commit 94ab4f61b0da131a46a5e4ed45200f65c54d5166 Author: Jonny_Bro (Nikita) Date: Tue Jun 27 11:40:07 2023 +0500 first commit diff --git a/assets/css/index.css b/assets/css/index.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bf1a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/css/index.css @@ -0,0 +1,2925 @@ +@font-face { + font-family: DsWhitney; + src: local("Whitney"), url("../fonts/whitney-300.woff"); + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 300; + font-display: swap; +} + +@font-face { + font-family: DsWhitney; + src: local("Whitney"), url("../fonts/whitney-400.woff"); + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 400; + font-display: swap; +} + +@font-face { + font-family: DsWhitney; + src: local("Whitney"), url("../fonts/whitney-500.woff"); + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 500; + font-display: swap; +} + +@font-face { + font-family: DsWhitney; + src: local("Whitney"), url("../fonts/whitney-600.woff"); + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 600; + font-display: swap; +} + +@font-face { + font-family: DsWhitney; + 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ease-out; +} + +body.toHook .done { + right: -150px; +} + +.done:not(.sent):hover { + right: 10px; + transition: right .30s ease-in; +} + +.done.position { + right: 30px; +} + +.done:not(.sent).position:hover { + right: 75px; +} + +.done .in { + position: relative; + border-radius: 3px; + background: linear-gradient(30deg, #202225, #202225); + padding: 10px 20px; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px #0000002b; + display: flex; + cursor: pointer; + width: 105px; + max-width: 150px; + /* transition: max-width .50s ease-out; */ + overflow: hidden; + color: #dcdddec7; +} + +.done:not(.sent):hover .in { + width: auto; + max-width: 500px; + transition: max-width .30 ease-in; +} + +.done .in span { + font-family: var(--font2); + pointer-events: none; + transition: .5s ease-in-out; + color: #dcdddec7; +} + +.done .in svg { + width: 16px; + height: 100%; + margin-left: 10px; + pointer-events: none; +} + +.done .in svg path { + transition: .5s ease-in-out; + fill: #dcdddec7; +} + +.done .item { + 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0000000..2c31b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/js/script.js @@ -0,0 +1,1535 @@ +/** + * Discord Embed Builder + * Contribute or report issues at + * + */ + +window.options ??= {}; +window.inIframe ??= top !== self; +mainHost = ""; + +let params = new URLSearchParams(, + sendMessage = params.get('message') || null, + hasParam = param => params.get(param) !== null, + dataSpecified = || params.get('data'), + username = params.get('username') || options.username, + avatar = params.get('avatar') || options.avatar, + guiTabs = params.get('guitabs') || options.guiTabs, + useJsonEditor = params.get('editor') === 'json' || options.useJsonEditor, + verified = hasParam('verified') || options.verified, + reverseColumns = hasParam('reverse') || options.reverseColumns, + noUser = localStorage.getItem('noUser') || hasParam('nouser') || options.noUser, + onlyEmbed = hasParam('embed') || options.onlyEmbed, + allowPlaceholders = hasParam('placeholders') || options.allowPlaceholders, + autoUpdateURL = localStorage.getItem('autoUpdateURL') || options.autoUpdateURL, + noMultiEmbedsOption = localStorage.getItem('noMultiEmbedsOption') || hasParam('nomultiembedsoption') || options.noMultiEmbedsOption, + single = noMultiEmbedsOption ? options.single ?? true : (localStorage.getItem('single') || hasParam('single') || options.single) ?? false, + multiEmbeds = !single, + autoParams = localStorage.getItem('autoParams') || hasParam('autoparams') || options.autoParams, + hideEditor = localStorage.getItem('hideeditor') || hasParam('hideeditor') || options.hideEditor, + hidePreview = localStorage.getItem('hidepreview') || hasParam('hidepreview') || options.hidePreview, + hideMenu = localStorage.getItem('hideMenu') || hasParam('hidemenu') || options.hideMenu, + sourceOption = localStorage.getItem('sourceOption') || hasParam('sourceoption') || options.sourceOption, + // sourceInMenu = localStorage.getItem('sourceInMenu') || hasParam('sourceInMenu') || options.sourceInMenu || === mainHost, + validationError, activeFields, lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex = -1, lastGuiJson, colNum = 1, num = 0; + +const guiEmbedIndex = guiEl => { + const guiEmbed = guiEl?.closest('.guiEmbed'); + const gui = guiEmbed?.closest('.gui') + + return !gui ? -1 : Array.from(gui.querySelectorAll('.guiEmbed')).indexOf(guiEmbed) +} + +const toggleStored = item => { + const found = localStorage.getItem(item); + if (!found) + return localStorage.setItem(item, true); + + localStorage.removeItem(item); + return found; +}; + +const createElement = object => { + let element; + for (const tag in object) { + element = document.createElement(tag); + + for (const attr in object[tag]) + if (attr !== 'children') element[attr] = object[tag][attr]; + else for (const child of object[tag][attr]) + element.appendChild(createElement(child)); + + } + + return element; +} + +const encodeJson = (jsonCode, withURL = false, redirect = false) => { + let data = btoa(encodeURIComponent((JSON.stringify(typeof jsonCode === 'object' ? jsonCode : json)))); + let url = new URL(location.href); + + if (withURL) { + url.searchParams.set('data', data); + if (redirect) + return top.location.href = url; + + data = url.href + // Replace %3D ('=' url encoded) with '=' + .replace(/data=\w+(?:%3D)+/g, 'data=' + data); + } + + return data; +}; + +const decodeJson = data => { + const jsonData = decodeURIComponent(atob(data || dataSpecified)); + return typeof jsonData === 'string' ? JSON.parse(jsonData) : jsonData; +}; + +// IMPORTANT: jsonToBase64 and base64ToJson are subject to removal in the future. +// Use encodeJson and decodeJson instead (they are aliases) +let jsonToBase64 = encodeJson, base64ToJson = decodeJson; + + +const toRGB = (hex, reversed, integer) => { + if (reversed) return '#' + hex.match(/\d+/g).map(x => parseInt(x).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); + if (integer) return parseInt(hex.match(/\d+/g).map(x => parseInt(x).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''), 16); + if (hex.includes(',')) return hex.match(/\d+/g); + hex = hex.replace('#', '').match(/.{1,2}/g) + return [parseInt(hex[0], 16), parseInt(hex[1], 16), parseInt(hex[2], 16), 1]; +}; + +const reverse = (reversed, callback) => { + const side = document.querySelector(reversed ? '.side2' : '.side1'); + if (side.nextElementSibling) side.parentElement.insertBefore(side.nextElementSibling, side); + else side.parentElement.insertBefore(side, side.parentElement.firstElementChild); + + const isReversed = document.body.classList.toggle('reversed'); + if (autoParams) isReversed ? urlOptions({ set: ['reverse', ''] }) : urlOptions({ remove: 'reverse' }); +}; + +const urlOptions = ({ remove, set }) => { + const url = new URL(location.href); + if (remove) url.searchParams.delete(remove); + if (set) url.searchParams.set(set[0], set[1]); + + try { + history.replaceState(null, null, url.href.replace(/(? x === '=' ? '' : '&')); + } catch (e) { + // 'SecurityError' when trying to change the url of a different origin + // e.g. when trying to change the url of the parent window from an iframe +; + } +}; + +const animateGuiEmbedNameAt = (i, text) => { + const guiEmbedName = document.querySelectorAll('.gui .guiEmbedName')?.[i]; + // Shake animation + guiEmbedName?.animate( + [{ transform: 'translate(0, 0)' }, + { transform: 'translate(10px, 0)' }, + { transform: 'translate(0, 0)' }], + { duration: 100, iterations: 3 }); + + text && (guiEmbedName?.style.setProperty('--text', `"${text}"`)); + + guiEmbedName?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" }); + guiEmbedName?.classList.remove('empty'); + setTimeout(() => guiEmbedName?.classList.add('empty'), 10); +} + +const indexOfEmptyGuiEmbed = text => { + for (const [i, element] of document.querySelectorAll('.msgEmbed>.container .embed').entries()) + if (element.classList.contains('emptyEmbed')) { + text !== false && animateGuiEmbedNameAt(i, text); + return i; + } + + for (const [i, embedObj] of (json.embeds || []).entries()) + if (!(0 in Object.keys(embedObj))) { + text !