DarkRP.lockdown = DarkRP.stub{ name = "lockdown", description = "Start a lockdown.", parameters = { { name = "ply", description = "The player who initiated the lockdown.", type = "Player", optional = false } }, returns = { { name = "str", description = "Empty string (since it's a called in a chat command)", type = "string" } }, metatable = DarkRP } DarkRP.unLockdown = DarkRP.stub{ name = "unLockdown", description = "Stop the lockdown.", parameters = { { name = "ply", description = "The player who stopped the lockdown.", type = "Player", optional = false } }, returns = { { name = "str", description = "Empty string (since it's a called in a chat command)", type = "string" } }, metatable = DarkRP } DarkRP.PLAYER.requestWarrant = DarkRP.stub{ name = "requestWarrant", description = "File a request for a search warrant.", parameters = { { name = "suspect", description = "The player who is suspected.", type = "Player", optional = false }, { name = "actor", description = "The player who wants the warrant.", type = "Player", optional = false }, { name = "reason", description = "The reason for the warrant.", type = "string", optional = false } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.warrant = DarkRP.stub{ name = "warrant", description = "Get a search warrant for this person.", parameters = { { name = "warranter", description = "The player who set the warrant.", type = "Player", optional = false }, { name = "reason", description = "The reason for the warrant.", type = "string", optional = false } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.unWarrant = DarkRP.stub{ name = "unWarrant", description = "Remove the search warrant for this person.", parameters = { { name = "unwarranter", description = "The player who removed the warrant.", type = "Player", optional = true } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.wanted = DarkRP.stub{ name = "wanted", description = "Make this person wanted by the police.", parameters = { { name = "actor", description = "The player who made the other person wanted.", type = "Player", optional = false }, { name = "reason", description = "The reason for the wanted status.", type = "string", optional = false }, { name = "time", description = "The time in seconds for which the player should be wanted.", type = "number", optional = true } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.unWanted = DarkRP.stub{ name = "unWanted", description = "Clear the wanted status for this person.", parameters = { { name = "actor", description = "The player who cleared the wanted status.", type = "Player", optional = true } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.arrest = DarkRP.stub{ name = "arrest", description = "Arrest a player.", parameters = { { name = "time", description = "For how long the player is arrested.", type = "number", optional = true }, { name = "Arrester", description = "The player who arrested the target.", type = "Player", optional = true } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.PLAYER.unArrest = DarkRP.stub{ name = "unArrest", description = "Unarrest a player.", parameters = { { name = "Unarrester", description = "The player who unarrested the target.", type = "Player", optional = true } }, returns = { }, metatable = DarkRP.PLAYER } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerArrested", description = "When a player is arrested.", parameters = { { name = "criminal", description = "The arrested criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "time", description = "The jail time.", type = "number" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who arrested the criminal.", type = "Player" } }, returns = { } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerUnArrested", description = "When a player is unarrested.", parameters = { { name = "criminal", description = "The arrested criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who arrested the criminal.", type = "Player" } }, returns = { } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerWarranted", description = "When a player is warranted.", parameters = { { name = "criminal", description = "The potential criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who wanted the potential criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "reason", description = "The reason for wanting this person.", type = "string" } }, returns = { { name = "suppressMsg", description = "Return true to make the warrant silent.", type = "boolean" } } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerUnWarranted", description = "When a player is unwarranted.", parameters = { { name = "excriminal", description = "The potential criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who unwarranted the potential criminal", type = "Player" } }, returns = { { name = "suppressMsg", description = "Return true to make the unwarrant silent.", type = "boolean" } } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerWanted", description = "When a player is wanted.", parameters = { { name = "criminal", description = "The criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who wanted the criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "reason", description = "The reason for wanting this person.", type = "string" } }, returns = { { name = "suppressMsg", description = "Return true to make the wanted silent.", type = "boolean" } } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerUnWanted", description = "When a player is unwanted.", parameters = { { name = "excriminal", description = "The ex criminal.", type = "Player" }, { name = "actor", description = "The person who unwanted the ex criminal.", type = "Player" } }, returns = { { name = "suppressMsg", description = "Return true to make the unwanted silent.", type = "boolean" } } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "agendaUpdated", description = "When the agenda is updated.", parameters = { { name = "ply", description = "The player who changed the agenda. Warning: can be nil!", type = "Player" }, { name = "agenda", description = "Agenda table (also holds the previous text).", type = "table" }, { name = "text", description = "The text the player wants to set the agenda to.", type = "string" } }, returns = { { name = "text", description = "An override for the text.", type = "string" } } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "playerEnteredLottery", description = "When a player has entered the lottery.", parameters = { { name = "ply", description = "The player.", type = "Player" } }, returns = { } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "lotteryEnded", description = "When a lottery has ended.", parameters = { { name = "participants", description = "The participants of the lottery. An empty table when no one entered the lottery.", type = "table" }, { name = "chosen", description = "The winner of the lottery.", type = "Player" }, { name = "amount", description = "The amount won by the winner.", type = "number" } }, returns = { } } DarkRP.hookStub{ name = "lotteryStarted", description = "When a lottery has started.", parameters = { { name = "price", description = "The amount of money people have to pay to enter.", type = "number" } }, returns = { } }