const Command = require("../../base/Command.js"); class Unban extends Command { constructor (client) { super(client, { name: "unban", dirname: __dirname, enabled: true, guildOnly: true, aliases: [ "deban", "déban" ], memberPermissions: [ "BAN_MEMBERS" ], botPermissions: [ "SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS", "BAN_MEMBERS" ], nsfw: false, ownerOnly: false, cooldown: 3000 }); } async run (message, args) { let user = null; if(!args[0]){ return message.error("moderation/unban:MISSING_ID"); } // Check if the arg is an ID or a username const isId = !isNaN(args[0]); if(isId){ // Try to find a user with that ID await this.client.users.fetch(args[0]).then((u) => { // if a user was found user = u; }).catch(() => {}); } else if(!isId) { const arr = args[0].split("#"); if(arr.length < 2){ return message.error("misc:NO_USER_FOUND_ID", { id: args[0] }); } user = this.client.users.filter((u) => u.username === arr[0]).find((u) => u.discriminator === arr[1]); } if(!user){ return message.error("misc:NO_USER_FOUND_ID", { id: args[0] }); } // check if the user is banned const banned = await message.guild.fetchBans(); if(!banned.some((e) => ==={ return message.success("moderation/unban:NOT_BANNED", { username: user.tag }); } // Unban user message.guild.members.unban(user).catch(() => {}); // Send a success message in the current channel message.success("moderation/unban:UNBANNED", { username: user.tag, server: }); } } module.exports = Unban;