-- Copyright (C) 2017-2020 DBotThePony -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -- subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies -- or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- You may, free of charge, download and use the SDK to develop a modified Valve game -- running on the Source engine. You may distribute your modified Valve game in source and -- object code form, but only for free. Terms of use for Valve games are found in the Steam -- Subscriber Agreement located here: http:--store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/ -- You may copy, modify, and distribute the SDK and any modifications you make to the -- SDK in source and object code form, but only for free. Any distribution of this SDK must -- include this LICENSE file and thirdpartylegalnotices.txt. -- Any distribution of the SDK or a substantial portion of the SDK must include the above -- copyright notice and the following: -- DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE SOURCE SDK AND ANY -- OTHER MATERIAL DOWNLOADED BY LICENSEE IS PROVIDED -- "AS IS". VALVE AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL -- WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SDK, EITHER EXPRESS -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, -- TITLE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL VALVE OR -- ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, -- INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER -- (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF -- BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF -- BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) -- ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE -- ENGINE AND/OR THE SDK, EVEN IF VALVE HAS BEEN -- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. PHYSGUN_MUST_BE_DETACHED = 0 PHYSGUN_IS_DETACHING = 1 PHYSGUN_CAN_BE_GRABBED = 2 PHYSGUN_ANIMATE_ON_PULL = 3 PHYSGUN_ANIMATE_IS_ANIMATING = 4 PHYSGUN_ANIMATE_FINISHED = 5 PHYSGUN_ANIMATE_IS_PRE_ANIMATING = 6 PHYSGUN_ANIMATE_IS_POST_ANIMATING = 7 TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE = 0x00000001 TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR = 0x00000002 TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS = 0x00000004 TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT = 0x00000008 TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC = 0x00000010 TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5 = 0x00000020 TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB = 0x00000040 TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL = 0x00000080 TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP = 0x00000100 TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD = 0x00000200 TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS = 0x00000400 TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL = 0x00000800 -- These are automatically generated by vtex from the texture data. TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA = 0x00001000 TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA = 0x00002000 -- newer flags from the *.txt config file TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP = 0x00004000 TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET = 0x00008000 TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET = 0x00010000 TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEBUGOVERRIDE = 0x00020000 TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY = 0x00040000 TEXTUREFLAGS_STAGING_MEMORY = 0x00080000 TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP = 0x00100000 TEXTUREFLAGS_IGNORE_PICMIP = 0x00200000 TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_00400000 = 0x00400000 TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEPTHBUFFER = 0x00800000 TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_01000000 = 0x01000000 TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU = 0x02000000 TEXTUREFLAGS_VERTEXTEXTURE = 0x04000000 -- Useable as a vertex texture TEXTUREFLAGS_SSBUMP = 0x08000000 TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_10000000 = 0x10000000 -- Clamp to border color on all texture coordinates TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER = 0x20000000 TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_40000000 = 0x40000000 TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_80000000 = 0x80000000 -- settings for m_takedamage DAMAGE_MODE_NO = 0 DAMAGE_MODE_GODMODE = 0 DAMAGE_MODE_EVENTS_ONLY = 1 -- Call damage functions, but don't modify health DAMAGE_MODE_BUDDHA = 1 -- Call damage functions, but don't modify health DAMAGE_MODE_YES = 2 DAMAGE_MODE_ENABLED = 2 DAMAGE_MODE_AIM = 3 _G.SNDLVL_NONE = 0 _G.SNDLVL_20dB = 20 _G.SNDLVL_25dB = 25 _G.SNDLVL_30dB = 30 _G.SNDLVL_35dB = 35 _G.SNDLVL_40dB = 40 _G.SNDLVL_45dB = 45 _G.SNDLVL_50dB = 50 _G.SNDLVL_55dB = 55 _G.SNDLVL_60dB = 60 _G.SNDLVL_IDLE = 60 _G.SNDLVL_65dB = 65 _G.SNDLVL_STATIC = 66 _G.SNDLVL_70dB = 70 _G.SNDLVL_75dB = 75 _G.SNDLVL_NORM = 75 _G.SNDLVL_80dB = 80 _G.SNDLVL_TALKING = 80 _G.SNDLVL_85dB = 85 _G.SNDLVL_90dB = 90 _G.SNDLVL_95dB = 95 _G.SNDLVL_100dB = 100 _G.SNDLVL_105dB = 105 _G.SNDLVL_110dB = 110 _G.SNDLVL_120dB = 120 _G.SNDLVL_130dB = 130 _G.SNDLVL_140dB = 140 _G.SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 140 _G.SNDLVL_150dB = 150 _G.SNDLVL_180dB = 180