{ "DESCRIPTION": "Marry someone you love!", "USAGE": "marry [@member]", "EXAMPLES": "marry @Jonny_Bro#4226", "INVALID_MEMBER": "You must mention a valid member!", "ALREADY_MARRIED": "You are already married! First use `divorce` to divorce.", "ALREADY_MARRIED_USER": "The place is taken, companion! **{{username}}** is already married!", "YOURSELF": "You can't marry yourself!", "REQUEST_AUTHOR_TO_AMEMBER": "You already have a pending request to **{{username}}**!", "REQUEST_AMEMBER_TO_AUTHOR": "**{{username}}** has already sent you a request! Please refuse or accept it (or wait until it expires in a few minutes).", "REQUEST_AMEMBER_TO_MEMBER": "**{{secondUsername}}** has already sent a request to **{{firstUsername}}**!", "REQUEST_MEMBER_TO_AMEMBER": "**{{firstUsername}} has already sent a request to **{{secondUsername}}**! Wait until **{{secondUsername}}** accepts or refuses the request from **{{firstUsername}}** or until it expires and try again!", "TIMEOUT": "{{username}} did not answer... Wait until he/she is logged in and try again!", "SUCCESS": "🎉 Congratulations! **{{creator}}** and **{{partner}}** you are now married!", "DENIED": "{{creator}}, I have some bad news... {{partner}} refused your proposal.", "REQUEST": "{{to}}, do you agree to marry {{from}}? Answer with \"yes\" or \"no\"!", "BOT_USER": "It refused your proposal!" }