2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
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2024-10-04 20:07:16 +05:00
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2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
< span class = "mb-4 font-bold text-2xl" > I do something about something< / span >
2024-12-04 13:32:23 +05:00
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://s.jonnybro.ru/jaba" class = "m-1 button transform hover:scale-105" oncontextmenu = "return redirect('https:\/\/discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=708637495054565426&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=8')" > Discord Bot< br > Right Click to Invite< / a >
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://s.jonnybro.ru/beatrun" class = "m-1 button transform hover:scale-105" > Beatrun Fork< / a >
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://s.jonnybro.ru/courses" class = "m-1 button transform hover:scale-105" oncontextmenu = "return redirect('https:\/\/git.jonnybro.ru/jonny_bro/beatrun-courses-server-docker')" > Beatrun Courses Database< br > Right Click to see the source code< / a >
2024-03-23 11:21:52 +05:00
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2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
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2024-12-04 13:32:23 +05:00
< a class = "mx-2" href = "#" onclick = "return copy('jonny_bro', 'Copied my username to your clipboard!', true, 5000)" > < i class = "fa-brands fa-discord fa-xl" > < / i > < / i > < / a >
2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
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2025-01-14 18:47:08 +05:00
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2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
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2025-01-14 18:47:08 +05:00
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2024-03-07 21:20:36 +05:00
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