== false && animateGuiEmbedNameAt(i, text); + return i; + } + + return -1; +} + +const changeLastActiveGuiEmbed = index => { + const pickerEmbedText = document.querySelector('.colors .cTop .embedText>span'); + + if (index === -1) { + lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex = -1; + return pickerEmbedText.textContent = ''; + } + + lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex = index; + + if (pickerEmbedText) { + pickerEmbedText.textContent = index + 1; + + const guiEmbedNames = document.querySelectorAll('.gui .item.guiEmbedName'); + pickerEmbedText.onclick = () => { + const newIndex = parseInt(prompt('Enter an embed number' + (guiEmbedNames.length > 1 ? `, 1 - ${guiEmbedNames.length}` : ''), index + 1)); + if (isNaN(newIndex)) return; + if (newIndex < 1 || newIndex > guiEmbedNames.length) + return error(guiEmbedNames.length === 1 ? `'${newIndex}' is not a valid embed number` : `'${newIndex}' doesn't seem like a number between 1 and ${guiEmbedNames.length}`); + + changeLastActiveGuiEmbed(newIndex - 1); + } + } +} + +// Called after building embed for extra work. +const afterBuilding = () => autoUpdateURL && urlOptions({ set: ['data', encodeJson(json)] }); +// Parses emojis to images and adds code highlighting. +const externalParsing = ({ noEmojis, element } = {}) => { + !noEmojis && twemoji.parse(element || document.querySelector('.msgEmbed'), { base: '' }); + for (const block of document.querySelectorAll('.markup pre > code')) + hljs.highlightBlock(block); + + const embed = element?.closest('.embed'); + if (embed?.innerText.trim()) + (multiEmbeds ? embed : document.body).classList.remove('emptyEmbed'); + + afterBuilding() +}; + +let embedKeys = ["author", "footer", "color", "thumbnail", "image", "fields", "title", "description", "url", "timestamp"]; +let mainKeys = ["embed", "embeds", "content"]; +let allJsonKeys = [...mainKeys, ...embedKeys]; + +// 'jsonObject' is used internally, do not change it's value. Assign to 'json' instead. +// 'json' is the object that is used to build the embed. Assigning to it also updates the editor. +let jsonObject = window.json || { + content: "", + embed: { + title: "Hello ~~people~~ world :wave:", + description: "You can use [links]( or emojis :smile: 😎\n```\nAnd also code blocks\n```", + color: 0x41f097, + timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), + url: "", + author: { + name: "Author name", + url: "", + icon_url: "" + }, + thumbnail: { + url: "" + }, + image: { + url: "" + }, + footer: { + text: "Footer text", + icon_url: "" + }, + fields: [ + { + name: "Field 1, *lorem* **ipsum**, ~~dolor~~", + value: "Field value" + }, + { + name: "Field 2", + value: "You can use custom emojis <:Kekwlaugh:722088222766923847>. <:GangstaBlob:742256196295065661>", + inline: false + }, + { + name: "Inline field", + value: "Fields can be inline", + inline: true + }, + { + name: "Inline field", + value: "*Lorem ipsum*", + inline: true + }, + { + name: "Inline field", + value: "value", + inline: true + }, + { + name: "Another field", + value: "> Nope, didn't forget about this", + inline: false + } + ] + } +} + +if (dataSpecified) + jsonObject = decodeJson(); + +if (allowPlaceholders) + allowPlaceholders = params.get('placeholders') === 'errors' ? 1 : 2; + +// Even if not in multi-embed mode, 'jsonObject' should always have an array 'embeds' +// To get the right json object that includes either 'embeds' or 'embed' if not in multi-embed mode, +// print 'json' (global variable) instead of 'jsonObject', jsonObject is used internally, you shouldn't modify it. +if (multiEmbeds && !jsonObject.embeds?.length) + jsonObject.embeds = jsonObject.embed ? [jsonObject.embed] : []; +else if (!multiEmbeds) + jsonObject.embeds = jsonObject.embeds?.[0] ? [jsonObject.embeds[0]] : jsonObject.embed ? [jsonObject.embed] : []; + +delete jsonObject.embed; + +addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { + if (reverseColumns || localStorage.getItem('reverseColumns')) + reverse(); + if (autoParams) + document.querySelector(' > input').checked = true; + if (hideMenu) + document.querySelector('')?.classList.add('hidden'); + if (noMultiEmbedsOption) + document.querySelector('.box .item.multi')?.remove(); + if (inIframe) + // Remove menu options that don't work in iframe. + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.no-frame')) + e.remove(); + + if (autoUpdateURL) { + document.body.classList.add('autoUpdateURL'); + document.querySelector(' > input').checked = true; + } + + if (single) { + document.body.classList.add('single'); + if (autoParams) + single ? urlOptions({ set: ['single', ''] }) : urlOptions({ remove: 'single' }); + } + + if (hideEditor) { + document.body.classList.add('no-editor'); + document.querySelector('.toggle .toggles .editor input').checked = false; + } + + if (hidePreview) { + document.body.classList.add('no-preview'); + document.querySelector('.toggle .toggles .preview input').checked = false; + } + + if (onlyEmbed) document.body.classList.add('only-embed'); + else { + document.querySelector('.side1.noDisplay')?.classList.remove('noDisplay'); + if (useJsonEditor) + document.body.classList.remove('gui'); + } + + if (noUser) { + document.body.classList.add('no-user'); + if (autoParams) + noUser ? urlOptions({ set: ['nouser', ''] }) : urlOptions({ remove: 'nouser' }); + } + + else { + if (username) document.querySelector('.username').textContent = username; + if (avatar) document.querySelector('.avatar').src = avatar; + if (verified) document.querySelector('.msgEmbed > .contents').classList.add('verified'); + } + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.clickable > img')) + e.parentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', el =>; + + const editorHolder = document.querySelector('.editorHolder'), + guiParent = document.querySelector('.top'), + embedContent = document.querySelector('.messageContent'), + embedCont = document.querySelector('.msgEmbed>.container'), + gui = guiParent.querySelector('.gui:first-of-type'); + + editor = CodeMirror(elt => editorHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, editorHolder), { + value: JSON.stringify(json, null, 4), + gutters: ["CodeMirror-foldgutter", "CodeMirror-lint-markers"], + scrollbarStyle: "overlay", + mode: "application/json", + theme: 'material-darker', + matchBrackets: true, + foldGutter: true, + lint: true, + extraKeys: { + // Fill in indent spaces on a new line when enter (return) key is pressed. + Enter: _ => { + const cursor = editor.getCursor(); + const end = editor.getLine(cursor.line); + const leadingSpaces = end.replace(/\S($|.)+/g, '') || ' \n'; + const nextLine = editor.getLine(cursor.line + 1); + + if ((nextLine === undefined || !nextLine.trim()) && !end.substr( + editor.replaceRange('\n', { line: cursor.line, ch: }); + else + editor.replaceRange(`\n${end.endsWith('{') ? leadingSpaces + ' ' : leadingSpaces}`, { + line: cursor.line, + ch: + }); + }, + } + }); + + editor.focus(); + + const notif = document.querySelector('.notification'); + + error = (msg, time = '5s') => { + notif.innerHTML = msg; +'--startY'); +'--startOpacity'); +'--time', time); + notif.onanimationend = () => = null; + + // If notification element is not already visible, (no other message is already displayed), display it. + if (! + return = 'block', false; + + // If there's a message already displayed, update it and delay animating out. +'--startY', 0); +'--startOpacity', 1); + = null; + setTimeout(() => = 'block', .5); + + return false; + }; + + const url = (url) => /^(https?:)?\/\//g.exec(url) ? url : '//' + url; + + const makeShort = (txt, length, mediaWidth) => { + if (mediaWidth && matchMedia(`(max-width:${mediaWidth}px)`).matches) + return txt.length > (length - 3) ? txt.substring(0, length - 3) + '...' : txt; + return txt; + } + + const allGood = embedObj => { + let invalid, err; + let str = JSON.stringify(embedObj, null, 4) + let re = /("(?:icon_)?url": *")((?!\w+?:\/\/).+)"/g.exec(str); + + if (embedObj.timestamp && new Date(embedObj.timestamp).toString() === "Invalid Date") { + if (allowPlaceholders === 2) return true; + if (!allowPlaceholders) invalid = true, err = 'Timestamp is invalid'; + } else if (re) { // If a URL is found without a protocol + if (!/\w+:|\/\/|^\//g.exec(re[2]) && re[2].includes('.')) { + let activeInput = document.querySelector('input[class$="link" i]:focus') + if (activeInput && !allowPlaceholders) { + lastPos = activeInput.selectionStart + 7; + activeInput.value = `http://${re[2]}`; + activeInput.setSelectionRange(lastPos, lastPos) + return true; + } + } + if (allowPlaceholders !== 2) + invalid = true, err = (`URL should have a protocol. Did you mean http://${makeShort(re[2], 30, 600).replace(' ', '')}?`); + } + + if (invalid) { + validationError = true; + return error(err); + } + + return true; + } + + const markup = (txt, { replaceEmojis, inlineBlock, inEmbed }) => { + if (replaceEmojis) + txt = txt.replace(/(?[^>]+)(? p && emojis[p] ? emojis[p] : match); + + txt = txt + /** Markdown */ + .replace(/<:\w+:(\d{17,19})>/g, '') + .replace(/<a:\w+:(\d{17,20})>/g, '') + .replace(/~~(.+?)~~/g, '$1') + .replace(/\*\*\*(.+?)\*\*\*/g, '$1') + .replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '$1') + .replace(/__(.+?)__/g, '$1') + .replace(/\*(.+?)\*/g, '$1') + .replace(/_(.+?)_/g, '$1') + // Replace >>> and > with block-quotes. > is HTML code for > + .replace(/^(?: *>>> ([\s\S]*))|(?:^ *>(?!>>) +.+\n)+(?:^ *>(?!>>) .+\n?)+|^(?: *>(?!>>) ([^\n]*))(\n?)/mg, (all, match1, match2, newLine) => { + return `
${match1 || match2 || newLine ? match1 || match2 : all.replace(/^ *> /gm, '')}
`; + }) + + /** Mentions */ + .replace(/<#\d+>/g, () => `channel`) + .replace(/<@(?:&|!)?\d+>|@(?:everyone|here)/g, match => { + if (match.startsWith('@')) return `${match}` + else return `@${match.includes('&') ? 'role' : 'user'}` + }) + + if (inlineBlock) + // Treat both inline code and code blocks as inline code + txt = txt.replace(/`([^`]+?)`|``([^`]+?)``|```((?:\n|.)+?)```/g, (m, x, y, z) => x ? `${x}` : y ? `${y}` : z ? `${z}` : m); + else { + // Code block + txt = txt.replace(/```(?:([a-z0-9_+\-.]+?)\n)?\n*([^\n][^]*?)\n*```/ig, (m, w, x) => { + if (w) return `
` + else return `
