module.exports = { /* The token of your Discord Bot */ token: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", /* UserID of your Discord Bot */ userId: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", /* The URL of the MongoDB database */ mongoDB: "mongodb://", /* Set to true for production */ /* If set to false, commands only will be registered on the server */ production: true, /* Spotify */ spotify: { clientId: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", clientSecret: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", }, /* YouTube Cookie */ youtubeCookie: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", /* Support server */ support: { id: "123456789098765432", // The ID of the support server logs: "123456789098765432", // The channel's ID for logs on the support server (when bot joins or leaves a guild) invite: "", // Invite link to the support server }, /* Embeds defaults */ embed: { color: "#00FF00", // Color footer: { text: "My Discord Bot | v" + require("./package.json").version, // Footer text }, }, /* Bot's owner informations */ owner: { id: "123456789098765432", // The ID of the bot's owner }, /* Add your own API keys here */ apiKeys: { shlink: "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789098" /* REST API key */, }, };