require("./helpers/extenders"); const Sentry = require("@sentry/node"), util = require("util"), fs = require("fs"), readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir), mongoose = require("mongoose"), chalk = require("chalk"); const config = require("./config"); if (config.apiKeys.sentryDSN) { try { Sentry.init({ dsn: config.apiKeys.sentryDSN }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log(chalk.yellow("Looks like your Sentry DSN key is invalid. If you do not intend to use Sentry, please remove the key from the configuration file.")); }; }; // Load JaBa class const JaBa = require("./base/JaBa"), client = new JaBa(); const init = async () => { // Search for all commands const directories = await readdir("./commands/"); client.logger.log(`Loading a total of ${directories.length} categories.`, "log"); directories.forEach(async (dir) => { const commands = await readdir(`./commands/${dir}/`); commands.filter((cmd) => cmd.split(".").pop() === "js").forEach((cmd) => { const response = client.loadCommand(`./commands/${dir}`, cmd); if (response) { client.logger.log(response, "error"); }; }); }); // Then we load events, which will include our message and ready event. const evtFiles = await readdir("./events/"); client.logger.log(`Loading a total of ${evtFiles.length} events.`, "log"); evtFiles.forEach((file) => { const eventName = file.split(".")[0]; client.logger.log(`Loading Event: ${eventName}`); const event = new (require(`./events/${file}`))(client); client.on(eventName, (...args) =>; delete require.cache[require.resolve(`./events/${file}`)]; }); client.login(client.config.token); // Log in to the discord api // connect to mongoose database mongoose.connect(client.config.mongoDB, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }).then(() => { client.logger.log("Connected to the Mongodb database.", "log"); }).catch((err) => { client.logger.log("Unable to connect to the Mongodb database. Error:"+err, "error"); }); const languages = require("./helpers/languages"); client.translations = await languages(); const autoUpdateDocs = require("./helpers/autoUpdateDocs.js"); autoUpdateDocs.update(client); }; init(); // if there are errors, log them client.on("disconnect", () => client.logger.log("Bot is disconnecting...", "warn")) .on("reconnecting", () => client.logger.log("Bot reconnecting...", "log")) .on("error", (e) => client.logger.log(e, "error")) .on("warn", (info) => client.logger.log(info, "warn")); // if there is an unhandledRejection, log them process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => console.error(err));