` + }); + // Inline code + txt = txt.replace(/`([^`]+?)`|``([^`]+?)``/g, (m, x, y, z) => x ? `${x}` : y ? `${y}` : z ? `${z}` : m) + } + + if (inEmbed) + txt = txt.replace(/\[([^\[\]]+)\]\((.+?)\)/g, `$1`); + + return txt; + } + + + const createEmbedFields = (fields, embedFields) => { + embedFields.innerHTML = ''; + let index, gridCol; + + for (const [i, f] of fields.entries()) { + if ( && f.value) { + const fieldElement = embedFields.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), null); + // Figuring out if there are only two fields on a row to give them more space. + // e.fields = json.embeds.fields. + + // if both the field of index 'i' and the next field on it's right are inline and - + if (fields[i].inline && fields[i + 1]?.inline && + // it's the first field in the embed or - + ((i === 0 && fields[i + 2] && !fields[i + 2].inline) || (( + // it's not the first field in the embed but the previous field is not inline or - + i > 0 && !fields[i - 1].inline || + // it has 3 or more fields behind it and 3 of those are inline except the 4th one back if it exists - + i >= 3 && fields[i - 1].inline && fields[i - 2].inline && fields[i - 3].inline && (fields[i - 4] ? !fields[i - 4].inline : !fields[i - 4]) + // or it's the first field on the last row or the last field on the last row is not inline or it's the first field in a row and it's the last field on the last row. + ) && (i == fields.length - 2 || !fields[i + 2].inline))) || i % 3 === 0 && i == fields.length - 2) { + // then make the field halfway (and the next field will take the other half of the embed). + index = i, gridCol = '1 / 7'; + } + // The next field. + if (index === i - 1) + gridCol = '7 / 13'; + + if (!f.inline) + fieldElement.outerHTML = ` +
${markup(encodeHTML(, { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true, inlineBlock: true })}
${markup(encodeHTML(f.value), { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true })}
`; + else { + if (i && !fields[i - 1].inline) colNum = 1; + + fieldElement.outerHTML = ` +
${markup(encodeHTML(, { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true, inlineBlock: true })}
${markup(encodeHTML(f.value), { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true })}
`; + + if (index !== i) gridCol = false; + } + + colNum = (colNum === 9 ? 1 : colNum + 4); + num++; + }; + }; + + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.embedField[style="grid-column: 1 / 5;"]')) + if (!e.nextElementSibling || === '1 / 13') + = '1 / 13'; + colNum = 1; + + display(embedFields, undefined, 'grid'); + } + + const smallerScreen = matchMedia('(max-width: 1015px)'); + + const encodeHTML = str => str.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/g, i => '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';'); + + const timestamp = stringISO => { + const date = stringISO ? new Date(stringISO) : new Date(), + dateArray = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', hour12: false, minute: 'numeric' }), + today = new Date(), + yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(today.getDate() - 1)), + tommorrow = new Date(new Date().setDate(today.getDate() + 1)); + + return today.toDateString() === date.toDateString() ? `Today at ${dateArray}` : + yesterday.toDateString() === date.toDateString() ? `Yesterday at ${dateArray}` : + tommorrow.toDateString() === date.toDateString() ? `Tomorrow at ${dateArray}` : + `${String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0')}/${String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0')}/${date.getFullYear()}`; + } + + const display = (el, data, displayType) => { + if (data) el.innerHTML = data; + = displayType || "unset"; + } + + const hide = el =>'display'), + imgSrc = (elm, src, remove) => remove ?'content') : = `url(${src})`; + + const [guiFragment, fieldFragment, embedFragment, guiEmbedAddFragment] = Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => document.createDocumentFragment()); + embedFragment.appendChild(document.querySelector('.embed.markup').cloneNode(true)); + guiEmbedAddFragment.appendChild(document.querySelector('.guiEmbedAdd').cloneNode(true)); + fieldFragment.appendChild(document.querySelector('.edit>.fields>.field').cloneNode(true)); + + document.querySelector('.embed.markup').remove(); + gui.querySelector('.edit>.fields>.field').remove(); + + for (const child of gui.childNodes) + guiFragment.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true)); + + // Renders the GUI editor with json data from 'jsonObject'. + buildGui = (object = jsonObject, opts) => { + gui.innerHTML = ''; + gui.appendChild(guiEmbedAddFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) + .addEventListener('click', () => { + if (indexOfEmptyGuiEmbed('(empty embed)') !== -1) return; + jsonObject.embeds.push({}); + buildGui(); + }); + + for (const child of Array.from(guiFragment.childNodes)) { + if (child.classList?.[1] === 'content') + gui.insertBefore(gui.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true)), gui.appendChild(child.nextElementSibling.cloneNode(true))).nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.value = object.content || ''; + else if (child.classList?.[1] === 'guiEmbedName') { + for (const [i, embed] of (object.embeds.length ? object.embeds : [{}]).entries()) { + const guiEmbedName = gui.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true)) + + guiEmbedName.querySelector('.text').innerHTML = `Embed ${i + 1}${embed.title ? `: ${embed.title}` : ''}`; + guiEmbedName.querySelector('.icon').addEventListener('click', () => { + object.embeds.splice(i, 1); + buildGui(); + buildEmbed(); + }); + + const guiEmbed = gui.appendChild(createElement({ 'div': { className: 'guiEmbed' } })); + const guiEmbedTemplate = child.nextElementSibling; + + for (const child2 of Array.from(guiEmbedTemplate.children)) { + if (!child2?.classList.contains('edit')) { + const row = guiEmbed.appendChild(child2.cloneNode(true)); + const edit = child2.nextElementSibling?.cloneNode(true); + edit?.classList.contains('edit') && guiEmbed.appendChild(edit); + + switch (child2.classList[1]) { + case 'author': + const authorURL = embed?.author?.icon_url || ''; + if (authorURL) + edit.querySelector('.imgParent').style.content = 'url(' + encodeHTML(authorURL) + ')'; + edit.querySelector('.editAuthorLink').value = authorURL; + edit.querySelector('.editAuthorName').value = embed?.author?.name || ''; + break; + case 'title': + row.querySelector('.editTitle').value = embed?.title || ''; + break; + case 'description': + edit.querySelector('.editDescription').value = embed?.description || ''; + break; + case 'thumbnail': + const thumbnailURL = embed?.thumbnail?.url || ''; + if (thumbnailURL) + edit.querySelector('.imgParent').style.content = 'url(' + encodeHTML(thumbnailURL) + ')'; + edit.querySelector('.editThumbnailLink').value = thumbnailURL; + break; + case 'image': + const imageURL = embed?.image?.url || ''; + if (imageURL) + edit.querySelector('.imgParent').style.content = 'url(' + encodeHTML(imageURL) + ')'; + edit.querySelector('.editImageLink').value = imageURL; + break; + case 'footer': + const footerURL = embed?.footer?.icon_url || ''; + if (footerURL) + edit.querySelector('.imgParent').style.content = 'url(' + encodeHTML(footerURL) + ')'; + edit.querySelector('.editFooterLink').value = footerURL; + edit.querySelector('.editFooterText').value = embed?.footer?.text || ''; + break; + case 'fields': + for (const f of embed?.fields || []) { + const fields = edit.querySelector('.fields'); + const field = fields.appendChild(createElement({ 'div': { className: 'field' } })); + + for (const child of Array.from(fieldFragment.firstChild.children)) { + const newChild = field.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true)); + + if (child.classList.contains('inlineCheck')) + newChild.querySelector('input').checked = !!f.inline; + + else if (f.value && child.classList?.contains('fieldInner')) + newChild.querySelector('.designerFieldName input').value = || '', + newChild.querySelector('.designerFieldValue textarea').value = f.value || ''; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + + // Expand last embed in GUI + const names = gui.querySelectorAll('.guiEmbedName'); + names[names.length - 1]?.classList.add('active'); + } + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.top>.gui .item')) + e.addEventListener('click', el => { + if (e?.classList.contains('active')) + getSelection().anchorNode !== e && e.classList.remove('active'); + else if (e) { + const inlineField = e.closest('.inlineField'), + input = e.nextElementSibling?.querySelector('input[type="text"]'), + txt = e.nextElementSibling?.querySelector('textarea'); + + e.classList.add('active'); + if (e.classList.contains('guiEmbedName')) + return changeLastActiveGuiEmbed(guiEmbedIndex(e)); + + else if (inlineField) + inlineField.querySelector('.ttle~input').focus(); + + else if (e.classList.contains('footer')) { + const date = new Date(jsonObject.embeds[guiEmbedIndex(e)]?.timestamp || new Date()); + const textElement = e.nextElementSibling.querySelector('svg>text'); + const dateInput = textElement.closest('.footerDate').querySelector('input'); + + return ( + textElement.textContent = (date.getDate() + '').padStart(2, 0), + dateInput.value = date.toISOString().substring(0, 19) + ); + } + + else if (input) { + !smallerScreen.matches && input.focus(); + input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = input.value.length; + } + + else if (txt && !smallerScreen.matches) + txt.focus(); + + if (e.classList.contains('fields')) { + if (reverseColumns && smallerScreen.matches) + // return elm.nextElementSibling.