {} local forUs, forThem = {}, {} -- create quiz, shuffling questions and answers local src = table.Copy(questions) for catID, cat in pairs(src) do octolib.array.shuffle(cat) for i = 1, math.min(maxInBatch, #cat) do octolib.array.shuffle(cat[i].data) quiz[#quiz + 1] = cat[i] end end octolib.array.shuffle(quiz) for qID, q in ipairs(quiz) do forThem[qID] = {q.question} forUs[qID] = q for i = 1, #q.data do forThem[qID][i+1] = q.data[i][1] -- send them questions only end end return forUs, forThem end function test.spawned(ply) local ip = ply:IPAddress():gsub('%:.+', '') local ips = ply:GetDBVar('ips') or {} if ip ~= '' and not table.HasValue(ips, ip) then ips[#ips + 1] = ip while #ips > 3 do table.remove(ips, 1) end ply:SetDBVar('ips', ips) end if CFG.requireLauncher and not ply:GetNetVar('launcherActivated') then return else ply:SetNetVar('launcherActivated', true) end if CFG.dev and not CFG.testEnabled then netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.welcomeScreen') return end -- no test for dev ply:Freeze(true) ply:SetNoDraw(true) ply:SetNotSolid(true) local data = ply:GetDBVar(dbvar) or {} if data == true then netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.welcomeScreen') else if data[2] and os.time() > data[2] then ply:SetDBVar(dbvar, { test.config.attempts, tomorrow() }) end ply.dbg_playertest = {} test.welcome(ply) end end hook.Add('PlayerFinishedLoading', 'dbg-test', test.spawned) function test.welcome(ply, showMsg) local attempts = test.getAttempts(ply) local msg = (attempts == 0 and L.msgTryTomorrow or attempts == test.config.attempts and L.msgWelcome or L.msgTryAgain):format(attempts) netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.welcomeScreen', attempts, msg, showMsg) end function test.start(ply) if ply.dbg_playertest and CurTime() < (ply.dbg_playertest.nextAttempt or 0) then ply:Notify('warning', 'Ты уже проходишь тест! Если он не появился, подожди немного') return end local attemptsLeft = test.getAttempts(ply) if attemptsLeft <= 0 then netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.welcomeScreen', 0, L.msgTryTomorrow, true) return end test.takeAttempt(ply) local forUs, forThem = test.generate() netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.start', forThem, octolib.vars.get('dbgTest.required')) ply.dbg_playertest = ply.dbg_playertest or {} ply.dbg_playertest.start = CurTime() ply.dbg_playertest.nextAttempt = CurTime() + 20 ply.dbg_playertest.quiz = forUs end netstream.Hook('dbg-test.start', test.start) function test.calcScore(answers, correct) local total, scores = 0, {} for qID, q in ipairs(correct) do local right, should = 0, 0 for i = 1, #q.data do if q.data[i][2] then should = should + 1 if answers[qID][i] then right = right + 1 end elseif answers[qID][i] then should = should + 1 end end scores[qID] = {q.question, right, should} total = total + (right / should) end return total, scores end function test.answer(ply, answers) if not ply.dbg_playertest or not ply.dbg_playertest.quiz then return test.pass(ply) end if test.getAttempts(ply) < 0 then return test.catchExploit(ply) end local total, scores = test.calcScore(answers, ply.dbg_playertest.quiz) test.saveAttempt(ply, ply.dbg_playertest.quiz, answers, total) if total >= octolib.vars.get('dbgTest.required') then test.pass(ply, true, scores) else test.welcome(ply, true) end end netstream.Hook('dbg-test.answer', test.answer) function test.catchExploit(ply) ply.dbg_playertest.expAtt = (ply.dbg_playertest.expAtt or 0) + 1 ply:Notify('warning', L.exploits_not_here2) if ply.dbg_playertest.expAtt >= 3 then ply:Kick(L.exploits_not_here) end end function test.pass(ply, justPassed, data) if ply.passedTest then return ply:addExploitAttempt() end if justPassed then ply:SetDBVar(dbvar, true) end ply.dbg_playertest = nil ply.passedTest = true netstream.Start(ply, 'dbg-test.answer', data) ply:Spawn() ply:Freeze(false) ply:SetNoDraw(false) ply:SetNotSolid(false) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) hook.Run('dbg-test.complete', ply, justPassed, data) end netstream.Hook('dbg-flyover.requestPos', function(ply, pos) if ply.passedTest then return end ply:SetPos(pos) ply:Freeze(true) ply:SetNoDraw(true) ply:SetNotSolid(true) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) -- timer.Create('resetPVS_' .. ply:SteamID(), 5, 1, function() -- if not IsValid(ply) then return end -- ply.extendPVS = nil -- end) end) -- hook.Add('SetupPlayerVisibility', 'dbg-flyover', function(ply) -- if not ply.extendPVS then return end -- AddOriginToPVS(ply.extendPVS) -- end)