import { User } from "discord.js"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { RawTrackData, TrackJSON } from "../types/types"; import { Playlist } from "./Playlist"; import { Queue } from "./Queue"; declare class Track { player: Player; title: string; description: string; author: string; url: string; thumbnail: string; duration: string; views: number; requestedBy: User; playlist?: Playlist; readonly raw: RawTrackData; readonly id: string; /** * Track constructor * @param {Player} player The player that instantiated this Track * @param {RawTrackData} data Track data */ constructor(player: Player, data: RawTrackData); private _patch; /** * The queue in which this track is located * @type {Queue} */ get queue(): Queue; /** * The track duration in millisecond * @type {number} */ get durationMS(): number; /** * Returns source of this track * @type {TrackSource} */ get source(): import("../types/types").TrackSource; /** * String representation of this track * @returns {string} */ toString(): string; /** * Raw JSON representation of this track * @returns {TrackJSON} */ toJSON(hidePlaylist?: boolean): TrackJSON; } export default Track; export { Track };