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: "end" }); + return e.parentNode.scrollTop = e.offsetTop; + + e.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" }); + } + } + }) + + content = gui.querySelector('.editContent'); + title = gui.querySelector('.editTitle'); + authorName = gui.querySelector('.editAuthorName'); + authorLink = gui.querySelector('.editAuthorLink'); + desc = gui.querySelector('.editDescription'); + thumbLink = gui.querySelector('.editThumbnailLink'); + imgLink = gui.querySelector('.editImageLink'); + footerText = gui.querySelector('.editFooterText'); + footerLink = gui.querySelector('.editFooterLink'); + + // Scroll into view when tabs are opened in the GUI. + const lastTabs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.footer.rows2, .image.largeImg')); + const requiresView = matchMedia(`${}, (max-height: 845px)`); + const addGuiEventListeners = () => { + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.gui .item:not(.fields)')) + e.onclick = () => { + if (lastTabs.includes(e) || requiresView.matches) { + if (!reverseColumns || !smallerScreen.matches) + e.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: "center" }); + else if (e.nextElementSibling.classList.contains('edit') && e.classList.contains('active')) + // e.nextElementSibling.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: "end" }); + e.parentNode.scrollTop = e.offsetTop; + } + }; + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.addField')) + e.onclick = () => { + const guiEmbed = e.closest('.guiEmbed'); + const indexOfGuiEmbed = Array.from(gui.querySelectorAll('.guiEmbed')).indexOf(guiEmbed); + if (indexOfGuiEmbed === -1) return error('Could not find the embed to add the field to.'); + + const fieldsObj = (jsonObject.embeds[indexOfGuiEmbed] ??= {}).fields ??= []; + if (fieldsObj.length >= 25) return error('Cannot have more than 25 fields'); + fieldsObj.push({ name: "Field name", value: "Field value", inline: false }); + + const newField = guiEmbed?.querySelector('.item.fields+.edit>.fields')?.appendChild(fieldFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(true)); + + buildEmbed(); + addGuiEventListeners(); + + newField.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" }); + if (!smallerScreen.matches) { + const firstFieldInput = newField.querySelector('.designerFieldName input'); + + firstFieldInput?.setSelectionRange(firstFieldInput.value.length, firstFieldInput.value.length); + firstFieldInput?.focus(); + } + }; + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.fields .field .removeBtn')) + e.onclick = () => { + const embedIndex = guiEmbedIndex(e); + const fieldIndex = Array.from(e.closest('.fields').children).indexOf(e.closest('.field')); + + if (jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex]?.fields[fieldIndex] === -1) + return error('Failed to find the index of the field to remove.'); + + jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex].fields.splice(fieldIndex, 1); + + buildEmbed(); + e.closest('.field').remove(); + }; + + for (const e of gui.querySelectorAll('textarea, input')) + e.oninput = el => { + const value =; + const index = guiEmbedIndex(; + const field ='.field'); + const fields = field?.closest('.fields'); + const embedObj = jsonObject.embeds[index] ??= {}; + + if (field) { + console.log(field) + const fieldIndex = Array.from(fields.children).indexOf(field); + const jsonField = embedObj.fields[fieldIndex]; + const embedFields = document.querySelectorAll('.container>.embed')[index]?.querySelector('.embedFields'); + + if (jsonField) { + if ( === 'text') = value; + else if ( === 'textarea') jsonField.value = value; + else jsonField.inline =; + createEmbedFields(embedObj.fields, embedFields); + } + } else { + switch ([0]) { + case 'editContent': + jsonObject.content = value; + buildEmbed({ only: 'content' }); + break; + case 'editTitle': + embedObj.title = value; + const guiEmbedName ='.guiEmbed')?.previousElementSibling; + if (guiEmbedName?.classList.contains('guiEmbedName')) + guiEmbedName.querySelector('.text').innerHTML = `${guiEmbedName.innerText.split(':')[0]}${value ? `: ${value}` : ''}`; + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedTitle', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editAuthorName': + ??= {}, = value; + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedAuthorName', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editAuthorLink': ??= {}, = value; + imgSrc(, value); + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedAuthorLink', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editDescription': embedObj.description = value; + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedDescription', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editThumbnailLink': + embedObj.thumbnail ??= {}, embedObj.thumbnail.url = value; + imgSrc('.editIcon').querySelector('.imgParent'), value); + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedThumbnail', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editImageLink': + embedObj.image ??= {}, embedObj.image.url = value; + imgSrc('.editIcon').querySelector('.imgParent'), value); + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedImageLink', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editFooterText': + embedObj.footer ??= {}, embedObj.footer.text = value; + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedFooterText', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'editFooterLink': + embedObj.footer ??= {}, embedObj.footer.icon_url = value; + imgSrc(, value); + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedFooterLink', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + case 'embedFooterTimestamp': + const date = new Date(value); + if (isNaN(date.getTime())) return error('Invalid date'); + + embedObj.timestamp = date; +'svg>text').textContent = (date.getDate() + '').padStart(2, 0); + buildEmbed({ only: 'embedFooterTimestamp', index: guiEmbedIndex( }); + break; + } + + // Find and filter out any empty objects ({}) in the embeds array as Discord doesn't like them. + const nonEmptyEmbedObjects = json.embeds?.filter(o => 0 in Object.keys(o)); + if (nonEmptyEmbedObjects?.length) + json.embeds = nonEmptyEmbedObjects; + } + + // Display embed elements hidden due to not having content. '.msgEmbed>.container' is embed container. + document.querySelectorAll('.msgEmbed>.container')[guiEmbedIndex(]?.querySelector('.emptyEmbed')?.classList.remove('emptyEmbed'); + } + + const uploadError = (message, browse, sleepTime) => { + browse.classList.remove('loading'); + browse.classList.add('error'); + + const p = browse.parentElement.querySelector('.browse.error>p') + p.dataset.error = message; + + setTimeout(() => { + browse.classList.remove('error'); + delete p.dataset.error; + }, sleepTime ?? 7000); + } + + for (const browse of document.querySelectorAll('.browse')) + browse.onclick = e => { + const formData = new FormData(); + const fileInput = createElement({ 'input': { type: 'file', accept: 'image/*' } }); + const edit = browse.closest('.edit'); + const expiration = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; + + fileInput.onchange = el => { + if ([0].size > 32 * 1024 * 1024) + return uploadError('File is too large. Maximum size is 32 MB.', browse, 5000); + + formData.append("expiration", expiration); // Expire after 7 days. Discord caches files. + formData.append("key", options.uploadKey || "93385e22b0619db73a5525140b13491c"); // Add your own key through the uploadKey option. + formData.append("image",[0]); + // formData.append("name", ""); // Uses original file name if no "name" is not specified. + + browse.classList.add('loading'); + + fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) + .then(res => res.json()) + .then(res => { + browse.classList.remove('loading'); + if (!res.success) { + console.log('Upload failed:', || res.error?.message || res); + return uploadError( || res.error?.message || "Request failed. (Check dev-console)", browse); + } + + imgSrc(edit.querySelector('.editIcon > .imgParent'),; + const linkInput = edit.querySelector('input[type=text]'); + const textInput = edit.querySelector('input[class$=Name], input[class$=Text]'); + + linkInput.value =; + // focus on the next empty input if the field requires a name or text to display eg. footer or author. + !textInput?.value && textInput?.focus(); + +`${} will be deleted in ${expiration / 60 / 60} hours. To delete it now, visit ${} and scroll down to find the delete button.`); + + linkInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); + }).catch(err => { + browse.classList.remove('loading'); + error(`Request failed with error: ${err}`) + }) + } + +; + } + + if (multiEmbeds) { + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.guiEmbed')) + e.onclick = () => { + const guiEmbed = e.closest('.guiEmbed'); + const indexOfGuiEmbed = Array.from(gui.querySelectorAll('.guiEmbed')).indexOf(guiEmbed); + if (indexOfGuiEmbed === -1) return error('Could not find the embed to add the field to.'); + + changeLastActiveGuiEmbed(indexOfGuiEmbed); + }; + + + if (!jsonObject.embeds[lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex]) + changeLastActiveGuiEmbed( + jsonObject.embeds[lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex - 1] ? + lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex - 1 : + jsonObject.embeds.length ? 