## <zero-md> > Ridiculously simple zero-config markdown displayer A native markdown-to-html web component based on [Custom Elements V1 specs](https://www.w3.org/TR/custom-elements/) to load and display an external MD file. Under the hood, it uses [Marked](https://github.com/markedjs/marked) for super-fast markdown transformation, and [Prism](https://github.com/PrismJS/prism) for feature-packed syntax highlighting - automagically rendering into its own self-contained shadow DOM container, while encapsulating implementation details into one embarassingly easy-to-use package. **NOTE: This is documentation for V2. If you're looking for the older version, see the [V1 docs](https://zerodevx.github.io/zero-md/v1/).** Featuring: * Automated hash-link scrolls * Built-in FOUC prevention * Automatically rewrite URLs relative to `src` * Automatically re-render when `src` changes * Automatically re-render when inline markdown or style template changes * Support for >200 code languages with detection for unhinted code blocks * Easy styling mechanism * Highly extensible **NOTE: Your markdown file(s) needs to be hosted! Browsers don't generally allow javascript to access files on the local hard drive because of security concerns. Standard [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) rules apply.**