{ "DESCRIPTION": "Manage your server backups in an efficient way!", "USAGE": "{{prefix}}backup [create/load/infos]", "EXAMPLES": "{{prefix}}backup create\n{{prefix}}backup load 558328638911545423\n{{prefix}}backup infos 558328638911545423", "MISSING_STATUS": "Select an action between: `create`, `load` and `info`!", "MISSING_BACKUP_ID": "Please enter a backup ID!", "NO_BACKUP_FOUND": "No backup found for `{{backupID}}`", "SUCCESS_PUBLIC": "Backup successfully created! The backup ID has been sent to you in private messages!", "SUCCESS_PRIVATE": "Here's your backup ID: `{{backupID}}`, use it to load your backup on an another server!", "CONFIRMATION": ":warning: | **Loading a backup will replace the actual server with the saved one.**\n\n:arrow_right_hook: *Answer by sending `confirm` to confirm this action!*", "START_LOADING": "Backup loading started!", "LOAD_SUCCESS": "Backup successfully loaded!", "TITLE_INFO": "Backup Information", "TITLE_ID": "ID", "TITLE_SERVER_ID": "Server ID", "TITLE_SIZE": "Size", "TITLE_CREATED_AT": "Created At" }