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const Command = require("../../base/Command.js"),
Resolvers = require("../../helpers/resolvers");
class Welcome extends Command {
constructor (client) {
super(client, {
name: "welcome",
dirname: __dirname,
enabled: true,
guildOnly: true,
aliases: [ "bienvenue" ],
memberPermissions: [ "MANAGE_GUILD" ],
botPermissions: [ "SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS" ],
nsfw: false,
ownerOnly: false,
cooldown: 3000
async run (message, args, data) {
if (args[0] === "test" && data.guild.plugins.welcome.enabled) {
this.client.emit("guildMemberAdd", message.member);
return message.success("administration/welcome:TEST_SUCCESS");
if ((!args[0] || !["edit", "off"].includes(args[0])) && data.guild.plugins.welcome.enabled) return message.error("administration/welcome:MISSING_STATUS");
if (args[0] === "off") {
data.guild.plugins.welcome = {
enabled: false,
message: null,
channelID: null,
withImage: null
return message.error("administration/welcome:DISABLED", { prefix: data.guild.prefix });
} else {
const welcome = {
enabled: true,
channel: null,
message: null,
withImage: null,
message.sendT("administration/welcome:FORM_1", { author: message.author.toString() });
const collector = message.channel.createMessageCollector(m => m.author.id === message.author.id, {
time: 120000 // 2 minutes
collector.on("collect", async msg => {
// If the message is filled, it means the user sent yes or no for the image
if (welcome.message) {
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === message.translate("common:YES").toLowerCase()) {
welcome.withImage = true;
} else if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === message.translate("common:NO").toLowerCase()) {
welcome.withImage = false;
} else {
return message.error("misc:INVALID_YES_NO");
data.guild.plugins.welcome = welcome;
await data.guild.save();
message.sendT("administration/welcome:FORM_SUCCESS", { prefix: data.guild.prefix, channel: `<#${welcome.channel}>` });
return collector.stop();
// If the channel is filled and the message is not, it means the user sent the message
if (welcome.channel && !welcome.message) {
if (msg.content.length < 1800) {
welcome.message = msg.content;
return message.sendT("administration/welcome:FORM_3");
return message.error("administration/goodbye:MAX_CHARACT");
// If the channel is not filled, it means the user sent it
if (!welcome.channel) {
const channel = await Resolvers.resolveChannel({ message: msg, channelType: "text" });
if (!channel) return message.error("misc:INVALID_CHANNEL");
welcome.channel = channel.id;
message.sendT("administration/welcome:FORM_2", {
guildName: message.guild.name,
author: msg.author.tag,
memberCount: msg.guild.memberCount
collector.on("end", (_, reason) => {
if (reason === "time") {
return message.error("misc:TIMEOUT");
module.exports = Welcome;