0 : -1 + ); + } else { + changeLastActiveGuiEmbed(-1); + } + } + + addGuiEventListeners(); + + let activeGuiEmbed; + + if (opts?.guiEmbedIndex) { + activeGuiEmbed = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.gui .item.guiEmbedName'))[opts.guiEmbedIndex]; + activeGuiEmbed?.classList.add('active'); + activeGuiEmbed = activeGuiEmbed?.nextElementSibling; + } + + + if (opts?.activateClassNames) + for (const cName of opts.activateClassNames) + for (const e of document.getElementsByClassName(cName)) + e.classList.add('active'); + + else if (opts?.guiTabs) { + const tabs = opts.guiTabs.split?.(/, */) || opts.guiTabs; + const bottomKeys = ['footer', 'image']; + const topKeys = ['author', 'content']; + + + // Deactivate the default activated GUI fields + for (const e of gui.querySelectorAll('.item:not(.guiEmbedName).active')) + e.classList.remove('active'); + + // Activate wanted GUI fields + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll(`.${tabs.join(', .')}`)) + e.classList.add('active'); + + // Autoscroll GUI to the bottom if necessary. + if (!tabs.some(item => topKeys.includes(item)) && tabs.some(item => bottomKeys.includes(item))) { + const gui2 = document.querySelector('.top .gui'); + gui2.scrollTo({ top: gui2.scrollHeight }); + } + } + + else if (opts?.activate) + for (const clss of Array.from(opts.activate).map(el => el.className).map(clss => '.' + clss.split(' ').slice(0, 2).join('.'))) + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll(clss)) + e.classList.add('active'); + + else for (const clss of document.querySelectorAll(', .item.description')) + clss.classList.add('active'); + } + + buildGui(jsonObject, { guiTabs }); + gui.classList.remove('hidden'); + + fields = gui.querySelector('.fields ~ .edit .fields'); + + // Renders embed and message content. + buildEmbed = ({ jsonData, only, index = 0 } = {}) => { + if (jsonData) json = jsonData; + if (!jsonObject.embeds?.length) document.body.classList.add('emptyEmbed'); + + try { + // If there's no message content, hide the message content HTML element. + if (!jsonObject.content) document.body.classList.add('emptyContent'); + else { + // Update embed content in render + embedContent.innerHTML = markup(encodeHTML(jsonObject.content), { replaceEmojis: true }); + document.body.classList.remove('emptyContent'); + } + + const embed = document.querySelectorAll('.container>.embed')[index]; + const embedObj = jsonObject.embeds[index]; + + if (only && (!embed || !embedObj)) return buildEmbed(); + + switch (only) { + // If only updating the message content and nothing else, return here. + case 'content': return externalParsing({ element: embedContent }); + case 'embedTitle': + const embedTitle = embed?.querySelector('.embedTitle'); + if (!embedTitle) return buildEmbed(); + if (!embedObj.title) hide(embedTitle); + else display(embedTitle, markup(`${embedObj.url ? '' + encodeHTML(embedObj.title) + '' : encodeHTML(embedObj.title)}`, { replaceEmojis: true, inlineBlock: true })); + + return externalParsing({ element: embedTitle }); + case 'embedAuthorName': + case 'embedAuthorLink': + const embedAuthor = embed?.querySelector('.embedAuthor'); + if (!embedAuthor) return buildEmbed(); + if (! hide(embedAuthor); + else display(embedAuthor, ` + ${ ? '' : ''} + ${ ? '' + encodeHTML( + '' : '' + encodeHTML( + ''}`, 'flex'); + + return externalParsing({ element: embedAuthor }); + case 'embedDescription': + const embedDescription = embed?.querySelector('.embedDescription'); + if (!embedDescription) return buildEmbed(); + if (!embedObj.description) hide(embedDescription); + else display(embedDescription, markup(encodeHTML(embedObj.description), { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true })); + + return externalParsing({ element: embedDescription }); + case 'embedThumbnail': + const embedThumbnailLink = embed?.querySelector('.embedThumbnailLink'); + if (!embedThumbnailLink) return buildEmbed(); + const pre = embed.querySelector('.embedGrid .markup pre'); + if (embedObj.thumbnail?.url) { + embedThumbnailLink.src = embedObj.thumbnail.url; + = 'block'; + if (pre) = '90%'; + } else { + hide(embedThumbnailLink.parentElement); + pre?.style.removeProperty('max-width'); + } + + return afterBuilding(); + case 'embedImage': + const embedImageLink = embed?.querySelector('.embedImageLink'); + if (!embedImageLink) return buildEmbed(); + if (!embedObj.image?.url) hide(embedImageLink.parentElement); + else embedImageLink.src = embedObj.image.url, + = 'block'; + + return afterBuilding(); + case 'embedFooterText': + case 'embedFooterLink': + case 'embedFooterTimestamp': + const embedFooter = embed?.querySelector('.embedFooter'); + if (!embedFooter) return buildEmbed(); + if (!embedObj.footer?.text) hide(embedFooter); + else display(embedFooter, ` + ${embedObj.footer.icon_url ? '' : ''} + ${encodeHTML(embedObj.footer.text)} + ${embedObj.timestamp ? '' + encodeHTML(timestamp(embedObj.timestamp)) : ''}`, 'flex'); + + return externalParsing({ element: embedFooter }); + } + + if (multiEmbeds) embedCont.innerHTML = ''; + + for (const embedObj of jsonObject.embeds) { + if (!allGood(embedObj)) continue; + if (!multiEmbeds) embedCont.innerHTML = ''; + + validationError = false; + + const embedElement = embedCont.appendChild(embedFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(true)); + const embedGrid = embedElement.querySelector('.embedGrid'); + const msgEmbed = embedElement.querySelector('.msgEmbed'); + const embedTitle = embedElement.querySelector('.embedTitle'); + const embedDescription = embedElement.querySelector('.embedDescription'); + const embedAuthor = embedElement.querySelector('.embedAuthor'); + const embedFooter = embedElement.querySelector('.embedFooter'); + const embedImage = embedElement.querySelector('.embedImage > img'); + const embedThumbnail = embedElement.querySelector('.embedThumbnail > img'); + const embedFields = embedElement.querySelector('.embedFields'); + + if (embedObj.title) display(embedTitle, markup(`${embedObj.url ? '' + encodeHTML(embedObj.title) + '' : encodeHTML(embedObj.title)}`, { replaceEmojis: true, inlineBlock: true })); + else hide(embedTitle); + + if (embedObj.description) display(embedDescription, markup(encodeHTML(embedObj.description), { inEmbed: true, replaceEmojis: true })); + else hide(embedDescription); + + if (embedObj.color) embedGrid.closest('.embed').style.borderColor = (typeof embedObj.color === 'number' ? '#' + embedObj.color.toString(16).padStart(6, "0") : embedObj.color); + else embedGrid.closest('.embed').style.removeProperty('border-color'); + + if ( display(embedAuthor, ` + ${ ? '' : ''} + ${ ? '' + encodeHTML( + '' : '' + encodeHTML( + ''}`, 'flex'); + else hide(embedAuthor); + + const pre = embedGrid.querySelector('.markup pre'); + if (embedObj.thumbnail?.url) { + embedThumbnail.src = embedObj.thumbnail.url; + = 'block'; + if (pre) = '90%'; + } else { + hide(embedThumbnail.parentElement); + if (pre)'max-width'); + } + + if (embedObj.image?.url) + embedImage.src = embedObj.image.url, + = 'block'; + else hide(embedImage.parentElement); + + if (embedObj.footer?.text) display(embedFooter, ` + ${embedObj.footer.icon_url ? '' : ''} + ${encodeHTML(embedObj.footer.text)} + ${embedObj.timestamp ? '' + encodeHTML(timestamp(embedObj.timestamp)) : ''}`, 'flex'); + else if (embedObj.timestamp) display(embedFooter, `${encodeHTML(timestamp(embedObj.timestamp))}`, 'flex'); + else hide(embedFooter); + + if (embedObj.fields) createEmbedFields(embedObj.fields, embedFields); + else hide(embedFields); + + document.body.classList.remove('emptyEmbed'); + externalParsing(); + + if (embedElement.innerText.trim() || embedElement.querySelector('.embedGrid > [style*=display] img')) + embedElement.classList.remove('emptyEmbed'); + else + embedElement.classList.add('emptyEmbed'); + } + + // Make sure that the embed has no text or any visible images such as custom emojis before hiding. + if (!multiEmbeds && !embedCont.innerText.trim() && !embedCont.querySelector('.embedGrid > [style*=display] img')) + document.body.classList.add('emptyEmbed'); + + afterBuilding() + } catch (e) { + console.error(e); + error(e); + } + window.parent.postMessage([sendMessage, json], '*'); + console.log("UPDATED") + } + + editor.on('change', editor => { + // If the editor value is not set by the user, return. + if (JSON.stringify(json, null, 4) === editor.getValue()) return; + + try { + // Autofill when " is typed on new line + const line = editor.getCursor().line; + const text = editor.getLine(line) + + if (text.trim() === '"') { + editor.replaceRange(text.trim() + ':', { line, ch: line.length }); + editor.setCursor(line, text.length) + } + + json = JSON.parse(editor.getValue()); + const dataKeys = Object.keys(json); + + if (dataKeys.length && !allJsonKeys.some(key => dataKeys.includes(key))) { + const usedKeys = dataKeys.filter(key => !allJsonKeys.includes(key)); + if (usedKeys.length > 2) + return error(`'${usedKeys[0] + "', '" + usedKeys.slice(1, usedKeys.length - 1).join("', '")}', and '${usedKeys[usedKeys.length - 1]}' are invalid keys.`); + return error(`'${usedKeys.length == 2 ? usedKeys[0] + "' and '" + usedKeys[usedKeys.length - 1] + "' are invalid keys." : usedKeys[0] + "' is an invalid key."