{ "DESCRIPTION": "Set the birthday date that appear on your profile", "USAGE": "{{prefix}}birthdate (date)", "EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}birthdate 01/12/2000", "MISSING_DATE": "Please enter a valid date! For example, 01/12/2000", "INVALID_DATE": "You must use the following date format: DD/MM/YYYY. For example, `December 1, 2000` will be `01/12/2000`.", "INVALID_DATE_FORMAT": "You must use the following date format: DD/MM/YYYY. For example, `December 1, 2000` will be `01/12/2000`.", "DATE_TOO_HIGH": "More than 80 years old? :eyes:", "DATE_TOO_LOW": "Humm, nop! You must be born!", "HAPPY_BIRTHDAY": "Happy birthday!", "HAPPY_BIRTHDAY_MESSAGE": "Happy birthday, <@{{user}}>!", "SUCCESS": "Your birthday has been set on {{date}}!" }