AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_wire_entity" ) ENT.PrintName = "Wire Balloon Deployer" ENT.Author = "LuaPinapple" ENT.Contact = "" ENT.Purpose = "It Deploys Balloons." ENT.Instructions = "Use wire." ENT.Category = "Wiremod" ENT.Spawnable = true ENT.AdminOnly = false ENT.WireDebugName = "Balloon Deployer" cleanup.Register("wire_deployers") if CLIENT then language.Add( "Cleanup_wire_deployers", "Balloon Deployers" ) language.Add( "Cleaned_wire_deployers", "Cleaned up Balloon Deployers" ) language.Add( "SBoxLimit_wire_deployers", "You have hit the Balloon Deployers limit!" ) return -- No more client end local material = "cable/rope" local BalloonTypes = { Model("models/MaxOfS2D/balloon_classic.mdl"), Model("models/balloons/balloon_classicheart.mdl"), Model("models/balloons/balloon_dog.mdl"), Model("models/balloons/balloon_star.mdl") } CreateConVar('sbox_maxwire_deployers', 2) local DmgFilter local function CreateDamageFilter() if IsValid(DmgFilter) then return end DmgFilter = ents.Create("filter_activator_name") DmgFilter:SetKeyValue("targetname", "DmgFilter") DmgFilter:SetKeyValue("negated", "1") DmgFilter:Spawn() end hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "CreateDamageFilter", CreateDamageFilter) local function MakeBalloonSpawner(pl, Data) if IsValid(pl) and not pl:CheckLimit("wire_deployers") then return nil end if Data.Model and not WireLib.CanModel(pl, Data.Model, Data.Skin) then return false end local ent = ents.Create("sent_deployableballoons") if not ent:IsValid() then return end duplicator.DoGeneric(ent, Data) ent:SetPlayer(pl) ent:Spawn() ent:Activate() duplicator.DoGenericPhysics(ent, pl, Data) if IsValid(pl) then pl:AddCount("wire_deployers", ent) pl:AddCleanup("wire_deployers", ent) end return ent end duplicator.RegisterEntityClass("sent_deployableballoons", MakeBalloonSpawner, "Data") scripted_ents.Alias("gmod_iballoon", "gmod_balloon") --Moves old "Lenght" input to new "Length" input for older dupes WireLib.AddInputAlias( "Lenght", "Length" ) function ENT:SpawnFunction( ply, tr ) if (not tr.Hit) then return end local SpawnPos = tr.HitPos+tr.HitNormal*16 local ent = MakeBalloonSpawner(ply, {Pos=SpawnPos}) return ent end function ENT:Initialize() self:SetModel("models/props_junk/PropaneCanister001a.mdl") self:PhysicsInit(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) self:SetSolid(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self.Deployed = 0 self.Balloon = nil self.Constraints = {} self.force = 500 self.weld = false self.popable = true self.rl = 64 if WireAddon then self.Inputs = Wire_CreateInputs(self,{ "Force", "Length", "Weld?", "Popable?", "BalloonType", "Deploy" }) self.Outputs=WireLib.CreateSpecialOutputs(self, { "Deployed", "BalloonEntity" }, {"NORMAL","ENTITY" }) Wire_TriggerOutput(self,"Deployed", self.Deployed) --Wire_TriggerOutput(self,"Force", self.force) end local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() if(phys:IsValid()) then phys:SetMass(250) phys:Wake() end self:UpdateOverlay() end function ENT:TriggerInput(key,value) if (key == "Deploy") then if value ~= 0 then if self.Deployed == 0 then self:DeployBalloons() self.Deployed = 1 end Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "Deployed", self.Deployed) else if self.Deployed ~= 0 then self:RetractBalloons() self.Deployed = 0 end Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "Deployed", self.Deployed) end elseif (key == "Force") then self.force = value if self.Deployed ~= 0 then self.Balloon:SetForce(value) end elseif (key == "Length") then self.rl = value elseif (key == "Weld?") then self.weld = value ~= 0 elseif (key == "Popable?") then self.popable = value ~= 0 self:UpdatePopable() elseif (key == "BalloonType") then self.balloonType=value+1 --To correct for 1 based indexing end self:UpdateOverlay() end local balloon_registry = {} hook.Add("EntityRemoved", "balloon_deployer", function(ent) local deployer = balloon_registry[ent] if IsValid(deployer) and deployer.TriggerInput then deployer.Deployed = 0 deployer:TriggerInput("Deploy", 0) end end) function ENT:UpdatePopable() local balloon = self.Balloon if balloon ~= nil and balloon:IsValid() then if not self.popable then balloon:Fire("setdamagefilter", "DmgFilter", 0); else balloon:Fire("setdamagefilter", "", 0); end end end function ENT:DeployBalloons() local balloon balloon = ents.Create("gmod_balloon") --normal balloon local model = BalloonTypes[self.balloonType] if(model==nil) then model = BalloonTypes[1] end balloon:SetModel(model) balloon:Spawn() balloon:SetColor(Color(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), 255)) balloon:SetForce(self.force) balloon:SetMaterial("models/balloon/balloon") balloon:SetPlayer(self:GetPlayer()) duplicator.DoGeneric(balloon,{Pos = self:GetPos() + (self:GetUp()*25)}) duplicator.DoGenericPhysics(balloon,pl,{Pos = Pos}) local balloonPos = balloon:GetPos() -- the origin the balloon is at the bottom local hitEntity = self local hitPos = self:LocalToWorld(Vector(0, 0, self:OBBMaxs().z)) -- the top of the spawner -- We trace from the balloon to us, and if there's anything in the way, we -- attach a constraint to that instead - that way, the balloon spawner can -- be hidden underneath a plate which magically gets balloons attached to it. local balloonToSpawner = (hitPos - balloonPos):GetNormalized() * 250 local trace = util.QuickTrace(balloon:GetPos(), balloonToSpawner, balloon) if constraint.CanConstrain(trace.Entity, trace.PhysicsBone) then local phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum(trace.PhysicsBone) if IsValid(phys) then hitEntity = trace.Entity hitPos = trace.HitPos end end if self.weld then local constraint = constraint.Weld( balloon, hitEntity, 0, trace.PhysicsBone, 0) balloon:DeleteOnRemove(constraint) else balloonPos = balloon:WorldToLocal(balloonPos) hitPos = hitEntity:WorldToLocal(hitPos) local constraint, rope = constraint.Rope( balloon, hitEntity, 0, trace.PhysicsBone, balloonPos, hitPos, 0, self.rl, 0, 1.5, material, false) if constraint then balloon:DeleteOnRemove(constraint) balloon:DeleteOnRemove(rope) end end self:DeleteOnRemove(balloon) self.Balloon = balloon self:UpdatePopable() balloon_registry[balloon] = self Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "BalloonEntity", self.Balloon) end function ENT:OnRemove() if self.Balloon then balloon_registry[self.Balloon] = nil end Wire_Remove(self) end function ENT:RetractBalloons() if self.Balloon:IsValid() then local c = self.Balloon:GetColor() local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin( self.Balloon:GetPos() ) effectdata:SetStart( Vector(c.r,c.g,c.b) ) util.Effect( "balloon_pop", effectdata ) self.Balloon:Remove() else self.Balloon = nil end end function ENT:UpdateOverlay() self:SetOverlayText( "Deployed = " .. ((self.Deployed ~= 0) and "yes" or "no") ) end