local CFG = table.Copy(gAC.config or {}) -- for ignoring SV configs, don't remove gAC.config = {} --[[ Hello there and welcome to gAC! Here are all the necessary configs for them pesky cheaters to stay off your server! Please chose wisely on your decisions to enable/disable configs as Every server is unique and may create issues depending on what is on the server. ]] gAC.config.LICENSE = "LICENSE" -- If you didn't receive a license please contact GlorifiedPig. -- Tutorial for new gAC users -- --[[ MySQLOO Table Setup, Simply query this into the SQL query and it should auto generate a table. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gac_detections`; CREATE TABLE `gac_detections` ( `time` bigint(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `steamid` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `detection` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `index` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; ]] --Note: i will create a function that will be able to gather information on cheat records of a user, for now use this example to create your own command. --[[ How to setup cheatlog command. targetid = player's SteamID (not 64 ok?) pl = person who executed the command. data = data retreived from the database nameid = player's SteamID + Name like this, Cream (STEAM_0:0:8319238493) Example, gAC.GetLog( targetid, function(data) if isstring(data) then gAC.ClientMessage( pl, data, Color( 225, 150, 25 ) ) else if data == {} or data == nil then gAC.ClientMessage( pl, nameid .. " has no detections.", Color( 0, 255, 0 ) ) else gAC.PrintMessage(pl, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "\n\n") gAC.PrintMessage(pl, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "Detection Log for " .. nameid .. "\n") for k, v in pairs(data) do gAC.PrintMessage(pl, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, os.date( "[%H:%M:%S %p - %d/%m/%Y]", v["time"] ) .. " - " .. v["detection"] .. "\n") end gAC.ClientMessage( pl, "Look in console.", Color( 0, 255, 0 ) ) end end end) ]] --Recommend sqlite, Recommend mysql if you have more than one server (You must know basic knowledge of SQL programming). gAC.storage.Type = "sqlite" -- Types: flatfile, sqlite, mysql -- MySQL Settings ("mysql" module only) gAC.storage.hostname = "" gAC.storage.username = "root" gAC.storage.password = "root" gAC.storage.database = "gac" gAC.storage.port = 3306 gAC.config.IMMUNE_USERS = { -- Set all the people you want to be immune to detections here, SteamID64s only. -- "76561198061230671", -- NiceCream, remove me if you want. } --[[ DISCORD WEBHOOK SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ENABLE_DISCORD_WEBHOOK = false gAC.config.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = "" -- To find this, right click a discord channel, go to "Edit Channel", click "Webhooks" and then create a new webhook. Copy and paste the URL here. --[[ DISCORD WEBHOOK SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ BAN SYSTEM SETTINGS ]]-- --[[ Just because some servers want their ban functions to be unique. Like they always say, uniqueness is key. Ban Types: custom - gAC's custom ban system ulx - use the ulx ban system d3a - use D3vine's ban system serverguard - server-guard's ban system custom_func - uses BAN_FUNC to ban users, basically make your own ban type Kick Types: default - normal gAC kick system custom_func - uses KICK_FUNC to kick users, basically make your own kick type ]] gAC.config.BAN_MESSAGE_SYNTAX = "AC [g]" -- Syntax for ban messages. -- Your ban system must allow access to ban SteamID's gAC.config.DELAYEDBANS = true --Delays bans to prevent cheaters from understanding the system gAC.config.DELAYEDBANS_TIME = 30 --In seconds, how long to delay the ban -- Kick system will only kick those that are online gAC.config.DELAYEDKICKS = false --Delays kicks to prevent cheaters from understanding the system gAC.config.DELAYEDKICKS_TIME = 30 --In seconds, how long to delay the kick local kickThreshold = 2 -- set to 'custom_func' to use your own custom banning function -- set to 'custom' for our custom banning system -- set to 'ulx' for ulx, 'serverguard' for ServerGuard, 'd3a' for d3a, 'sam' for SAM gAC.config.BAN_TYPE = "custom_func" gAC.config.BAN_FUNC = function(ply, banlength, code) local msg = 'Античит: ' .. code:gsub('.*(%[Code.-%]).