/* eslint-disable no-async-promise-executor */ const { Intents } = require("discord.js"), config = require("../config"), fetch = require("node-fetch"), chalk = require("chalk"), success = (message) => console.log(` ${chalk.green("✓")} ${message}`), error = (message, howToFix) => console.log(` ${chalk.red("✗")} ${message}${howToFix ? ` : ${howToFix}` : ""}`), ignore = (message) => console.log(` ${chalk.yellow("~")} ${message}`); const checks = [ () => { console.log("\n\nEnvironnement"); return new Promise((res) => { if (parseInt(process.version.split(".")[0].split("v")[1]) >= 12) { success("node.js version equal or higher than v12"); } else { error("node.js version should be equal or higher than v12"); } res(); }); }, () => { console.log("\n\nDiscord Bot"); return new Promise((res) => { const Discord = require("discord.js"); const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: Object.keys(Intents.FLAGS) }); let readyResolve; new Promise((resolve) => readyResolve = resolve); client.login(config.token).then(async () => { success("Valid bot token"); await readyResolve(); if (!client.guilds.cache.has("568120814776614924")) { error("Should be added to the emojis server", "please add your bot on this server: https://discord.gg/5wrBEwE4bc to make the emojis working"); } else { success("Added to the emojis server"); } res(); }).catch(() => { error("Should be a valid bot token"); res(); }); client.on("ready", readyResolve); }); }, () => { console.log("\n\nMongoDB"); return new Promise((res) => { const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient; const dbName = config.mongoDB.split("/").pop(); const baseURL = config.mongoDB.substr(0, config.mongoDB.length - dbName.length); const client = new MongoClient(baseURL, { useUnifiedTopology: true }); client.connect().then(async () => { success("Connection to Mongo database success"); res(); }).catch(() => { error("Not able to connect to Mongo database", "please verify if the MongoDB server is started"); res(); }); }); }, () => { console.log("\n\nAPI keys"); return new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (!config.apiKeys.amethyste) { ignore("Amethyste API is not configured, skipping check."); } else { const res = await fetch("https://v1.api.amethyste.moe/generate/blurple", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiKeys.amethyste}` } }); const result = await res.json(); if (result.status === 401) { error("Not valid Amethyste API key", "get your key here: https://api.amethyste.moe/"); } else { success("Valid Amethyste API key"); } } if (!config.apiKeys.blagueXYZ) { ignore("blague.xyz API is not configured, skipping check."); } else { const res = await fetch("https://blague.xyz/api/joke/random", { headers: { Authorization: config.apiKeys.blagueXYZ } }); const result = await res.json(); if (result.status === 401) { error("Not valid blague.xyz key", "get your key here: https://blague.xyz/"); } else { success("Valid blague.xyz key"); } } resolve(); }); }, () => { console.log("\n\nDashboard"); return new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (!config.dashboard.enabled) { ignore("Dashboard is not enabled, skipping check."); } else { const checkPortTaken = (port) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const net = require("net"); const tester = net.createServer() .once("error", () => { resolve(true); }) .once("listening", function () { tester .once("close", function () { resolve(false); }) .close(); }) .listen(port); }); }; const isPortTaken = await checkPortTaken(config.dashboard.port); if (isPortTaken) { error("Dashboard port not available", "you have probably another process using this port"); } else { success("Dashboard port is available"); } } resolve(); }); } ]; (async () => { console.log(chalk.yellow("This script will check if your config is errored, and some other important things such as whether your database is started, etc...")); for (const check of checks) { await check(); } process.exit(0); })();