jonny_bro synced and deleted reference refs/tags/backup at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-15 07:59:32 +05:00
jonny_bro synced and deleted reference refs/tags/new-dashboard at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-15 07:59:32 +05:00
jonny_bro synced commits to v4 at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-15 07:59:32 +05:00
jonny_bro synced new reference v4 to jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-15 07:59:32 +05:00
jonny_bro synced commits to es-modules at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-14 23:49:33 +05:00
a3c7d1fef6 feat: added support discord player with events
f3d85c3ec2 feat: added instance support to client class
f20c7a5550 feat: added new func in database adapter
0ea85ec3ac resolve issues
136d52a268 style: changed console to logger
Compare 8 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-14 23:49:33 +05:00
12054c35c5 refactor: forget about jaba it
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/head at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-14 23:49:33 +05:00
a3c7d1fef6 feat: added support discord player with events
f3d85c3ec2 feat: added instance support to client class
f20c7a5550 feat: added new func in database adapter
0ea85ec3ac resolve issues
136d52a268 style: changed console to logger
Compare 8 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/merge at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-14 23:49:33 +05:00
a3c7d1fef6 feat: added support discord player with events
f3d85c3ec2 feat: added instance support to client class
f20c7a5550 feat: added new func in database adapter
0ea85ec3ac resolve issues
Compare 8 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-14 15:39:39 +05:00
fa3f71dd43 delete dashboard
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/beatrun-anims from mirror 2024-12-14 14:29:35 +05:00
03445af046 newer sprint anim
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/beatrun from mirror 2024-12-14 14:19:34 +05:00
89383faa3a update anims
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated from mirror 2024-12-14 09:59:31 +05:00
f19590916f add clicksfly domain
2b7779b705 leave profitsfly timer new value at 5 instead of 3 to avoid need for extra config
51087c75d1 Fix profitsfly timer skipping (by Anon991299)
Compare 3 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to es-modules at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-13 23:19:32 +05:00
11c1c5640e fix(logger): added support many args in every func
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/head at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-13 23:19:32 +05:00
11c1c5640e fix(logger): added support many args in every func
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/merge at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-13 23:19:32 +05:00
11c1c5640e fix(logger): added support many args in every func
Compare 2 commits »
jonny_bro pushed to main at jonny_bro/beatrun-courses-server 2024-12-13 22:39:33 +05:00
2b66af7de0 feat: add a simple list of courses that user made
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/merge at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-13 15:19:23 +05:00
5deee996dc refactor: skipped logger in mongooseadapter
Compare 2 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated from mirror 2024-12-13 09:39:20 +05:00
1c5fbb8ee1 disable timerskip for profitsfly now it breaks the site
8e9c746a1a add bypass for
Compare 2 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to es-modules at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-12 22:59:21 +05:00
5deee996dc refactor: skipped logger in mongooseadapter
d0b4a13a2e refactor: move commands and events so we can start properly
30a83aa273 refactor: fix i18n debug being true on production
62ab9250fc feat: internationalization service
bce6242e1e feat: added paths in config
Compare 5 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/19/head at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-12-12 22:59:21 +05:00
5deee996dc refactor: skipped logger in mongooseadapter
d0b4a13a2e refactor: move commands and events so we can start properly
30a83aa273 refactor: fix i18n debug being true on production
62ab9250fc feat: internationalization service
bce6242e1e feat: added paths in config
Compare 5 commits »