const chalk = require("chalk"); console.log("Migrating database from v4.6.4 to v4.7.0...\n\n")); let MongoClient; try { MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient; } catch (e) { console.log("Cannot find module mongodb. Please install it using \"npm install mongodb\" before executing script.")); process.exit(1); } const config = require("../config.js"); const dbName = config.mongoDB.split("/").pop(); const baseURL = config.mongoDB.substr(0, config.mongoDB.length - dbName.length); const client = new MongoClient(baseURL, { useUnifiedTopology: true }); client.connect().then(async () => { console.log("Connected successfully to mongoDB database.")); const db = client.db(dbName); const guilds = db.collection("guilds"); const count = await guilds.countDocuments({ $or: [{ language: "english" }, { language: "russian" }] }); console.log(chalk.yellow(`${count} guilds need to be migrated. Migrating...`)); await guilds.updateMany({ language: "english" }, { $set: { language: "en-US" } }); await guilds.updateMany({ language: "russian" }, { $set: { language: "ru-RU" } }); console.log(`${count} guilds migrated.`)); console.log("\n\nDatabase migrated from v4.6.4 to v4.7.0...")); process.exit(0); }).catch(() => { console.log("Couldn't connect to mongoDB database...")); process.exit(1); });