"EXAMPLES":"{{prefix}}setwarns kick 10\n{{prefix}}setwarns ban 10\n{{prefix}}setwarns ban reset",
"MISSING_TYPE":"Please specify sanction between `kick` and `ban`",
"SUCCESS_KICK":"** `{{count}}` warnings will result in an expulsion!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Send `{{prefix}}configuration` to see the updated configuration!*",
"SUCCESS_BAN":"** `{{count}}` warnings will result in a ban!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Send `{{prefix}}configuration` to see the updated configuration!*",
"SUCCESS_KICK_RESET":"**Members can no longer be automatically kicked!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Send `{{prefix}}configuration` to see the updated configuration!*",
"SUCCESS_BAN_RESET":"**Members can no longer be automatically banned!**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Send `{{prefix}}configuration` to see the updated configuration!*",
"AUTO_BAN":"**{{username}}** was automatically banned because they reach more than **{{count}}** warns!",
"AUTO_KICK":"**{{username}}** was automatically kicked because they reach more than **{{count}}** warns!"