{ "DESCRIPTION": "Play Guess The Number", "USAGE": "", "EXAMPLES": "number", "GAME_START": "I have chosen a number, start guessing!\nWrite STOP if you want to stop the game", "TOO_BIG": "{{user}}, my number is **greater** than `{{number}}`", "TOO_SMALL": "{{user}}, my number is **smaller** than `{{number}}`", "WON": "{{winner}} has won {{credits}}", "DEFEAT": "No one guessed the number! It was **{{number}}**", "GAME_STATS": "🎉 | {{winner}} has guessed the number! It was **{{number}}**!\n\n**Statistics:**\n*-* __**Duration**__: {{time}}\n*-* __**Participants ({{participantCount}})**__: {{participants}}", "GAME_RUNNING": "The game is already in progress", "DELETE_CHANNEL": "Game has ended. Do you want to delete this channel?" }