}`); + } + + buildEmbed(); + + } catch (e) { + if (editor.getValue()) return; + document.body.classList.add('emptyEmbed'); + embedContent.innerHTML = ''; + } + }); + + const picker = new CP(document.querySelector('.picker'), state = { parent: document.querySelector('.cTop') }); + +'change', toRGB('#41f097')); + + const colors = document.querySelector('.colors'); + const hexInput = colors?.querySelector('.hex>div input'); + + let typingHex = true, exit = false; + + removePicker = () => { + if (exit) return exit = false; + if (typingHex) picker.enter(); + else { + typingHex = false, exit = true; + colors.classList.remove('picking'); + picker.exit(); + } + } + + document.querySelector('.colBack')?.addEventListener('click', () => { + picker.self.remove(); + typingHex = false; + removePicker(); + }) + + picker.on?.('exit', removePicker); + picker.on?.('enter', () => { + const embedIndex = multiEmbeds && lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex !== -1 ? lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex : 0; + if (jsonObject?.embeds[embedIndex]?.color) { + hexInput.value = jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex].color.toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); + document.querySelector('.hex.incorrect')?.classList.remove('incorrect'); + } + colors.classList.add('picking') + }) + + document.querySelectorAll('.color').forEach(e => e.addEventListener('click', el => { + const embedIndex = multiEmbeds && lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex !== -1 ? lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex : 0; + const embed = document.querySelectorAll('.msgEmbed .container>.embed')[embedIndex]; + const embedObj = jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex] ??= {}; + const color ='.color'); + + embedObj.color = toRGB(, false, true); + embed && ( =; +'background'); + })) + + hexInput?.addEventListener('focus', () => typingHex = true); + setTimeout(() => { + picker.on?.('change', function (r, g, b, a) { + const embedIndex = multiEmbeds && lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex !== -1 ? lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex : 0; + const embed = document.querySelectorAll('.msgEmbed .container>.embed')[embedIndex]; + const embedObj = jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex]; + + = this.color(r, g, b); + embedObj.color = parseInt(this.color(r, g, b).slice(1), 16); + = this.color(r, g, b); + hexInput.value = embedObj.color.toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); + }) + }, 1000) + + document.querySelector('.timeText').innerText = timestamp(); + + for (const block of document.querySelectorAll('.markup pre > code')) + hljs.highlightBlock(block); + + document.querySelector('.opt.gui').addEventListener('click', () => { + if (lastGuiJson && lastGuiJson !== JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)) + buildGui(); + + lastGuiJson = false + activeFields = null; + + document.body.classList.add('gui'); + if (pickInGuiMode) { + pickInGuiMode = false; + togglePicker(); + } + }) + + document.querySelector('.opt.json').addEventListener('click', () => { + const emptyEmbedIndex = indexOfEmptyGuiEmbed(false); + if (emptyEmbedIndex !== -1) + // Clicked GUI tab while a blank embed is added from GUI. + return error(gui.querySelectorAll('.item.guiEmbedName')[emptyEmbedIndex].innerText.split(':')[0] + ' should not be empty.', '3s'); + + const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json, null, 4); + lastGuiJson = jsonStr; + + document.body.classList.remove('gui'); + editor.setValue(jsonStr === '{}' ? '{\n\t\n}' : jsonStr); + editor.refresh(); + editor.focus(); + + activeFields = document.querySelectorAll('.gui >'); + if (document.querySelector('section.side1.low')) + togglePicker(true); + }) + + document.querySelector('.clear').addEventListener('click', () => { + json = {}; + +'background'); + document.querySelector('.msgEmbed .container>.embed')?.remove(); + + buildEmbed(); + buildGui(); + + const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json, null, 4); + editor.setValue(jsonStr === '{}' ? '{\n\t\n}' : jsonStr); + + for (const e of document.querySelectorAll('.gui .item')) + e.classList.add('active'); + + if (!smallerScreen.matches) + content.focus(); + }) + + document.querySelector('')?.addEventListener('click', e => { + if ('.item.dataLink')) { + const data = encodeJson(json, true).replace(/(? x === '=' ? '' : '&'); + if (! + // With long text inside a 'prompt' on Chromium based browsers, some text will be trimmed off and replaced with '...'. + return prompt('Here\'s the current URL with base64 embed data:', data); + + // So, for the Chromium users, we copy to clipboard instead of showing a prompt. + try { + // Clipboard API might only work on HTTPS protocol. + navigator.clipboard.writeText(data); + } catch { + const input = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); + input.value = data; +; + document.setSelectionRange(0, 50000); + document.execCommand('copy'); + document.body.removeChild(input); + } + + return alert('Copied to clipboard.'); + } + + if ('')) + return createElement({ a: { download: 'embed' + '.json', href: 'data:text/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)) } }).click(); + + const input ='.item')?.querySelector('input'); + if (input) input.checked = !input.checked; + + if ('')) { + autoUpdateURL = document.body.classList.toggle('autoUpdateURL'); + if (autoUpdateURL) localStorage.setItem('autoUpdateURL', true); + else localStorage.removeItem('autoUpdateURL'); + urlOptions({ set: ['data', encodeJson(json)] }); + } else if ('.item.reverse')) { + reverse(reverseColumns); + reverseColumns = !reverseColumns; + toggleStored('reverseColumns'); + } else if ('.item.noUser')) { + if (options.avatar) document.querySelector('img.avatar').src = options.avatar; + + const noUser = document.body.classList.toggle('no-user'); + if (autoParams) noUser ? urlOptions({ set: ['nouser', ''] }) : urlOptions({ remove: 'nouser' }); + toggleStored('noUser'); + } else if ('')) { + if (input.checked) localStorage.setItem('autoParams', true); + else localStorage.removeItem('autoParams'); + autoParams = input.checked; + } else if ('.toggles>.item')) { + const win = input.closest('.item').classList[2]; + + if (input.checked) { + document.body.classList.remove(`no-${win}`); + localStorage.removeItem(`hide${win}`); + } else { + document.body.classList.add(`no-${win}`); + localStorage.setItem(`hide${win}`, true); + } + } else if ('.item.multi') && !noMultiEmbedsOption) { + multiEmbeds = !document.body.classList.toggle('single'); + activeFields = document.querySelectorAll('.gui >'); + + if (autoParams) !multiEmbeds ? urlOptions({ set: ['single', ''] }) : urlOptions({ remove: 'single' }); + if (multiEmbeds) localStorage.setItem('multiEmbeds', true); + else { + localStorage.removeItem('multiEmbeds'); + jsonObject.embeds = [jsonObject.embeds?.[0] || {}]; + } + + buildGui(); + buildEmbed(); + editor.setValue(JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)); + } + +'.top-btn')?.classList.toggle('active') + }) + + document.querySelectorAll('.img').forEach(e => { + if (e.nextElementSibling?.classList.contains('spinner-container')) + e.addEventListener('error', el => { +'display'); + = 'block'; + }) + }) + + let pickInGuiMode = false; + togglePicker = pickLater => { + colors.classList.toggle('display'); + document.querySelector('.side1').classList.toggle('low'); + if (pickLater) pickInGuiMode = true; + }; + + document.querySelector('.pickerToggle').addEventListener('click', () => togglePicker()); + buildEmbed(); + + document.body.addEventListener('click', e => { + if ('low') || ('top') && colors.classList.contains('display'))) + togglePicker(); + }) + + // #0070ff, #5865f2 + document.querySelector('.colors .hex>div')?.addEventListener('input', e => { + let inputValue =; + + if (inputValue.startsWith('#')) + = inputValue.slice(1), inputValue =; + if (inputValue.length !== 6 || !/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}$/g.test(inputValue)) + return'.hex').classList.add('incorrect'); + +'.hex').classList.remove('incorrect'); + + const embedIndex = multiEmbeds && lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex !