jonny_bro synced commits to dev at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-29 01:44:58 +05:00
2a597da1bc III: Backport one more fix from VC to fix the timer initialize lingering the audio entities on New Game
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/95/head at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-29 01:44:58 +05:00
a8c40aabde SilentPatchVC: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
c3570a9d89 SilentPatchIII: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
9a3e90f7c9 SilentPatchIII: Add a missing functional header include
6af4fcc0ee SilentPatch: Add missing cmath header include
33c1ec00d6 SilentPatch: Move a header include in SVF
Compare 19 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/95/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-29 01:44:58 +05:00
a8c40aabde SilentPatchVC: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
c3570a9d89 SilentPatchIII: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
9a3e90f7c9 SilentPatchIII: Add a missing functional header include
6af4fcc0ee SilentPatch: Add missing cmath header include
Compare 19 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-28 16:14:59 +05:00
df79fa2bda fix /avatar returning non server url
jonny_bro synced commits to dev at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-26 08:24:57 +05:00
50c3a47cd3 SA: Fix an incompatibility between wshps.asi, making credits huge
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/95/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-26 08:24:57 +05:00
50c3a47cd3 SA: Fix an incompatibility between wshps.asi, making credits huge
Compare 2 commits »
jonny_bro synced and deleted reference refs/tags/lavalink-rewrite at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-25 14:44:58 +05:00
jonny_bro synced commits to new-dashboard at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-25 14:44:58 +05:00
b11cf4ce11 clean up
e5c6659de5 fix birthdays
5a7088671f update nsfw api domain
f77913c007 remove useless reactions
Compare 52 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/beatrun from mirror 2024-11-23 20:24:57 +05:00
4467097586 v1.0.22
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/95/head at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-21 05:54:58 +05:00
dc04c3ca39 SilentPatchVC: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
8362b0a1d0 SilentPatchIII: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
184f3c60f9 SilentPatchIII: Add a missing functional header include
74e16c5f04 SilentPatch: Add missing cmath header include
44b9f507cf SilentPatch: Move a header include in SVF
Compare 26 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/95/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-21 05:54:58 +05:00
dc04c3ca39 SilentPatchVC: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
8362b0a1d0 SilentPatchIII: Add GCC-style inline assembly statements
184f3c60f9 SilentPatchIII: Add a missing functional header include
74e16c5f04 SilentPatch: Add missing cmath header include
Compare 25 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-20 12:14:58 +05:00
b11cf4ce11 clean up
e5c6659de5 fix birthdays
5a7088671f update nsfw api domain
Compare 3 commits »
jonny_bro synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/113/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-19 05:04:58 +05:00
jonny_bro synced commits to dev at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-19 05:04:58 +05:00
d191bdf3b4 SilentPatchSA: Fixup the MSVC inline assembly statements (part 3)
5738eb5d75 SilentPatchSA: Fixup the MSVC inline assembly statements (part 2)
94f967245b SilentPatchSA: Fixup the MSVC inline assembly statements (part 1)
5d90ed55d7 SilentPatchVC: Fixup the MSVC inline assembly statements
7819f30c75 SilentPatchIII: Fixup the MSVC inline assembly statements
Compare 6 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-19 03:34:58 +05:00
f77913c007 remove useless reactions
19ed241e76 fix error in tictactoe
Compare 3 commits »
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-18 19:24:59 +05:00
4aa0cfe9fa refactor some helpers
jonny_bro synced commits to main at jonny_bro/JaBa from mirror 2024-11-17 18:54:58 +05:00
f65f09463c update deps where we can
f9cc19531e update dependencies
Compare 2 commits »
jonny_bro synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/118/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-17 04:04:58 +05:00
jonny_bro synced commits to dev at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-17 04:04:58 +05:00
c733f3e7d1 III: Fix the missing window icon
jonny_bro synced commits to refs/pull/113/merge at jonny_bro/SilentPatch from mirror 2024-11-17 04:04:58 +05:00
c733f3e7d1 III: Fix the missing window icon
Compare 2 commits »