"NO_PERMS":"You must have an administration rights to perform this action!",
"NO_REASON_PROVIDED":"No reason provided",
"NO_USER_FOUND_ID":"No user on Discord has the ID `{{id}}`!",
"VOTE_DM":"⬆️ Hello {{user}}, thanks for voting!\nHere's your reward: 40 credits (on the support server)!",
"VOTE_LOGS":"⬆️ **{{usertag}}** (`{{userid}}`) voted for **JaBa** and won **40** credits, thank you!\n<https://discordbots.org/bot/557445719892688897/vote>",
"HELLO_SERVER":"Hello **{{username}}**, my prefix on this server is `{{prefix}}`. Use `{{prefix}}help` to get the list of the commands!",
"HELLO_DM":"Hello, as you are currently in direct message you don't need to add a prefix before command name.",
"GUILD_ONLY":"This command is only available on a server!",
"MISSING_BOT_PERMS":"I need the following permissions to execute this command: {{list}}",
"MISSING_MEMBER_PERMS":"You need the following permissions to execute this command: {{list}}",
"RESTRICTED_CHANNEL":"Commands are not allowed in {{channel}}!",
"EVERYONE_MENTION":"You are not allowed to mention everyone or here in the commands.",
"NSFW_COMMAND":"You must execute this command in a channel that allows NSFW!",
"OWNER_ONLY":"Only the owner of JaBa can do these commands!",
"COOLDOWNED":"You must wait **{{seconds}}** second(s) to be able to run this command again!",
"CANNOT_DM":"I don't have permission to send you private messages... Please update your privacy settings!"