== -1 ? lastActiveGuiEmbedIndex : 0; + jsonObject.embeds[embedIndex].color = parseInt(inputValue, 16); +'change', toRGB(inputValue)); + + buildEmbed(); + }) + + if (onlyEmbed) document.querySelector('.side1')?.remove(); + + const menuMore = document.querySelector('.item.section .inner.more'); + const menuSource = menuMore?.querySelector('.source'); + + if (!sourceOption) menuSource.remove(); + if (menuMore.childElementCount < 2) menuMore?.classList.add('invisible'); + if (menuMore.parentElement.childElementCount < 1) menuMore?.parentElement.classList.add('invisible'); + + document.querySelector('.top-btn.copy').addEventListener('click', e => { + const mark ='.top-btn.copy').querySelector('.mark'), + jsonData = JSON.stringify(json, null, 4), + next = () => { + mark?.classList.remove('hidden'); + mark?.previousElementSibling?.classList.add('hidden'); + + setTimeout(() => { + mark?.classList.add('hidden'); + mark?.previousElementSibling?.classList.remove('hidden'); + }, 1500); + } + + if (!navigator.clipboard?.writeText(jsonData).then(next).catch(err => console.log('Could not copy to clipboard: ' + err.message))) { + const textarea = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('textarea')); + + textarea.value = jsonData; +; + textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 50000); + document.execCommand('copy'); + document.body.removeChild(textarea); + next(); + } + }); +}); + +// Don't assign to 'jsonObject', assign to 'json' instead. +// 'jsonObject' is used to store the final json object and used internally. +// Below is the getter and setter for 'json' which formats the value properly into and out of 'jsonObject'. +Object.defineProperty(window, 'json', { + configurable: true, + // Getter to format 'jsonObject' properly depending on options and other factors + // eg. using 'embeds' or 'embed' in output depending on 'multiEmbeds' option. + get() { + const json = {}; + + if (jsonObject.content) + json.content = jsonObject.content; + + // If 'jsonObject.embeds' array is set and has content. Empty braces ({}) will be filtered as not content. + if (jsonObject.embeds?.length) + if (multiEmbeds) json.embeds =; + else json.embed = cleanEmbed(jsonObject.embeds[0]); + + return json; + }, + + // Setter for 'json' which formats the value properly into 'jsonObject'. + set(val) { + // Filter out items which are not objects and not empty objects. + const embedObjects = val.embeds?.filter(j => j.constructor === Object && 0 in Object.keys(j)); + // Convert 'embed' to 'embeds' and delete 'embed' or validate and use 'embeds' if provided. + const embeds = val.embed ? [val.embed] : embedObjects?.length ? embedObjects : [] + // Convert objects used as values to string and trim whitespace. + const content = val.content?.toString().trim(); + + jsonObject = { + ...(content && { content }), + embeds:, + }; + + buildEmbed(); + buildGui(); + }, +}); + +// Props used to validate embed properties. +window.embedObjectsProps ??= { + author: ["name", "url", "icon_url",], + thumbnail: ["url", "proxy_url", "height", "width",], + image: ["url", "proxy_url", "height", "width",], + fields: { items: ["name", "value", "inline",], }, + footer: ["text", "icon_url",], +} + +function cleanEmbed(obj, recursing = false) { + if (!recursing) + // Remove all invalid properties from embed object. + for (const key in obj) + if (!embedKeys.includes(key)) + delete obj[key]; + else if (obj[key].constructor === Object) // Value is an object. eg. 'author' + // Remove items that are not in the props of the current key. + for (const item in obj[key]) + !embedObjectsProps[key].includes(item) && delete obj[key][item]; + + else if (obj[key].constructor === Array) // Value is an array. eg. 'fields' + // Remove items that are not in the props of the current key. + for (const item of obj[key]) + for (const i in item) + !embedObjectsProps[key].items.includes(i) && delete item[i]; + + // Remove empty properties from embed object. + for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) + if (val === undefined || val.trim?.() === "") + // Remove the key if value is empty + delete obj[key]; + else if (val.constructor === Object) + // Remove object (val) if it has no keys or recursively remove empty keys from objects. + (!Object.keys(val).length && delete obj[key]) || (obj[key] = cleanEmbed(val, true)); + else if (val.constructor === Array) + // Remove array (val) if it has no keys or recursively remove empty keys from objects in array. + !val.length && delete obj[key] || (obj[key] = => cleanEmbed(k, true))); + else + // If object isn't a string, boolean, number, array or object, convert it to string. + if (!['string', 'boolean', 'number'].includes(typeof val)) + obj[key] = val.toString(); + + return obj; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/libs/color-picker/LICENSE b/assets/libs/color-picker/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..143f490 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/libs/color-picker/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2020 Taufik Nurrohman + + + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.css b/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96c8682 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.css @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +.color-picker, +.color-picker *, +.color-picker ::after, +.color-picker ::before, +.color-picker::after, +.color-picker::before { + box-sizing: border-box; +} +.color-picker { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 9999; + box-shadow: 1px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); +} +.color-picker > div { + display: flex; + height: 10em; + border: 1px solid #000; + color: #000; +} +.color-picker > div * { + border-color: inherit; + color: inherit; +} +.color-picker i { + font: inherit; + font-size: 12px; +} +.color-picker\:a, +.color-picker\:h, +.color-picker\:sv { + background-size: 100% 100%; + position: relative; +} +.color-picker\:a, +.color-picker\:h { + width: 1.5em; + border-left: 1px solid; + cursor: ns-resize; + overflow: hidden; +} +.color-picker\:a div, +.color-picker\:h div, +.color-picker\:sv div { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; +} +.color-picker\:a i, +.color-picker\:h i { + display: block; + height: 0.5em; + position: absolute; + top: -0.25em; + right: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 2; +} +.color-picker\:a i::before, +.color-picker\:h i::before { + display: block; + content: ""; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + border: 0.25em solid; + border-top-color: transparent; + border-bottom-color: transparent; +} +.color-picker\:sv { + width: 10em; + cursor: crosshair; + overflow: hidden; +} +.color-picker\:sv i { + display: block; + width: 0.75em; + height: 0.75em; + position: absolute; + top: -0.375em; + right: -0.375em; + z-index: 2; +} +.color-picker\:sv i::before { + display: block; + content: ""; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + border: 1px solid #fff; + border-radius: 100%; + box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000; +} +.color-picker\:a div { + z-index: 2; +} +.color-picker\:a div + div { + background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #ddd 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, #ddd 75%, #ddd 100%), linear-gradient(45deg, #ddd 25%, #fff 25%, #fff 75%, #ddd 75%, #ddd 100%); + background-size: 0.5em 0.5em; + background-position: 0 0, 0.25em 0.25em; + z-index: 1; +} +.color-picker\:h div { + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, red 0, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, red 100%); +} +.color-picker\:sv div + div { + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)); +} +.color-picker\:sv div + div + div { + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #000, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); +} +.color-picker\:a, +.color-picker\:h, +.color-picker\:sv { + -webkit-touch-callout: none; + -webkit-user-select: none; + -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; + user-select: none; + -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; + -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.js b/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2be92f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/libs/color-picker/color-picker.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/*! + * ============================================================== + * COLOR PICKER 2.1.6 + * ============================================================== + * Author: Taufik Nurrohman + * License: MIT + * -------------------------------------------------------------- + */ +((e, t, n) => { + let r = t.documentElement, + i = "HEX", + o = "top", + u = "right", + c = "left", + l = "px", + f = e.setTimeout, + s = ["touchstart", "mousedown"], + a = ["touchmove", "mousemove"], + d = ["orientationchange", "resize"], + h = ["touchend", "mouseup"]; + function p(e) { + let t, + n, + r, + i, + o, + u, + c, + l, + f = +e[0], + s = +e[1], + a = +e[2]; + switch (((u = a * (1 - s)), (c = a * (1 - (o = 6 * f - (i = Math.floor(6 * f))) * s)), (l = a * (1 - (1 - o) * s)), (i = i || 0), (c = c || 0), (l = l || 0), i % 6)) { + case 0: + (t = a), (n = l), (r = u); + break; + case 1: + (t = c), (n = a), (r = u); + break; + case 2: + (t = u), (n = a), (r = l); + break; + case 3: + (t = u), (n = c), (r = a); + break; + case 4: + (t = l), (n = u), (r = a); + break; + case 5: + (t = a), (n = u), (r = c); + } + return [L(255 * t), L(255 * n), L(255 * r), w(e[3]) ? +e[3] : 1]; + } + function g(e) { + let t, + n, + r = +e[0] / 255, + i = +e[1] / 255, + o = +e[2] / 255, + u = Math.max(r, i, o), + c = Math.min(r, i, o), + l = u, + f = u - c; + if (((n = 0 === u ? 0 : f / u), u === c)) t = 0; + else { + switch (u) { + case r: + t = (i - o) / f + (i < o ? 6 : 0); + break; + case i: + t = (o - r) / f + 2; + break; + case o: + t = (r - i) / f + 4; + } + t /= 6; + } + return [t, n, l, w(e[3]) ? +e[3] : 1]; + } + function v(e, t) { + let n = t.touches ? t.touches[0].clientX : t.clientX, + r = t.touches ? t.touches[0].clientY : t.clientY, + i = E(e); + return [n - i[0], r - i[1]]; + } + function b(e, t) { + if (e === t) return e; + for (; (e = e.parentElement) && e !