"MISSING_MEMBER":"You must specify a valid member to rob!",
"MISSING_AMOUNT":"Please enter a valid amount!",
"NOT_ENOUGH_AUTHOR":"You must have more than **{{moneyMin}}** credits to attempt this robbery (you have **{{moneyCurrent}}** credits for now)!",
"NOT_ENOUGH_MEMBER":"You can't try your robbery because **{{username}}** doesn't have as many credits in cash!",
"COOLDOWN":"🕵️ **{{username}}** is on guard.... Wait a while and try again!",
"ROB_WON_1":"🎉 | Congratulations! The police weren't fast enough to stop you from robbing **{{money}}** credits to **{{username}}**!",
"ROB_WON_2":"😕 | **{{username}}** ? Bad news. You just got robbed **{{money}}** credits!",
"ROB_LOSE_1":"🚔 | The police caught you in the act, impossible to deny, your fine is **{{fine}}** credits. **{{offset}}** offset credits will be paid to **{{username}}**.",
"ROB_LOSE_2":"🚓 | Bad news.... **{{username}}** called the police in time. Your fine is **{{fine}}** credits and **{{offset}}** offset credits will be paid to **{{username}}**."