*', '%1') octolib.banEverywhere(isstring(ply) and ply or ply:SteamID(), banlength, msg) end gAC.config.KICK_TYPE = "custom_func" -- set to 'default' for normal kick gAC.config.KICK_FUNC = function(ply, code) --only to override the kick function! ply.gacKickPoints = (ply.gacKickPoints or 0) + 1 if ply.gacKickPoints >= kickThreshold then local msg = 'Кажется, какая-то информация не дошла к нам... ' .. code:gsub('.*(%[Code.-%]).*', '%1') .. ' Если это повторяется, обратись к администрации' ply:Kick(msg) end end --[[ BAN SYSTEM SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[Anti-Cheat vs Player detections]] --Checks of gAC was altered by an external source. gAC.config.INTEGRITY_CHECKS = true gAC.config.INTEGRITY_CHECKS_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.INTEGRITY_CHECKS_BANTIME = -1 gAC.config.INTEGRITY_CHECKS_INTERVAL = 60 -- check a player every minute --Checks if the player has successfuly loaded with gAC's payload loader. --Verification failure means they did not receive the payload in required time. gAC.config.PAYLOAD_VERIFY = true gAC.config.PAYLOAD_VERIFY_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.PAYLOAD_VERIFY_TIMELIMIT = 180 --120 seconds to verify or else do an action --Checks if the player has successfuly loaded into garrysmod. --Verification failure means they did not receive the payload in required time. gAC.config.JOIN_VERIFY = true gAC.config.JOIN_VERIFY_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.JOIN_VERIFY_TIMELIMIT = 360 --360 seconds to verify or else do an action --[[end]] --[[Server related detections]] --[[ BACKOOR EXPLOITATION SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.BACKDOOR_NET_EXPLOIT_CHECKS = true -- Whether or not to check for illegal net messages. gAC.config.BACKDOOR_EXPLOITATION_PUNISHMENT = true -- Set to 'true' if you want using net exploits to be punishable. gAC.config.BACKDOOR_EXPLOITATION_BANTIME = 0 -- Set to '0' for permban, '-1' for kick and anything above for ban time in minutes. --[[ BACKOOR EXPLOITATION SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[end]] --[[Cheat specific detections]] --[[ ANTI CITIZENHACK SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ENABLE_CITIZENHACK_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' to enable citizenhack checks. gAC.config.CITIZENHACK_PUNISHMENT = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish to punish players for using citizenhack. gAC.config.CITIZENHACK_PUNSIHMENT_BANTIME = 0 -- Set to '0' for permban, '-1' for kick and anything above for ban time in minutes. --[[ ANTI CITIZENHACK SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ ANTI BigPackets SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ANTI_BP = false gAC.config.BP_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.BP_BANTIME = 0 --[[ ANTI BigPackets SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ ANTI METH SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ANTI_METH = true gAC.config.METH_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.METH_BANTIME = 0 --[[ ANTI METH SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[end]] --[[General cheating detections]] --[[ Lua Execution ]] -- This does something, yet, still in development. -- WARNING: AntiLua can be CPU intensive depending on how it is configured. -- I've tried my best to make this as minimal as possible to reserve resources for the server. -- Only use this if your server has enough resources to spare. -- Debug data on users detections is sorted in folder gac-antilua as month-day-year gAC.config.AntiLua_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.AntiLua_BANTIME = 0 -- For how fast you want AntiLua to check code -- RequestTimeActive is for when the client is responding with data. -- RequestTime is for when the client has no data to send and is idling till new execution. gAC.config.AntiLua_RequestTimeActive = 0.25 gAC.config.AntiLua_RequestTime = 5 -- If they try to manipulate the network of anti-lua gAC.config.AntiLua_Net_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.AntiLua_Net_BANTIME = 0 -- If they did not respond to the server in required time gAC.config.AntiLua_Fail_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.AntiLua_Fail_BANTIME = -1 gAC.config.AntiLua_Fail_TIMEOUT = 240 -- time it takes for them to be considered timed out. -- Uses a stronger method of lua verification, using functions to verify an