== t; ); + return e; + } + function m(e) { + e && e.preventDefault(); + } + function C(e, t, n) { + for (let r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ++r) e.removeEventListener(t[r], n, !1); + } + function k(e, t, n) { + for (let r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ++r) e.addEventListener(t[r], n, !1); + } + function y(e) { + return "function" == typeof e; + } + function w(e) { + return void 0 !== e && null !== e; + } + function x(e) { + return "string" == typeof e; + } + function E(t) { + let n, i, o; + return t === e ? ((n = e.pageXOffset || r.scrollLeft), (i = e.pageYOffset || r.scrollTop)) : ((n = (o = t.getBoundingClientRect()).left), (i =, [n, i]; + } + function P(t) { + return t === e ? [e.innerWidth, e.innerHeight] : [t.offsetWidth, t.offsetHeight]; + } + function H(e, t, n) { +[t] = n; + } + function M(e, t) { + return e < t[0] ? t[0] : e > t[1] ? t[1] : e; + } + function O(e, t) { + return parseInt(e, t || 10); + } + function X(e, n, r) { + return (e = t.createElement(e)), n && n.appendChild(e), r && (e.className = r), e; + } + function L(e) { + return Math.round(e); + } + function Y(e, t) { + return e.toString(t); + } + ((e) => { + (e[i] = (e) => { + if (x(e)) { + let t = (e = e.trim()).length; + if ((4 !== t && 7 !== t) || "#" !== e[0]) { + if ((5 === t || 9 === t) && "#" === e[0] && /^#([a-f\d]{3,4}){1,2}$/i.test(e)) + return 5 === t ? [O(e[1] + e[1], 16), O(e[2] + e[2], 16), O(e[3] + e[3], 16), O(e[4] + e[4], 16) / 255] : [O(e[1] + e[2], 16), O(e[3] + e[4], 16), O(e[5] + e[6], 16), O(e[7] + e[8], 16) / 255]; + } else if (/^#([a-f\d]{3}){1,2}$/i.test(e)) return 4 === t ? [O(e[1] + e[1], 16), O(e[2] + e[2], 16), O(e[3] + e[3], 16), 1] : [O(e[1] + e[2], 16), O(e[3] + e[4], 16), O(e[5] + e[6], 16), 1]; + return [0, 0, 0, 1]; + } + return "#" + ("000000" + Y(+e[2] | (+e[1] << 8) | (+e[0] << 16), 16)).slice(-6) + (w(e[3]) && e[3] < 1 ? Y(L(255 * e[3]) + 65536, 16).substr(-2) : ""); + }), + (e.instances = {}), + (e.state = { class: "color-picker", color: i, parent: null }), + (e.version = "2.1.6"); + })( + (e.CP = function (n, O) { + if (!n) return; + let L = this, + Y = e.CP, + I = {}, + N = Object.assign({}, Y.state, x(O) ? { color: O } : O || {}), + T = N.class, + W = X("div", 0, T); + if (n.CP) return L; + if (!(L instanceof Y)) return new Y(n, O); + (Y.instances[ || || Object.keys(Y.instances).length] = L), (n.CP = 1), (L.visible = !1); + let $, + z, + B, + D, + R = t.body, + S = le(), + q = g(S), + A = X("div", W), + F = X("div", A, T + ":sv"), + G = X("div", A, T + ":h"), + J = X("div", A, T + ":a"), + K = X("div", F), + Q = (X("div", F), X("div", F), X("i", F)), + U = (X("div", G), X("i", G)), + V = X("div", J), + Z = (X("div", J), X("i", J)), + _ = 0, + ee = 0, + te = 0, + ne = 0, + re = 0, + ie = 0; + function oe(e) { + if (I.focus) ue("focus", S); + else { + let t =; + n === b(t, n) ? !ce() && $(N.parent) : z(); + } + } + function ue(e, t) { + if (!w(I[e])) return L; + for (let n = 0, r = I[e].length; n < r; ++n) I[e][n].apply(L, t); + return L; + } + function ce() { + return W.parentNode; + } + function le(e) { + let t, + r = Y[y(Y[N.color]) ? N.color : i]; + return (t = n.dataset.color) ? (w(e) ? (n.dataset.color = r(t)) : r(t)) : (t = n.value) ? (w(e) ? (n.value = r(t)) : r(t)) : (t = n.textContent) ? (w(e) ? (n.textContent = r(t)) : r(t)) : w(e) ? void 0 : [0, 0, 0, 1]; + } + !(function i(y, x) { + (q = g((S = le()))), + y || ((x || N.parent || R).appendChild(W), (L.visible = !0)), + ($ = (e) => (i(0, e), ue("enter", S), L)), + (z = () => { + let n = ce(); + return n && (n.removeChild(W), (L.current = null), (L.visible = !1)), C(F, s, ge), C(G, s, ve), C(J, s, be), C(t, a, he), C(t, h, pe), C(e, d, D), ue("exit", S), L; + }), + (B = (t) => { + let i = P(e), + u = P(r), + f = i[0] - u[0], + s = i[1] - r.clientHeight, + a = E(e), + d = E(n), + h = P(W), + p = h[0], + g = h[1], + v = d[0] + a[0], + b = d[1] + a[1] + P(n)[1]; + if ("object" == typeof t) w(t[0]) && (v = t[0]), w(t[1]) && (b = t[1]); + else { + let e = a[0], + t = a[1], + n = a[0] + i[0] - p - f, + r = a[1] + i[1] - g - s; + (v = M(v, [e, n]) >> 0), (b = M(b, [t, r]) >> 0); + } + return H(W, c, v + l), H(W, o, b + l), ue("fit", S), L; + }), + (D = () => B()); + let j = P(F), + O = j[0], + X = j[1], + Y = P(Q), + T = Y[0], + A = Y[1], + fe = P(G)[1], + se = P(U)[1], + ae = P(J)[1], + de = P(Z)[1]; + function he(e) { + ne && + (function (e) { + let t = v(F, e), + n = M(t[0], [0, O]), + r = M(t[1], [0, X]); + (q[1] = 1 - (O - n) / O), (q[2] = (X - r) / X), me(); + })(e), + re && + (function (e) { + (q[0] = (fe - M(v(G, e)[1], [0, fe])) / fe), me(); + })(e), + ie && + (function (e) { + (q[3] = (ae - M(v(J, e)[1], [0, ae])) / ae), me(); + })(e), + (S = p(q)), + (ne || re || ie) && (ue(_ || ee || te ? "start" : "drag", S), ue("change", S)), + (_ = ee = te = 0); + } + function pe(e) { + S = p(q); + let t =, + r = n === b(t, n), + i = W === b(t, W); + (L.current = null), r || i ? i && (ne || re || ie) && ue("stop", S) : I.blur ? ue("blur", S) : ce() && z(), (ne = re = ie = 0); + } + function ge(e) { + (L.current = F), (_ = ne = 1), he(e), m(e); + } + function ve(e) { + (L.current = G), (ee = re = 1), he(e), m(e); + } + function be(e) { + (L.current = J), (te = ie = 1), he(e), m(e); + } + function me() { + var e; + w((e = q)[1]) && H(Q, u, O - T / 2 - O * +e[1] + l), w(e[2]) && H(Q, o, X - A / 2 - X * +e[2] + l), w(e[0]) && H(U, o, fe - se / 2 - fe * +e[0] + l), w(e[3]) && H(Z, o, ae - de / 2 - ae * +e[3] + l); + let t = p(q), + n = p([q[0], 1, 1]); + H(K, "backgroundColor", "rgb(" + n[0] + "," + n[1] + "," + n[2] + ")"), H(V, "backgroundImage", "linear-gradient(rgb(" + t[0] + "," + t[1] + "," + t[2] + "),transparent)"); + } + y + ? (k(n, s, oe), + f(() => { + ue("change", S); + }, 1)) + : (k(F, s, ge), k(G, s, ve), k(J, s, be), k(t, a, he), k(t, h, pe), k(e, d, D), B()), + (L.get = () => le()), + (L.set = (e, t, n, r) => ((q = g([e, t, n, r])), me(), L)), + me(); + })(1), + (L.color = (e, t, n, r) => Y[y(Y[N.color]) ? N.color : i]([e, t, n, r])), + (L.current = null), + (L.enter = $), + (L.exit = z), + ( = ue), + ( = B), + (L.hooks = I), + ( = function (e, t) { + if (!w(e)) return (I = {}), L; + if (w(I[e])) + if (w(t)) { + for (let n = 0, r = I[e].length; n < r; ++n) t === I[e][n] && I[e].splice(n, 1); + 0 === j && delete I[e]; + } else delete I[e]; + return L; + }), + (L.on = function (e, t) { + return w(I[e]) || (I[e] = []), w(t) && I[e].push(t), L; + }), + (L.pop = () => (n.CP ? (delete n.CP, C(n, s, oe), z(), ue("pop", S)) : L)), + (L.self = W), + (L.source = n), + (L.state = N), + (L.value = (e, t, n, r) => (L.set(e, t, n, r), ue("change", [e, t, n, r]))); + }) + ); +})(window, document); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/builder.config.js b/builder.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..485c1bb --- /dev/null +++ b/builder.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/** + * This script file will (or atleast should) run before the main script file runs. + * This file should contain stuff like options, global variables (etc.) to be used by the main script. + */ + +// Options + +// URL options can override the options below. +// Options set through the menu can override both until the page is refreshed. +options = { + username: 'Discord Bot', + avatar: '', + verified: false, + noUser: false, + data: null, + guiTabs: ['author', 'description'], + useJsonEditor: false, + reverseColumns: false, + allowPlaceholders: false, + autoUpdateURL: false, + autoParams: false, + hideEditor: false, + hidePreview: false, + hideMenu: false, + single: false, + noMultiEmbedsOption: false, + sourceOption: false, // Display link to source code in menu. +} + +// Default JSON object + +// json = { +// content: "Hello world", +// embed: { +// title: "A title", +// description: "A description", +// } +// } + + +// Write any code under the 'DOMContentLoaded' event to run after the page has loaded. +addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { + // console.log('Hello 👋'); + + // Remove the colour picker + // document.querySelector('.colors').remove() +}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d59ab24 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,609 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Message content

+ +
+ Embed 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



+ +


+ +


+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + Remove +

New Field

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + +

+ +
+ + + +
Add embed
+ + # + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +

Embed Colour


Pick the embed colour

+  +

+ Discord Bot + + + + + BOT + + +

+ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + +
Nothing here
There is an error
+ + + diff --git a/test.html b/test.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e00e01b --- /dev/null +++ b/test.html @@ -0,0 +1,608 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Message content

+ +
+ Embed 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



+ +


+ +


+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + Remove +

New Field

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + +

+ +
+ + + +
Add embed
+ + # + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +

Embed Colour


Pick the embed colour

+  +

+ {{botusername}} + + + + + BOT + + +

+ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + +
Nothing here
There is an error
+ + + \ No newline at end of file