execution. -- However this works at a cost of some small amounts of CPU usage server-side. -- Verification only checks functions based on their line definitions. gAC.config.AntiLua_FunctionVerification = true -- Same as above however even further in depth by using a special method of function hashing -- WARNING: This has been proven not to work in special cases, please do not turn this on. gAC.config.AntiLua_HashFunctionVerification = false -- WARNING, Only use this in the event of a lua refresh being necessary. -- This will auto reload verifications for a certain file on lua refresh. -- This will also make the verification for that specific file to be changed to weak verification for security purposes. gAC.config.AntiLua_LuaRefresh = true -- for "AntiLua_IgnoreBoot" -- This will make it so that the client only starts sending data after the gamemode has loaded -- So it makes it so that it's faster for the client to finish up sending all data of executed lua scripts. -- However if code is compiled before the gamemode posts, it may cause false detections. --[[ Lua Execution End]] --[[ ANTI Aim SETTINGS ]]-- -- WARNING, This detection is untested! gAC.config.ANTI_ANTIAIM = false gAC.config.ANTIAIM_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.ANTIAIM_BANTIME = 0 --[[ ANTI Aim SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ ANTI Movement Manipulation SETTINGS ]]-- -- WARNING, This detection is untested! gAC.config.ANTI_MOVEMANIP = false gAC.config.MOVEMANIP_PUNISHMENT = true gAC.config.MOVEMANIP_BANTIME = 0 --[[ ANTI Movement Manipulation SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ CVAR MANIPULATION SETTINGS ]] gAC.config.ALLOWCSLUA_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish to check for sv_allowcslua being set to active. gAC.config.SVCHEATS_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish to check for sv_cheats being set to active. gAC.config.CVARMANIP_PUNISHMENT = true -- Set to 'true' if you want to punish the player for C-var manipulation. gAC.config.CVARMANIP_BANTIME = 0 -- Set to '0' for permban, '-1' for kick and anything above for ban time in minutes. --[[ CVAR MANIPULATION SETTINGS END ]] --[[ GENERAL MODULE SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ANTI_NOSPREAD_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish for the anti-nospread module to be enabled. gAC.config.BHOP_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish for the anti-bhop module to be enabled. gAC.config.KEYBIND_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish for suspicious keybindings to be logged. gAC.config.DISABLE_BAD_COMMANDS = true -- Set to 'true' if you wish for sv_allowcslua and sv_cheats to be disabled on server startup. --[[ GENERAL MODULE SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[end]] --[[Account related detections]] --[[ ALT DETECT SETTINGS ]]-- gAC.config.ALT_DETECTION_CHECKS = true -- Set to 'true' if you want to check for alts. gAC.config.ALT_DETECTION_NOTIFY_ALTS = true -- Set to 'true' if you want to notify all admins about alts. gAC.config.ALT_DETECTION_PUNISHMENT = false -- Set to 'true' if you wish to punish players for having alts. gAC.config.ALT_DETECTION_BANTIME = 0 -- Set to '0' for permban, '-1' for kick and anything above for ban time in minutes. --[[ ALT DETECT SETTINGS END ]]-- --[[ FAMILY SHARING CHECK ]]-- --[[ GUIDE FOR GETTING A STEAM API KEY: 1. Go to https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey 2. Name the key. 3. Create the key and paste it below. Your key should look something like this: 1369GJ41970G26891B26AGGFAD526B49 ]]-- gAC.config.STEAM_API_KEY = "" -- Steam API key for the family sharing module. gAC.config.ENABLE_FAMILY_SHARE_CHECKS = false -- Whether or not to check if the player is using a family shared account. gAC.config.FAMILY_SHARE_PUNISHMENT = false -- Set to 'true' if you want using a family shared account to be punishable. gAC.config.FAMILY_SHARE_BANTIME = -1 -- Set to '0' for permban, '-1' for kick and anything above for ban time in minutes. --[[ FAMILY SHARING CHECK END ]]-- --[[end]] --[[ DO NOT TOUCH BELOW THIS LINE ]]-- gAC.config.INTEGRITY_INGORES = {} for k, v in pairs( gAC.config ) do gAC.config.INTEGRITY_INGORES[k] = true end table.Merge( gAC.config, CFG ) gAC.DRM_LoadIndexes = {} -- empty table cause i'm too lazy to refactor everything to work around no query file